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Dji go 4 crash and fly away
3021 24 2017-8-11
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Como Lake
Flight distance : 7481496 ft

Hi to all and sorry my bad english ...
Several months ago, I had a bad experience with my drone. Far over 5km from my home point, the djigo4 app went crash and then the tablet screen was ko.
Immediately I have tried to launch the djigo but nothing to do ... always black screen, while during the same time I had push the Rth button.
The minutes left but keep on my mind I still sure that the drone might have a problem.
This show during untill, the app dji go decide to work and give me a video signal and with bad surprise, the drone still on air far from my homepoint because the djigoapp have max flight range 30mt!
Very dangerous, the app takes the automatic set and gives this limit at the drone.
Very lucky whit the signal video on the app, have the chance to set the correct maximum flight distance and then after push rth, the drone was come to home.
If the screen is still black, Bye bye Drone! To any of you did happen? Once at home, looking at the flight plan, this was divided into three parts. In the event of a drone loss, does the DJI respond to this malfunction?

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Second Officer
United States

The first step would be to upload your flight data so we can evaluate. Here is where you would do that:
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

DJI-Mark Posted at 2017-8-11 09:54
The first step would be to upload your flight data so we can evaluate. Here is where you would do that:

Is Phantomhelp now the official DJI data analyser ?
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Como Lake
Flight distance : 7481496 ft

DJI-Mark Posted at 2017-8-11 09:54
The first step would be to upload your flight data so we can evaluate. Here is where you would do that:

Same problem just one week ago... now the file.dat was sent on a Dji repair "without drone"
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Como Lake
Flight distance : 7481496 ft

Como Lake Posted at 2017-8-11 11:00
Same problem just one week ago... now the file.dat was sent on a Dji repair "without drone"

...the file log show me many dual link disconnection. Only Dji I think can solve the mistery. I hope on the replace
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DJI Susan

We feel sorry for the accident. I would recommend you to contact our Support Team via and report the issue, our colleagues will take care of it.
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Como Lake
Flight distance : 7481496 ft

DJI Susan Posted at 2017-8-12 01:22
We feel sorry for the accident. I would recommend you to contact our Support Team via  and report the issue, our colleagues will take care of it.

Thanks forvyour reply..m  the file log already was sent to dji.
Justvto let me know,  do you know similar case?
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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Como Lake Posted at 2017-8-11 11:02
...the file log show me many dual link disconnection. Only Dji I think can solve the mistery. I hope on the replace

DJI aren't very good at explaining flight incidents.
If you want to know what happened, go to
Follow the instructions to upload your flight record.
Come back and post a link to the report it provides and someone here might be able to analyse it and give you an understanding of the cause of the incident.
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Como Lake
Flight distance : 7481496 ft

Labroides Posted at 2017-8-12 16:52
DJI aren't very good at explaining flight incidents.
If you want to know what happened, go to
Follow the instructions to upload your flight record.

Ciao Labroides,  The files have been uploaded. Unfortunately you can see the flight up to sevetal minutes and then stop everything without giving an explanation of the accident
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Flight distance : 104708 ft

United States

Como Lake Posted at 2017-8-13 05:31
Ciao Labroides,  The files have been uploaded. Unfortunately you can see the flight up to sevetal minutes and then stop everything without giving an explanation of the accident

That sucks.  It seems to me from lurking on this forum DJI could give more feedback to users.  Issues like this as well as repairs and support questions.  I just sent a message to DJI about the IMU needing to be recalibrated.  Then getting ESC status error when I tried to take off.  I had to reinsert the battery to get them to go away.  The error also said to contact DJI if the issue lept happening, which it did until I removed the battery.  I am curious about what response if any I get.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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Como Lake Posted at 2017-8-13 05:31
Ciao Labroides,  The files have been uploaded. Unfortunately you can see the flight up to sevetal minutes and then stop everything without giving an explanation of the accident

We can't see your flight data unless you post a link to it.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 144403 ft

A few questions:
1) do you have a P4P or a P4P PLUS? If a P4P, which tablet were you using?

