RC Signal Lost after firmware upgrade attempt
12915 35 2017-7-2
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Phan 3 Pro.  iPad.  Remote.  Was flying fine.

Attempted to upgrade firmware with DJI-Go.   Got thru what I think was Remote upgrade.  Now cannot connect to Phantom properly.

Following these steps:

Top bar on ipad  running DJI-GO says:  "RC Signal Lost"

On DJI-go app, touch top bar for 'system status'.

Touch "overall status"  

No status shows.  It did how before upgrade attempt.

App version is 3.1.12
Remote is 1.8.0

How do I get back into upgrade mode in DJI-GO?   Or otherwise recover where I was.

Can I load the latest firmware onto the SD card via my PC and upgrade. like I used to do?


HELP!!!  Thanks.

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I contacted DJI's online help, and was told that I needed to first update the firmware.
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I contacted DJI's online help, and was told that I needed to first update the firmware.  So I followed their instructions for both the Phantom and the Remote Controller.  Both failed to update.  The problem remains that the DJI-go screen still says "RC Signal Lost".  I can see the battery status and the camera image, but cannot communicate with the Aircraft.
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DJI-go says that the aircraft firmware is up to date, and gives me no options to upgrade anything.   This thing worked fine yesterday morning, before I attempted the upgrade.  Now it is toast, except for being a remote TV camera.

The instructions for update say I must use DJI-go because I have later firmware, but I can't find a way to make it work.  I tried the old-fashioned way via plugging in SD cards, but that does not work.  So what the heck do I do?
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fansf08ea396 Posted at 2017-7-3 11:21
DJI-go says that the aircraft firmware is up to date, and gives me no options to upgrade anything.   This thing worked fine yesterday morning, before I attempted the upgrade.  Now it is toast, except for being a remote TV camera.

The instructions for update say I must use DJI-go because I have later firmware, but I can't find a way to make it work.  I tried the old-fashioned way via plugging in SD cards, but that does not work.  So what the heck do I do?

"Now it is toast, except for being a remote TV camera."

So what's not working ?

Edit:- you have tried relinking RC to aircraft ?
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United States

Well, another day on the 'on-line' dji support service.   Again, they offered no solution.  

I asked about some way to restore it back to some original set of firmware, and he said "yes, you need to use Assistant2" available on dji . com.   I didn't see it, so I asked him where to find it.

He looked for it and, behold, couldn't find it either.  Maybe someday it will be available he said.

So he gave me a phone number to call tomorrow.   Should I call it?  Or will it be a further waste of time?

All of you forum readers out there:  Do you know of a way to restore all the firmware to a know good set?   Kind of a reset and start over?  If so, I promise never to upgrade again.
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fansf08ea396 Posted at 2017-7-3 13:51
Well, another day on the 'on-line' dji support service.   Again, they offered no solution.  

I asked about some way to restore it back to some original set of firmware, and he said "yes, you need to use Assistant2" available on dji . com.   I didn't see it, so I asked him where to find it.

"Do you know of a way to restore all the firmware to a know good set?"

Yes, but first have you tried relinking RC to Aircraft ?
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United States

Yes, I've repeatedly re-linked the RC to the aircraft.  It still says "RC Signal Lost".   And I can see the battery status and the camera video, but cannot control the Phan or see Phan status.

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fansf08ea396 Posted at 2017-7-3 16:14
Yes, I've repeatedly re-linked the RC to the aircraft.  It still says "RC Signal Lost".   And I can see the battery status and the camera video, but cannot control the Phan or see Phan status.


Ok, so when all is connected and powered up you are seeing a green LED on RC ?

If so then try 'resetting' the RC:-

To reset the RC:

* Turn on the controller, the aircraft should be off.
* Press C1, C2, and shutter (top right button nearest antenna) on the controller and hold for about 2 seconds or so until it beeps (D-DDD), then turn the controller off.
* Turn on both the aircraft and the controller and link the remote if needed. This can be done manually (without using DJI Go):-

* Turn on both the aircraft and the controller.
* Press C1, C2, and the record button (top left button) on the controller, then the controller will beep 'D-DD'.
*Let go all fingers, then press the wheel on the right side of the controller and then the first light of the controller will become blue and it will constantly beep DDDD.
* Use a pen to click the linking button on the aircraft and hold for 3-5 seconds, and then take the pen off the aircraft and wait, it will be linked soon.

