Second Officer
Flight distance : 388642 ft
United Kingdom
Punchbuggy Posted at 2017-6-18 16:34
Heeeey, I liked that movie! (OK, a little dated now, but...) ;-)
Anyway, I doubt that anything will make a difference, although I'd love to have confirmed what actually creates the noise. I can tell you for a fact that my P4P makes more noise than my P4 does...
It does make a difference, mine came with 2 sets of props, one of which I have removed the DJI logos, cleaned up all the other moulding marks, and smoothed the surface. I can very easily tell which set is in use from the noise. I can also tell when my quiet set needs cleaning, fly debris makes a noticeable difference on that set.
There are 2 sources of noise, the main one is caused by the prop blades passing over the arms which temporarily creates high pressure over the arm but stops producing pressure under the aircraft thus creating a pressure wave - sound, this gives a clean, fairly low frequency drone sound. The second source is caused by turbulence of the air passing over the blade which creates high frequency noise, a smooth clean blade creates less turbulence and less noise. You can't get rid of the drone sound, but you can get rid of a lot of the noise turning it from an angry swarm of hive bees into a calm bumble bee.
There is a disadvantage though, if I'm flying somewhere noisy like next to a river or the sea then I will fit the noisy props so that I can hear it at a reasonable distance, then get worried if I am hand catching it because it sounds dangerous compared to running the quiet set!
You can also get noise from propeller imbalance which makes the whole aircraft vibrate. The standard props are normally pretty good but they can be improved making the whole aircraft less noisy, I think you need to be fairly close to hear this though, unless the props are out of balance because they are damaged. |