Would you buy another DJI drone?
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4758 75 2017-7-27
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United Kingdom

I own a p4p, just got back from indonesia where it worked - kinda, immediately asked me to update firmware even though i just had before leaving. I dont think id personally buy another drone from them until they sort themselves out. Thier platform is so unstable, full of bugs and does not fill me with any amount of confidence. Its a shame really as the potential is definitely there, its just awfully implemented and supported.

Who here would buy from dji again?
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United States

Heck to the NOOOOOO!!!!!!!
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Flight distance : 817713 ft
United States

A year ago I would have said certainly yes. Now I am not sure. DJI has taken an anti-customer stand by forcing updates, limiting or greatly restricting features and releasing extremely buggy firmware in the case of the P4. They are also not communicating with the community. We are being treated like criminals because we now have access to hacked firmware that gets around the silly restrictions in DJI's official firmware. Now many owners are learning how to downgrade the firmware on their drones with third party tools. It appears to me that DJI has lost control of its own platform. Instead of stamping out third party tools and firmware, DJI has managed to generate vastly more interest for the modding community. If this continues, users will be deciding between buying older less expensive drones they can mod and newer drones with far more restrictions and limited features. If you are like me that lives where there is terrain, the hacked roms are looking very tempting especially considering that they will be free of the bugs in the latest firmware.
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Flight distance : 93317 ft
United States

I own a DJI Phantom 4, and I would buy another drone from them simply for the ease of use that I mostly find when using it. I'm hoping they release a camera that is better suited for stills on the Inspire 1 or if they would allow for third party compact camera support so that I can get a larger sensor up in the air without shelling out money for the Matrice 600.
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Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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I have 4 I don't have insurmountable problems with any of them. Would I buy another dji drone why not I don't see any other drones in the price range on the market which have any more proven track record. I like flying dji drones that's what I got them for, I don't like complaining I don't need to demand perfect CS , I'm prepared to wait if there is a bug that prevents me from flying, " I can't remember having one" I don't expect fast CS with this type of tech , I've had to use other tech companies CS for repair etc, although it doesn't seem like your waiting long, I think because they keep bombarding telling you everyday where your repair is where it's going to be, how Fred is looking after it, how Betty is typing my invoice , how Fedex will be picking it up , will I be there to accept delivery tracking  number, then thank you for signing we hope you received your repair in good condition, could you please give some feedback on your journey through our repair service.
By the end of this so called excellent CS I'm worn out.

If I send a repair to dji, I just need to check they have received, then I wait until I get it back, I don't need to know what the repair guys are doing unless they need me to know, let them get on with it, why would anyone need to stress themselves over a drone.
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Flight distance : 469734 ft

United States

hallmark007 Posted at 2017-7-27 11:59
I have 4 I don't have insurmountable problems with any of them. Would I buy another dji drone why not I don't see any other drones in the price range on the market which have any more proven track record. I like flying dji drones that's what I got them for, I don't like complaining I don't need to demand perfect CS , I'm prepared to wait if there is a bug that prevents me from flying, " I can't remember having one" I don't expect fast CS with this type of tech , I've had to use other tech companies CS for repair etc, although it doesn't seem like your waiting long, I think because they keep bombarding telling you everyday where your repair is where it's going to be, how Fred is looking after it, how Betty is typing my invoice , how Fedex will be picking it up , will I be there to accept delivery tracking  number, then thank you for signing we hope you received your repair in good condition, could you please give some feedback on your journey through our repair service.
By the end of this so called excellent CS I'm worn out.

I you only had one, would you still feel the same way about the cs?
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Flight distance : 84350 ft

Which other drone with 1" sensor, size of Phantom, 30min flight-time can I buy? None. So there is actually not question to ask. Come back when DJI has competitors.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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RtinTN Posted at 2017-7-27 13:23
I you only had one, would you still feel the same way about the cs?

