Flight distance : 5922034 ft
Thanks, usefull hint!
There is a 'weird behavior' of the DJI Media Maker:
Pulling the panorama folder into it is starting most of the time the "spherical panorama"
Which gets me the "upgraded" Panorama
My fault!
With forcing it to use the 180, and even the 360-version, it's not "upgrading".
Also some of the panos are seen as "timelapse"
Which of course ends in a fail.
Here I found out myself, that pushing it (clicking) on the spherical button opens also 180 and 360 options.
But did not think about to retry the "upgraded panos"
Now I know ;-)
Will try timelapse function some day with the "timelapse stills" from my drift cams
And will look, if 2x180 make one spherical