Flight distance : 2461545 ft
United States
My 5.5" CrystalSky appears to be a brick, suddenly, and I have no idea why. Here's my recent timeline:
- Got it about a month ago, have flown dozens of flights over 9.5 hours of flight time, never had any problem with it.
- Yesterday, I turned it on, and it prompted me to update the device (I was at home with WiFi turned on). So I did. (No idea if this is relevant or not.)
- Today I flew the drone (Mavic Pro). Just a few minutes, perfectly ordinary flight, nothing unusual about it, CrystalSky worked normally.
- After landing, I did my usual shutdown sequence: 1. Power down Mavic. 2. Power down remote control. 3. Push the power button on the CS. 4. When the CS then turned itself back on again a couple of seconds later (as it always does, I have no idea why), I pushed the power button a second time, and it turned off and stayed off. All as usual.
- A few minutes later, I wanted to look at something on the CS, so I pushed the power button... and nothing happens. It's totally dead. The battery has a nearly full charge.
I tried disconnecting the CS from the battery for a few minutes, then re-connecting. Still can't do anything. A brief press of the power button (i.e. the way one does when the device is "sleeping" and not actually fully powered off) does nothing. A long press of the power button (i.e. the way you do to turn it on when it's completely powered off) also does nothing.
As far as I can tell, the CrystalSky is now a brick. It's completely unusable, I have no idea what to do.
Has anyone experienced anything like this? Any idea at all what I can do?