Also calibrate the RC when all else is done.
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United States

Thanks for the information.

I followed your instructions, resetting the RC, then linking it to the aircraft.   All went as you described.

But as before, when I get them linked, the status at the top of the DJI-GO screen says:    RC Signal lost

And if I try the 'push to takeoff' on the Go screen, it says:  'Command did not work' or something like that.

Again I suspect that somehow I upgraded the RC or the Aircraft, but not both.  And so I have them in a mode so that they cannot communicate with each other (except for battery and camera).

So I think I need a way to kind of 'start-over' with known firmware on both the RC and the Aircraft.   Either thru DJI-Go or by loading firmware onto an  SD card.

In the mean time I will repeat the above steps, and let you know if it works differently.   I sure hope so, but don't have much confidence.
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United States

I repeated your steps, and get the same results.   Even after linking, the message is still:  RC Signal lost.    Any other ideas?   Thanks.

Oh, and the message I get if I attempt the 'auto takeoff' is:  "Command timeout"     So the RC thinks it sent a command, but did not get an answer.  
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fansf08ea396 Posted at 2017-7-4 10:12
I repeated your steps, and get the same results.   Even after linking, the message is still:  RC Signal lost.    Any other ideas?   Thanks.

Oh, and the message I get if I attempt the 'auto takeoff' is:  "Command timeout"     So the RC thinks it sent a command, but did not get an answer.

Edit:- Is the LED on the RC green or red ?

Try downloading and installing firmware from Here. Note that the file you download needs to be in-archived, this will produce a file with the file extension '.bin'.
Place this file on an sd card (preferably newly formatted), and try a re-install of firmware. It's been over a year since I last did P3P, so I can't remember if you need to roll back to a previous version first, and then re-install latest to ensure all files are overwritten with new.

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United States

    Here are the results of the last few attempts to upgrade with the SD card (after the attempt with DJI-go):

========== 2014.01.01 00:00:12 remo-con disconnect======
Packet: P3X_FW_V01.10.0090.bin
Upgrading ...
Result: Failed.
Reboot the aircraft and try to upgrade the firmware again.

========== 2014.01.01 00:00:12 remo-con disconnect======
Packet: P3X_FW_V01.10.0090.bin
Upgrading ...
Result: Failed.
Reboot the aircraft and try to upgrade the firmware again.

========== 2014.01.01 00:00:11 remo-con disconnect======
Packet: P3X_FW_V01.06.0040.bin
Result: Abort.
The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft.

========== 2014.01.01 00:00:12 remo-con disconnect======
Packet: P3X_FW_V01.03.0020.bin
Result: Abort.
The current firmware does not support downgrade. Use a different version of firmware to downgrade the target version.

========== 2014.01.01 00:00:12 remo-con disconnect======
Packet: P3X_FW_V01.04.0010.bin
Result: Abort.
The current firmware does not support downgrade. Use a different version of firmware to downgrade the target version.

========== 2014.01.01 00:00:12 remo-con disconnect======
Packet: P3X_FW_V01.06.0040.bin
Result: Abort.
The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft.

========== 2014.01.01 00:00:12 remo-con disconnect======
Packet: P3X_FW_V01.09.0060.bin
Upgrading ...
Result: Failed.
Reboot the aircraft and try to upgrade the firmware again.

========== 2014.01.01 00:00:12 remo-con disconnect======
Packet: P3X_FW_V01.09.0060.bin
Upgrading ...
Result: Failed.
Reboot the aircraft and try to upgrade the firmware again.


Note the attempt first with the newest 1.10, followed by older versions, etc.
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United States

Know any tricks to force the RC to update using DJI-GO?
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Based on this information, I think the aircraft has a recent version of the firmware, whatever DJI-GO installed when I used it.

