Flight distance : 1691749 ft
I tried myself with an Ipad of a friend, when using the Spark with a RC (connected with WiFi), the Spark at power-on connects to 5.8 GHz network, and the RC wireless is available both for Android and iOS. When you try and switch the frequency to 2.4 GHz, the wifi connection of the RC disappears from Android devices and is available only on iOS devices.
A user posted the following in this thread:
My current knowledge:
If the RC to Spark connection is set to 5,8, the connection RC to phone is 2,4.
If the RC to Spark is switched to 2,4, the connection RC to phone should be 5,8.
The 5,8 channels used are not allowed in CE regions because of regulations, which Android respects, Apple does not.
That would explain all the behavior. |