Flight distance : 2528264 ft
United States
Aloha Bond,
The problem you are describing is usually due to your device being underpowered. By underpowered, I do not mean the machine is old or inadequate (although it may be) but tablets and phones have limited processor and RAM resources that get tied up with apps that have nothing to do with flying the Phantom.
Be sure your device has a multi-processor and 2 GB of RAM. Being less than 2 years old is also helpful.
You will need to be sure that you have disabled all apps that are not needed to fly your bird. As a test, at least, you may want to put your device in Airplane Mode during a flight to see if the video improves. Airplane Mode will prevent downloads and other interference from taking up RAM and processor time. If you see improvement. That is your problem.
Hope this helps!
Aloha and Drone On! |