Here's my experience:
Shipped my unit on February 9th, 2015
DJI Received it on February 18th, 2015
DJI Checked it in and received and email on February 24th, 2015 Email stated it would take 3-4 weeks.
Sent email on February 25th, 2015 question why the length of time.
DJI responded on February 25th, 2015 stating that it is a ProLine Product and should be less that 3-4 weeks.
DJI Notified me on March 10th, 2015 that the repair was completed. Basically replaced a broken arm. Repair was free which leads me to believe it was a fault with the unit. They say that they tested and flew it.
DJI Notified me on March 11th, 2015 that the unit will be shipped and provided me with a Fedex Waybill Number
Fedex shows that the unit will arrive on March 18th, 2015.
So about 5 weeks. As others had told me, be patient. But it's very difficult when you have invested so much. I think it is understandable if it is pilot error, but for a warranty repair they need to pick it up. The biggest hurdle is lack of communication. Throughout the time it was away, very little communication and I asked, to the point I got chastised on this forum. Overall, until I get my unit back and I want to see, did they actually upgrade the firmware, because if they didn't, how much did they really test. I asked the question on zendesk, but they still haven't replied. Oh Well, I guess they're fixing the next ones.
Good luck to all and hope you get your units back very soon, so we can actually fly them.