2) before the App went off, did you have any sign of signal disconnection between the aircraft and the remote controller? (If so, the aircraft would have started RTH automatically -and when you pressed RTH you would have actually stopped it- , or just hovered in place, depending on your choice in the App).

3) when the app restarted showing a flight limit of 30 meters, that would not have affected the RTH, if your drone was farther than that.

4) Where were you flying? EU or US?
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Como Lake
Flight distance : 7481496 ft

Antonio76 Posted at 2017-8-14 08:58
A few questions:
1) do you have a P4P or a P4P PLUS? If a P4P, which tablet were you using?

Hi... I have p4 pro.
Fly on europe...Italy, regular area without restrictions.
The drone have set to return home and not hover.
At the first app disconnection the remote controll have  a signal with the drone... after few minutes the second disconnection also the remote control have lost a signal ( red light) but for just few second and then retake the green light ( but dji app continue with black screen ).

The tablet that had use with the dji go, is mentioned on the good list to use for djiapp4
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 144403 ft

Como Lake Posted at 2017-8-14 10:48
Hi... I have p4 pro.
Fly on europe...Italy, regular area without restrictions.
The drone have set to return home and not hover.

Hi, the only thing I can think of is that you might have been quite outside ( "Far over 5 km from my home point" ) of the maximum range specified  for EU (3.5 km for 2..4 GHz and 2 km for 5.8 GHz).  This can well explain the loss of signal both for the black screen and for the automatic RTH, which you could have stopped by pushing the RTH button...  I suggest you follow Labroides advice at post #8  and post the link where we can see it
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Flight distance : 1153681 ft
United States

bebb Posted at 2017-8-13 11:20
That sucks.  It seems to me from lurking on this forum DJI could give more feedback to users.  Issues like this as well as repairs and support questions.  I just sent a message to DJI about the IMU needing to be recalibrated.  Then getting ESC status error when I tried to take off.  I had to reinsert the battery to get them to go away.  The error also said to contact DJI if the issue lept happening, which it did until I removed the battery.  I am curious about what response if any I get.

This is just one Reason The Dept. of the Army and Navy have stopped all flights and informed DJI they will no longer be using their product because of such bad Customer Support! I hope DJI wakes up someday to fix their Support Issues.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 144403 ft

P4PCommander Posted at 2017-8-14 15:46
This is just one Reason The Dept. of the Army and Navy have stopped all flights and informed DJI they will no longer be using their product because of such bad Customer Support! I hope DJI wakes up someday to fix their Support Issues.

I think the military main issue was not the Support...
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Como Lake
Flight distance : 7481496 ft

Antonio76 Posted at 2017-8-15 04:05
I think the military main issue was not the Support...

Dear Antonio... the signal was not lost but only have black screen... after pres return to home the signal remote was lost for 2 or 3 times...
Sorry but I have over 120 hour of flight and 1200km run and I no stupit to oress rth during the return automatic pf the drone.

I' m sorry but is not possible for me upload the file txt... how I can meke this?  
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Como Lake
Flight distance : 7481496 ft

P4PCommander Posted at 2017-8-14 15:46
This is just one Reason The Dept. of the Army and Navy have stopped all flights and informed DJI they will no longer be using their product because of such bad Customer Support! I hope DJI wakes up someday to fix their Support Issues.

Premetto che neanche sapete che lavoro faccio e quindi è inutile che sputare sentenze a vanvera.
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Como Lake
Flight distance : 7481496 ft
Offline ... 0/view?usp=drivesdk
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 144403 ft

Como Lake Posted at 2017-8-15 04:18
Dear Antonio... the signal was not lost but only have black screen... after pres return to home the signal remote was lost for 2 or 3 times...
Sorry but I have over 120 hour of flight and 1200km run and I no stupit to oress rth during the return automatic pf the drone.

