Hi DJI Thor,
My issues with the new firmware on the P4P Pro are similar
- During firmware (01.04.0602) upgrade the gimbal start getting noisy
- Noisy gimbal after firmware upgrade and restarting the copter
- Gimbal is moving during this noice horizontal (dancing from left to right)
- Gimbal support get hot
- Calibration of the Gimbal after Firmware upgrade via App stopped by 50%
- Downgrade to a other Software is not possible, as it is not available
What did I do so far
- Deinstallation of the existing Firmware by DJI Assistant 2. Hopefully it was a real de-installation .... I do not think so, because the noise of the gimbal starts directly after restarting the copter
- Installing the new software via WLAN, 3-4 times, installing was successfully 100%
- Installing the new software via Assistance 2 via MAC PRO, 3-4 times, installing was successfully 100%
Installed Software
- Copter firmware: 01.04.0602
- Controller software:
- Databases of copter and App:
- App: 4.1.3
I am interested to get the beta for testing to oo_anka @ icloud.com
Thanks in advance