[Works]First Cut Silage at Purcell Farms trying to beat the rain1#
12 hours ago[Works]Power Harrowing | New Holland T7.235 | Kveneland NGS 101 F351#
20 hours ago[Works]John Deere 9500i | Third Cut Silage | E Gamble & Sons1#
9-5 11:17[Works]Going hedgecutting with the Digger | 130-6 Zaxxis | McConaghy Con...1#
9-1 09:59[Works]John Deere 6155R | Umbilical Slurry | Connolly Farms1#
8-27 11:46[Works]Second Cut Silage | John Deere 9800i | DJ McKay & Son1#
8-25 11:08[Works]Crushing Winter Wheat | Wakely 1240 Mill | Lyons Contracts1#
8-22 11:57[Works]Power Harrowing | New Holland T7.235 | Kveneland NGS 101 F35 4#
20 hours ago