Se hai il file in formato TXT basta che segui le istruzioni sul link  (istruzioni in cima alla pagina) per caricarlo, poi posti qui la URL della pagina che mostra l'analisi. Mi spiace, altro non ti so dire... Magari tutto dipende da che ramo del lago di Como e dove il sole tramontava (non dietro al Resegone?)...
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Como Lake
Flight distance : 7481496 ft

Antonio76 Posted at 2017-8-15 06:02
Se hai il file in formato TXT basta che segui le istruzioni sul link  (istruzioni in cima alla pagina) per caricarlo, poi posti qui la URL della pagina che mostra l'analisi. Mi spiace, altro non ti so dire... Magari tutto dipende da che ramo del lago di Como e dove il sole tramontava (non dietro al Resegone?)...

Davanti al resegone...tra bellagio e argegno .
Dji ha ruttii file del caso,  non si riesce a caricare qua il file txt ...per lo meno con tablet e telefono miei no.

2 vomle sta puttanata è successa. La seconda a luglio ( ero a 400 mt di diatanza) ha fatto lo stesso.
Al 100 per cento è atterrato nel suo punto di partenza che si è creato, automatico, dopo la terza disconnessione  e io non avendo il video non potevo settare casa x il suo ritorno.

Conclusione che DJI se la sbrighi,  sono adulti e che se la sbrighino.
gia a marzo avevo avvisato del bug della loro app di merda. Poi adesso con restrizioni maggiori sicuramete più difficoltoso il risvvio dopo disconnessione.

A me il drone nn tornò. ... software o meno non si vede errore del pilota i default batterie.
Hanno in mano tutto dati volo nuovi e vecchi,  sempre sincronizzato, fatture e altro.

Tutto parla .
Chiedevo se cera qualcuno con mio caso simile. Tutto qua
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 144403 ft

Como Lake Posted at 2017-8-16 00:20
Davanti al resegone...tra bellagio e argegno .
Dji ha ruttii file del caso,  non si riesce a caricare qua il file txt ...per lo meno con tablet e telefono miei no.

Vabbe', non so che altro dire. Ma guarda che la storia del punto di partenza che si crea automaticamente dopo una disconnessione, non esiste proprio, dove l'hai letta?... comunque auguri.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 503241 ft


Como Lake Posted at 2017-8-15 04:18
Dear Antonio... the signal was not lost but only have black screen... after pres return to home the signal remote was lost for 2 or 3 times...
Sorry but I have over 120 hour of flight and 1200km run and I no stupit to oress rth during the return automatic pf the drone.

You take the text file and upload it to  When you see the map and rows of numbers in your web browser, you need to copy the address at the top in the address bar.  it will look something like:

Then come back to this message thread and paste it in a message and post it.  That way everyone can see all the data and analyse it for you and give you the answer.
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Como Lake
Flight distance : 7481496 ft

Antonio76 Posted at 2017-8-16 00:40
Vabbe', non so che altro dire. Ma guarda che la storia del punto di partenza che si crea automaticamente dopo una disconnessione, non esiste proprio, dove l'hai letta?... comunque auguri.

Mi è capitato di persona!
Ho tutto registrato e a tempo debito avevo gia avvisato loro di questo. Lo trovi ancora scritto nella mia sezione di post precedenti.
Praticamente era diaconnesso solo con le immagini. Premendo rth, questo sicuramente avanzava.  ...poi postandomi di parecchio di posizione, perdeco il segnale anche dal radiocomando ( tutto taceva niente suoni) . Poco tempo dopo   riagganciavo il segnale con il controller ma niente video ancora.
La soluIone che ho provato è stato spengere e riaccendere il controller... il resto lo sai, home point la dove era il drone ecc.
Vabbè, posso condividere tutto i voli con airdata.  Sia di allora che ho recuperato il drone che del mese scorso con addio drone.
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Como Lake
Flight distance : 7481496 ft

Https//:nolimitdronez. Com
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