If this is true, then I assume that the Remote Controller still has an older version, which is not compatible.   But I cannot find a way to make DJI-GO update the RC.   I tried attaching the SD card to the RC and powering it on, but have not gotten good results.   I will investigate the RC further.
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United States

My remote is version 1.8.0, by the way.
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fansf08ea396 Posted at 2017-7-4 12:36
My remote is version 1.8.0, by the way.

V1.8 is the latest for the RC I believe, in some instances rolling back to V1.6 has helped.:-

Connect display device (with good wifi connection) to RC and power both up (aircraft off).

Run DJI Go, on initial screen (where it displays aircraft type etc) at top right hand corner you will see a 'graduation hat' icon (or perhaps three lines if DJI Go 4). Hold your finger on that for about 5 seconds and release. You should now see a black screen appear with an option to roll back RC firmware (you may have to sellect V1.6 in the roll down menu). Make sure RC is well charged, takes about 5 minutes or so. Power down when complete. Restart all and check all working, you may need to relink RC to aircraft.

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United States

   After trying various upgrades, I powered up the RC and Aircraft and found something has changed:

Now I see a warning pop up on DJI-Go:     Aircraft Firmware Inconsistent, Go to Academy> Video Tutorials> Upgrading

And at the top of the screen, I now see "Upgrade Radio", instead of "RC Signal Lost".      That's a new one for me.

The dji-go app version is now 3.1.13 (was 3.1.12).  The Remote Controller version remains 1.8,0.   Still cannot fly, same "Command Timeout" error.

So the saga continues.  I will try to find the 'Adademy'.

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United States

Am I the only person who has these problems.
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fansf08ea396 Posted at 2017-7-4 13:11
Am I the only person who has these problems.

Still no green LED on RC ?
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fansf08ea396 Posted at 2017-7-4 13:11
Am I the only person who has these problems.

"Aircraft Firmware Inconsistent, "

I suspect that may be the battery firmware needing updating, you need to run the aircraft firmware update for each battery you have. I'm beginning to wonder if there is a fault on RC or Aircraft.
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United States

Since I can't get any upgrade to work (that I can tell), I'm at a loss.    My next plan is to find someone else who has a P3 and see if his Remote Control will work with my aircraft.   Of course his remote firmware might be out of sync, but maybe we can determine something.

The aircraft always has the (front") led's lite constantly red, which is a 'critical' error.   But what the heck is the critical error?   The camera works.  Other functions work.  But it won't fly.

It would be nice if DJI provided some sort of diagnostics program that would give me a clue.

And of course, it flew fine two days ago, until I attempted a 'firmware update' that it told me I needed to do.
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United States

Oh, and the light on the RC is green.  And after 'linking' (which I never had to do before),  dji-go is back to displaying "RC Signal Lost"

Have any idea what DJI would charge to diagnose and fix the problem?
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fansf08ea396 Posted at 2017-7-4 15:10
Since I can't get any upgrade to work (that I can tell), I'm at a loss.    My next plan is to find someone else who has a P3 and see if his Remote Control will work with my aircraft.   Of course his remote firmware might be out of sync, but maybe we can determine something.

The aircraft always has the (front") led's lite constantly red, which is a 'critical' error.   But what the heck is the critical error?   The camera works.  Other functions work.  But it won't fly.

Front LEDs are always red (unless you disable them), those are navigation lights. The rear LEDs are the ones that change colour or sequence to indicate aircrafts status.

Green LED on RC indicates that it has a link to aircraft (generally an indication that comms is OK).
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fansf08ea396 Posted at 2017-7-4 15:16
Oh, and the light on the RC is green.  And after 'linking' (which I never had to do before),  dji-go is back to displaying "RC Signal Lost"

Have any idea what DJI would charge to diagnose and fix the problem?

Which device are you using ? I generally use an iPad. Upgraded my Nexus 7 (2013) Android tablet which I have as a standby, and some strange things happening with it. Battery was very low, so now on charge and will see what happens when charged.