There was a time I only had one, I've obviously have been lucky, but I haven't experienced what some people seemed to have experienced with dji.
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I've only had 6 so far and they've always been great so when/if they come up with something even better than the one I have now, I'd grab it in a flash.
And as has been mentioned already, it's not like there's anything else that can come close for performance.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1831050 ft
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Absolutely yes, they're simply the best. For now I'm fine with my flock, but patiently waiting for this ultimate, mighty one to be developed to my taste and expectations ... Matrice 300 or whatever ...
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First Officer
Flight distance : 10442687 ft
United States

And pay double the repair charges ?   NOTTA
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Unless they get their act together, the SPARK is the last drone am buying. Telling what and when and mine my phone and drone activities is NOT accpetable PERIOd. Spent over  $10,000.00 and until they give me back my control over my drones..that is it!
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Flight distance : 286411 ft

United States

Well I have 2 as I have said several times. P3S & P3P  I purchased these from ebay used from fed up original owners. And have 6 OEM batteries and I'm at $700. total in my investment.
I would NOT buy from dji nor will I ever send my birds to them. and risk not getting my original products back or their side stepping customer service, hiding behind legalities of time or arbitration in their favor.
You know its past bad, its pathetic.
I do like their product... but until I see considerable improvement of customer service I would not pay new prices for their products. I'll buy from 2nd or 3rd owners wanting rid of problems that have been named repeatedly loud and clear. And either fix myself or send to a non dji repair shop. Thus dji does not see any of my money.
And on another note, I was in the mountains at my brother in laws and they liked my drone and how it flew, but when they heard it was dji.... hey isn't that the company that is locking down drones and policing USA from japan ?  oh no way I'd buy from them.  There were 8-10 couples there and not 1 would buy from dji  from what they had already read in the news. And these were wealthy well to do folks that could pay big money but customer service killed that opportunity.   Keep up the good work.  Word is getting around.

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United States

Three words should sum it up best....."Buyer Be Warned!"
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Jenee 2
First Officer
Flight distance : 7852129 ft

I have both a Mavic and P4P and I couldn't be happier. Excellent drones. I just wouldn't buy any other brand.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 144403 ft

I don't see one single reason why I would/should not, so yes, I would buy another drone from DJI.
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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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United States

Aloha Chewbacca,

     Of course I would buy another DJI drone, especially a Phantom.  I have 4 and would snatch up another one faster than Labroides' Flash!

     From my experience, those who are dissatisfied with DJI and their products really do not know what they are dealing with.  Nor do they want to learn more about what is going on.  It is too challenging.  I really wonder if many of them have even read the manuals.

     That is the only problem with cutting edge technology.  Not all humans are capable of what it takes to use that technology effectively.  Patience of course is paramount.

Aloha and Drone On!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 303373 ft
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no, never again
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 144403 ft

Lectro88 Posted at 2017-7-27 19:34
Well I have 2 as I have said several times. P3S & P3P  I purchased these from ebay used from fed up original owners. And have 6 OEM batteries and I'm at $700. total in my investment.
I would NOT buy from dji nor will I ever send my birds to them. and risk not getting my original products back or their side stepping customer service, hiding behind legalities of time or arbitration in their favor.
You know its past bad, its pathetic.

"hey isn't that the company that is locking down drones and policing USA from japan ?" I think they don't do it *from Japan*... Anyway, where do you think they got the data related to US NFZs? From Russia? (yes, it was Trump who gave the data to Putin in one of their meetings, and Putin immediately sent them to Shenzhen, China...)
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 556667 ft
United Kingdom

I would too. I have had few problems with my two, and I do bellieve it is foolish to think that DJI will be the only ones geofencing. Certainly here in Europe it is to become mandatory. The US not follow suit? I doubt it.
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Flight distance : 69767 ft
United States

I like my P4P but DJI only have the share of the market they do because of the lack of competitors. I dont like the way DJI manage their business, so I would not buy another DJI product. I am about to buy another drone and its not a DJI but is a competitor, its a Turbo Ace Matrix -i , similarly priced in low end spec to the P4P. DJI have a long way to go to understand their customer base and what they want. At the moment they are knee jerk reacting to a) events in China , b) negative press , c) ridiculous Pilot reports of swarms of drones surrounding their aircraft every time they fly, d) recent safety tests which ignore current threats and focus on drones. Im referring here to helicopters with non bird strike capable windscreens, which are quoted by the UK government dpt Qinetic as vulnerable, when there were 36 close incidents reported last year with drones and helicopters , and over 800 with birds. Yet the Govt don't insist on helicopters have bird strike resistant screens fitted, though available, despite the much higher likely hood of a strike of that kind. This current legislation is purely reactionary politicking because of the hysteria created by the negative press on drone use.
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Flight distance : 99970 ft
United States

Yes, definitely would buy again. I have a P4P+ and love it. I realize there are some with problems but my AC has been reliable and no problems with the updates. I am making money with mine and it performs as it should.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1375846 ft
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United States

