 Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12400594 ft
ThaBigPerm Posted at 2017-7-11 08:20
I just got back from a trip to the mountains where the exact same thing happened - bought a Mavic Pro Fly More kit in April for the 4th of July trip to the San Juans. Flew it 2-3 times to check it out around home. One last time fired up when packing for the trip. Get to the mountains and it's locked. Firmware updates, Geo updates, and NFZ errors in the middle of no-innernets nowhere. Got back and the retailer agreed to take it back several months beyond the 30day return policy and give me a refund. DJI drones are awesome - if you only intend to fly around your back yard or RC park "Wheee! Look at it go!", but I already have a $60 toy drone from Fry's for that. I'd never accept this from any of my DSLRs, bricking every time an update comes out. As for NFZ, I was "nowhere" near one. I say "nowhere" in quotes because it depends on how generous a margin DJI puts around NFZs. If they have a 30mi buffer around every State Park, National Park, or Congressionally Designated Wilderness area out there, I imagine all the overlapping buffers would indeed blanket out an entire corner of a state. But ... I was in legally flyable areas, so that's DJIs problem, not mine, anymore.
You know you say you checked just before you left for your trip, but you never said exactly when, but let's say it was two days before you left, well there were no new firmware updates between this time in fact firmware updates were many days previous to when you left for your trip.
So without having to read much more I think this was partly due to your own neglect. |