Flight distance : 21673 ft
DJI Thor Posted at 2017-7-30 00:38
Sorry to hear about this, Mark. Could you tell us your case or ticket number, we would help to check.
If we could not access the flight records, please try to export the flight record as well as the flight data via DJI Assistant 2 on the computer for us:
And you can send your drone back by filling the blank on the online repair website: …
Hi DJI Thor,
My case number is CAS-823620-C1G5P0. And the lady who just emailed me back said this, which is grossly insufficient,
"Thanks for your patience.
For your claimed case CAS-823620-C1G5P0, we have already finished the analysis, and the result is as follows:
1. The GPS signal was weak when the aircraft took off, and the home point was recorded at T=01:19, the aircraft worked in OPTI or GPS mode, and responded to RC command perfectly;
2. T=02:27, H=83 m, D=2.9 m, battery power 84%, the aircraft was hovering, the attitude angle was normal, then the flight records was interrupted.
3. The subsequent flight situation was unknown, which could not determine the cause of the accident.
With the record ended without any sign of abnormality, we could not verify what happened afterwards."
They subsequently offered me this 30% discount which is grossly insufficient and a piecemeal attempt to brush the problem under the carpet.
"If you have already recovered the aircraft, and the aircraft can be powered on, you can also send the aircraft back for further analysis.
As the earlier flight controller data will be overwritten when the space is full. Please export the flight controller data and black box data as soon as possible when the issue occurs. Do not power on the aircraft repeatedly. Otherwise, the flight controller data of this aircraft will be overwritten.
If the aircraft was already could not be on, we could especially applied for a 30% off coupon for aircraft without charger and remote:"
I have managed to retrieve my Spark and am happy to send it back for analysis (it now turns on following drying) as I do not think any drone should fall out of the sky, this problem should be resolved rather than a DJI personnel simply sweeping it aside and it was incredibly dangerous that mine fell from 83m up. Thankfully it landed in a water body rather than on someones head which could have been fatal.
I just spoke with a DJI assistant on the phone by calling your UK hotline and he mentioned to me that my case number CAS-823620-C1G5P0 has been closed by DJI which is infuriating as it confirms to me that DJI is indeed trying to brush the problem aside. I would like to find out the reason as well as get warranty and support on my Spark. Wendell the customer support assistant had to create a new case just to reopen the problem since DJI closed the case before resolving it. So the new current case number that Wendell created is CAS-851959-H2K9W4
I appreciate your help in this matter.