I'm on my 5th DJI device (4th DJI quad), and even with issues I have had and with issues others have reported, I intend to buy more DJI products.
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Flight distance : 5259 ft
United States

Not ever! Its become obvious that DJI has no interest in the users. I did really enjoy my P4 until the latest firmware. Its been almost a month and they have yet to even acknowledge there is an issue.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 2075213 ft
United States

Usually there is no requirement to update firmware. I just ignore it.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 377907 ft
United States

I have a P3Standard, and a P3 Pro.  Other than poor range (1,200 feet or so) on the Standard, I've had no problems that I could not figure out and fix myself.  In fact, I really can't  think of any unusual problems I've had with either.  I did crash my Pro about 10 months ago.  My fault, I just wasn't paying attention to that big tree behind me!  It did  a lot of damage when it hit the asphalt hard.  I sent it to DJI service in California where I live.  They said $300.00 to fix.  I  got it back within 14 days and discovered that they indeed did sent me a refurbished one.  I was pleased though, because I just didn't trust the old one any longer.  It hit hard and really scuffed up the shell.  The one they sent to me looked like it was brand new right out of the box.  I've been flying it every since with not one problem.  Went out 2-1/4 miles with it on Sunday.

So Yes!  I'd buy DJI again.  And if I have a problem...I'll figure it out!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 811257 ft
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United States

Although I don't agree with those in the community who believe DJI doesn't care about its customers, and I don't believe any conspiracy theory which says that DJI is deliberately trying to stop us from flying (that is ridiculous).  That said, I REALLY do believe that DJI needs to restructure its software and firmware development policies, and it needs to vastly improve its customer communications.

Unfortunately, I am on the fence as to whether I will buy more DJI products.  I came to DJI with the Phantom 4, and there has been a non-stop barrage of software and firmware mistakes on the part of DJI.  NON... STOP.  The latest issues are nearly a deal breaker for me since they have the potential, at any moment, to cause me professional damage by grounding my bird needlessly.  

In my business, I use the drone for larger production companies as a dolly camera, to get smooth follow shots over rough terrain.  I often don't even fly above treetop level... so if DJI grounds my bird in a given area because THEY have decided to enforce the rules which are governed by the FAA and my commercial license (as I have read from many others in this forum), I will be very, very angry.

The biggest problem for DJI at this point is that their competitors are no longer far behind.  Yes, there are no competitors who are equal to DJI, but they aren't far behind and are catching up.  If I have to buy another competitors drone in order to get my job done, I will.  Maybe I won't have the range that DJI has, maybe I won't have the battery life, etc... but all of that is inconsequential to the fact that all the range and battery life don't matter if the MANUFACTURER is choosing where and when I can fly.  Yuneek isn't as good a platform, but the best platform is the one you can fly.
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Daniel R

Hey guys, I'm brand new to the community this is literally my first post. Purchased a P4P 4 days ago, excited for my upcoming vacation. I tried creating a new thread, but it is telling me "not allowed". I have created an avatar as asked and am really not sure what the "next" step is to be able to create threads? Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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Username Here
United States

hallmark007 Posted at 2017-7-27 11:59
I have 4 I don't have insurmountable problems with any of them. Would I buy another dji drone why not I don't see any other drones in the price range on the market which have any more proven track record. I like flying dji drones that's what I got them for, I don't like complaining I don't need to demand perfect CS , I'm prepared to wait if there is a bug that prevents me from flying, " I can't remember having one" I don't expect fast CS with this type of tech , I've had to use other tech companies CS for repair etc, although it doesn't seem like your waiting long, I think because they keep bombarding telling you everyday where your repair is where it's going to be, how Fred is looking after it, how Betty is typing my invoice , how Fedex will be picking it up , will I be there to accept delivery tracking  number, then thank you for signing we hope you received your repair in good condition, could you please give some feedback on your journey through our repair service.
By the end of this so called excellent CS I'm worn out.

I've also got 4, two P2v+, one P3s, and one P3p. I said along time ago that I will not buy another DJI product.

The P2v+ were great birds but almost all became useless because of one issue, the wifi module. This means either poor quality of part or poor design.

DJI first introduced geofencing into customers crafts underhandedly by telling them that the update was for battery issues. DJI never told owners that they were forever changing how and where the customer could use a product that they already own.

As DJI introduces new products they discontinue support for older products.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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Username Here Posted at 2017-7-28 10:00
I've also got 4, two P2v+, one P3s, and one P3p. I said along time ago that I will not buy another DJI product.

