Local Data Mode or Offline Mode
3067 2 2017-8-15
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 567434 ft
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United Kingdom

Looks like DJI will deliver a Local Data Mode: https://www.engadget.com/2017/08/15/dji-drones-local-data-mode/
Wonder how this will work with NFZs.
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United States

This seems a strange place to cut off data, between the device and the app.  Why not just prevent the app from phoning home to DJI with your flight info?

My other concern, like you stated, is the NFZ's.  In certain cases of emergency response, we are the ones who request the FAA close the airspace over an incident.  But we need to be able to fly there.  This is the kind of thing that's going to be a deal-breaker for emergency response organizations who are considering which brand to buy.  Why buy DJI when you're going to eventually shut yourself down with every NOTAM?
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First Officer
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United Kingdom

That is why I never updated pass .700 and I ALWAYS, ALWAYS fly in airplane mode, delete all cache and flight data the second I download them to my local computer. In P4P+  / CRYSTALSKY they have several apps that keeps running in the background and keep collecting data. The PHONE app have access to your phone, can call, access your contacts, change your contacts ETC... You can't even blocked / shut it down or disable it...

DJI should just stick to designing and stop intrusive data collection!

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