Edit:- After battery charged all OK. So these oddities now gone (Started motors, Aircraft Disconnected showed up, USB must have been shutting down for power saving mode), and showing 'Gimbal Disconnected' in status screen.
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United States

I have an iPad.  Have used it for two years with no problems.    And prior to this new problem, I never had to 'relink' the remote and aircraft.  They just powered up working together.

I think the rear led's are blinking yellow.  I will double check.  The blinking yellow indicates 'not connected to remote control', I think.  Which is  true.

Have you done updates using dji-go?   It seemed like it would be simple.  Just touch it and go.   It seemed to be doing something for a few minutes.  But after it finished, nothing worked.    And the upgrade option that was there in dji-go has disappeared.   If I could get it to re-appear, then maybe I could start the upgrade over???

Prior to this attempt, I used the 'load the SD card' method, which always worked for me.

The odd thing is that I can see the battery status and the camera video, but cannot connect to any of the P3 flight stuff.

I'm still searching for a local Remote Controller that I can borrow to see if it works with my P3.   These high tech toys are frustratiing.
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United States

I know i am couple of weeks late on this thread, but did you get to figure out how to solve the issue?  I am having an exact same issue after latest firmware update.  
It is really frustrating.  fansf08ea396, if you resolved the issue can you share it on this thread?  It will be much appreciated!
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Esteria Posted at 2017-7-29 19:09
I know i am couple of weeks late on this thread, but did you get to figure out how to solve the issue?  I am having an exact same issue after latest firmware update.  
It is really frustrating.  fansf08ea396, if you resolved the issue can you share it on this thread?  It will be much appreciated!

I know have the same issue, remote needed an update and jumped straight from 1.3 to 1.9, No mention of 1.6 or 1.8 or anything else to even choose from. I know you're supposed to do each update in order.
linking LED on aircraft altinates between red and green.
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Inferno-Videos Posted at 2018-3-9 16:33
I know have the same issue, remote needed an update and jumped straight from 1.3 to 1.9, No mention of 1.6 or 1.8 or anything else to even choose from. I know you're supposed to do each update in order.
linking LED on aircraft altinates between red and green.

Okay so I did some looking around and found a video on Phantom 4 with the same issues, I thought it was worth a try at least. The P4 uses the GO APP 4 and people say it's not the same, however in the video (which I will link) most features are the same so I tried what this guy does but I used the GO APP instead and it worked. It listed the firmware updates I could roll back to as: 1.8, 1.6 or 1.5.8 so I went down to the lowest one and then re-linked RC when done.

Not a total fix but I got my drone back up and working.
I will look into doing the upgrade again properly in the future when I know it's safe as I want the multiple flight modes to work.
Please watch the video and try using it in your app, it will ask on screen which upgrade you wish to use, trust me it will be a down grade not  an upgrade.

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Rc signal lost and my mavic light is yellow what can I do ?
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United States

I am very late to this thread but I have the exact same problem and have not been able to find a fix.
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WilliamFrohne Posted at 5-19 16:20
I am very late to this thread but I have the exact same problem and have not been able to find a fix.

If you want help, it is no good saying 'I have the exact same problem'. The same as who? This thread is 3 years old. Explain what model aircraft you have and which controller, what firmware version for the aircraft and RC unit and what you have done so far. Then someone might be able to help you.
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United States

Geebax Posted at 5-19 19:21
If you want help, it is no good saying 'I have the exact same problem'. The same as who? This thread is 3 years old. Explain what model aircraft you have and which controller, what firmware version for the aircraft and RC unit and what you have done so far. Then someone might be able to help you.

I have a phantom 3 standard that shows the video but gives the error RC signal lost and will not let me update the firmware I have tried every firmware update method but the update or roll back always fails. I have reset the drone and controller several times and tried just about everything I could find to try on these forms. This seems to be a relatively frequent problem as there are several threads with many people talking of the same issue yet I have found no solution.
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trasmitter singnal lost
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dji phantom 2 yellow working
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What are you talking about djiuser_9vcGh6PKBOiP?
This is a four year old dead thread.
Suggest you start a new one saying what drone and what's the problem.
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