The P2v+ were great birds but almost all became useless because of one issue, the wifi module. This means either poor quality of part or poor design.

Discontinuing support for for tech products is I'm afraid par for the course with a lot of tech products, it sometimes seems like a great waste, I'm not a big fan of this, but we seem to live in a throw away society, for some it's just the way things are, but a great waste all the same.
Geofencing, NFZ are something we will see more of in the future as more and more commercial and recreational drones come on the market, and the need to protect those who need protection.

Yes it seems that dji have got some of this wrong and some have had problems trying to manage the way dji handled this, and those who have been aggrieved are entitled to be annoyed.

The manner in which this all came about leaves little to be desired by the way dji handled this, yes communication dose not seem to be dji's best calling card, I'm not sure why this is, is it something to do with being a private company is it a geographical thing in how they do business I don't know.

If you take for example in my country NFZ by dji is bang on no real problems and as far as I'm concerned for my country it was the right thing to do, to both protect those NFZ zones and also RC aircraft pilots.
It is a small country so maybe that's why no difficulties.

US seems to be having a lot more problems and obviously needs more looking at, but all of this will be in the future of drone flying and we are going to have to face this and try to be part of it.

I do some flying for a company surveying wind turbines, just last week in Scotland we were told at a meeting that we must check all sites two days before flying to see if clearance is needed, it's a two minute job to check and maybe 30 minutes after that preparing, it's not a big deal and it's something we have to do before going on site.

Whether dji have taken on this by themselves or are being given advice by aviation authorities I don't know, a task like this mapping the whole world for restricted areas to fly drones in must be a fairly big operation, to have it perfect in such short time is near impossible, but hopefully it improves soon for all those having problems.
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Flight distance : 107418 ft

Alxy Posted at 2017-7-27 13:31
Which other drone with 1" sensor, size of Phantom, 30min flight-time can I buy? None. So there is actually not question to ask. Come back when DJI has competitors.

My thoughts exactly. It took me a while to decide on a drone, but the street cred and tech specs to back it up from DJI was just too good to let go. Plus there are a lot of added features to the P4 which is very nice
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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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United States

Slipstrm111 Posted at 2017-7-28 05:50
Not ever! Its become obvious that DJI has no interest in the users. I did really enjoy my P4 until the latest firmware. Its been almost a month and they have yet to even acknowledge there is an issue.

Aloha Slipstrm,

     How come you do not solve your problem?  DJI cannot solve your problem.  Only you can solve your problem.

     If you wait for DJI to come out with another firmware update, it will only show that you could have refreshed your firmware and fixed your problem.  If your problem is not fixed by refreshing your firmware, then a new firmware update from DJI will not solve your problem.  You will need to look into your device and how it is working in your system.  There are many ways to recognize device problems and to improve device performance.  If you do not know how, we are here on the Forum to help!

     These are all your problems and only you can solve them.

     Hope this helps!

Aloha and Drone On!
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Flight distance : 167477 ft
United States

I've had F450's, F550's, Several p2's. Now I have a P3P, P4P, I1p, and a Mavic. I can say I've never had anything but very minor problems with any of them. I'd buy another one.
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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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United States

Mabou2 Posted at 2017-7-28 09:28
Although I don't agree with those in the community who believe DJI doesn't care about its customers, and I don't believe any conspiracy theory which says that DJI is deliberately trying to stop us from flying (that is ridiculous).  That said, I REALLY do believe that DJI needs to restructure its software and firmware development policies, and it needs to vastly improve its customer communications.

Unfortunately, I am on the fence as to whether I will buy more DJI products.  I came to DJI with the Phantom 4, and there has been a non-stop barrage of software and firmware mistakes on the part of DJI.  NON... STOP.  The latest issues are nearly a deal breaker for me since they have the potential, at any moment, to cause me professional damage by grounding my bird needlessly.  

Aloha Mabou,

     What I do not understand from your comment is why have you not disabled GEO so you can fly without the DJI service?  I have disabled GEO and the only problem I have is trying Intelligent Flight Modes when returning to my home (like TapFly).  My home is within 5 miles of Marine Corps Base Hawaii Air Field.  I can fly out of the area in Intelligent Flight Modes, but not home.  

     I live in Class D airspace.  If I am detected by MCBH air field flying in their NFZ, they will shut down my Phantom, not DJI.  This has been attempted, but I was able to escape (it was due to my forgetfulness and you forget that only once!).  This is true of all FAA airports and airfields with the specific requirements needed.  They have equipment to shut down your drone (range, direction and frequency specific jammers).  They have to have it.  DJI only provides a service to let you know you are vulnerable to the FAA's actions.  I still get warnings though, but no locks.

     Since you are a professional with a Part 107 certificate, you are able to get permission for your NFZ flights from the FAA.  Even hobbyists can but it is harder.  The FAA is required to grant you permission under the FAA regulations.  You have constitutional rights to the US airspace.  But without tower coordination, the FAA is required to shut you down (crash your bird) if you are flying in a NFZ.  But, the FAA crashes your bird, not DJI.

     This is all procedure according to the rules and regulations for shared airspace.  When I corrected the airfield drone coordinator that I am able to fly up to 1640 feet, he was concerned because he thought I was only able to fly up to 400 feet.  When I pointed out that the ~2500 foot high mountains (Pali) behind my house are structures and I am allowed under the rules to fly 400 feet next to and above structures he acquiesced.  So now the tower notifies transiting manned aircraft that drones are known to operate in the area.

     When DJI product owners make DJI out to be the boogieman on this issue, they are only hurting themselves.  Unfortunately, it also points out to DJI that their fliers do not always know what they are doing.

     Hope this helps!

Aloha and Drone On!
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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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United States

Username Here Posted at 2017-7-28 10:00
I've also got 4, two P2v+, one P3s, and one P3p. I said along time ago that I will not buy another DJI product.

The P2v+ were great birds but almost all became useless because of one issue, the wifi module. This means either poor quality of part or poor design.

Aloha UH,

     See my comments in Post #34.  I still have support for my P2 v.3 and my P3P.  P2 questions and threads are regularly posted and answered on this Forum.  I have never seen DJI refuse to repair a P2 product, you just have to pay for it because it is out of warranty like your P4 which is also not sold in my area any more.

     But, I cannot buy a P3P in my area.  The P3P is an amazing bird.  I cannot buy a new Dodge Neon anymore either.  Bummer, great car!

Aloha and Drone On!
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Space Drone
Flight distance : 53862 ft
United States

Alxy Posted at 2017-7-27 13:31
Which other drone with 1" sensor, size of Phantom, 30min flight-time can I buy? None. So there is actually not question to ask. Come back when DJI has competitors.

Autel robotics has a new camera for their x-star drones. The new camera rivels that of the p4p. DJI watch out Autel robotics is a real contender to DjI. Safe flying!
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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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United States

Daniel R Posted at 2017-7-28 09:48
Hey guys, I'm brand new to the community  this is literally my first post. Purchased a P4P 4 days ago, excited for my upcoming vacation. I tried creating a new thread, but it is telling me "not allowed". I have created an avatar as asked and am really not sure what the "next" step is to be able to create threads? Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Aloha Daniel,

     Looks to me like you are in!  I am responding to the "Reply" in the box that has your post.  Once you have made some reply posts and have learned how to use the Forum, you will be able to start a new Thread.  Welcome to the forum!

Aloha and Drone On!
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

Cetacean Posted at 2017-7-28 13:22
Aloha Mabou,

     What I do not understand from your comment is why have you not disabled GEO so you can fly without the DJI service?  I have disabled GEO and the only problem I have is trying Intelligent Flight Modes when returning to my home (like TapFly).  My home is within 5 miles of Marine Corps Base Hawaii Air Field.  I can fly out of the area in Intelligent Flight Modes, but not home.  

"What I do not understand from your comment is why have you not disabled GEO"

Disabling of GEO disappeared in one of the recent builds of DJI Go 4 (might have been 4.1.3). So no longer an option. As yet in the UK I have had no issues whatsoever regarding NFZs nor ticking the boxes taking responsibility whilst in class 'D' airspace, and that is based on information from the official UK CAA App' which only states if you must fly here then stay within the drone code regulations. And it is detailed enough to show low level hazards when zoomed in , pylons, power plants, chimney stacks, high buildings, it really is a gem.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

Space Drone Posted at 2017-7-28 13:33
Autel robotics has a new camera for their x-star drones. The new camera rivels that of the p4p. DJI watch out Autel robotics is a real contender to DjI. Safe flying!

Problem is that I think DJI have already conquered the VHS/Betamax analogy. Autel would have to have same or better spec' at lower price to stand half a chance. But they're still there, so in with a chance.

Edit:- Except in the analogy Betamax wins this time round (better spec)
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Nvar Kawan
Flight distance : 33 ft

since it is the best in market. Yeah I would buy another one
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