Into the black hole my bird goes....
2303 22 2015-4-2
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United States

So I waited as long as physically possible to upgrade the firmware on my Inspire but I was forced to by my app a few weeks ago. After all of the horror stories of upgrading I was so nervous to do it but had no choice. I took Dundees flow chart and followed it exactly step by step and I must  say it was an extremely fast process a few minutes for the bird checked the sd card success and a few min for craft again success I was nervous bc most people said theirs took longer than that but you cant argue with success. I turn the craft on everything seemed normal and then the camera went "soft" it gets super hot, the fan doesn't spin and I see no signal at the top of my screen. I restart everything a few times and same thing happens. I figured i could at least relink  using the button in the nose of the craft but it didn't work. I try all sorts of things for a few days and read post after post on the forum trying to figure out the problem. I have the craft at work so i had the IT guy come to my office to take a look. He pulled the sd card out of the camera and put it in the computer and he tells me the sd card is shot. We get a new sd card put the firmware on it and try the update again but neither the craft of the remote would take it. At this point i turn everything on as normal and like magic everything is working normal! I was totally relieved! For about a day.....The next day i start to mess around with the Inspire and notice i have no picture/video taking capabilities. The craft works i have visual signal but cant take picts or record. I send a email to dji china and dji La and explain what happened. I also got on the chat line and they told me my gimbal/camera was shot. I said i don't understand it was fine before update, then i updated now its burned up? They said yes and to contact dji LA for a RMA#. Well as some of you know it can be hard sometimes to get someone on the phone because they are swamped at the moment, but after a few days and a lot of waiting i finally got someone on the phone. We went through some testing and came to the conclusion that there is a problem. They told me i need to send the craft and remote in and its going to take about 6 weeks. Im so bummed i have had this thing since middle of January and havnt even flown it yet! The weather has been terrible where i live its been a brutal winter and i have honestly just been to nervous with all the issues people are having and really havnt had a good reason to fly it. Now that the weather is getting nice and i have been studying for a couple months im ready to fly and what to you know.... my bird isn't!! This would be my luck. I guess i get to fly my phantom and husban for the next 6 weeks sooooo bummed out i want to fly my Inspire so bad. I hear everyone say how amazing it is and i cant wait to experience it for my self!! Hopefully you guys can cheer me up and mabey give me a little advice on how this process is going to go. Im pretty sure i already know its going to be slow and painful! lol
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Flight distance : 453788780 ft

How do you circumvent an upgrade?
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United States

I would like to know how to also? My app forced me to...
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United States

The hardest part is packing it up and sending it off... Just get out and fly the phantom and try not to think about the inspire.... Hopefully while it is there the new firmware will be available and they will take care of that process at the factory... go fishing, paint the house, do some yard work.. it will be back before you know it.
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Flight distance : 3963865 ft
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United States

I'm sorry man, I feel your pain.  What I have learned about the Inspire and I've only had it for awhile , is that you will need a back up camera.   The camera system is so unreliable that you are SOL... I realize this is a firmware issue,  however it is affecting cameras as well.....  It's a bad feeling.  

Just a note however, you can fly without the gimbal and camera.  Lots of fun.  Just make sure to calibrate and take all of the appropriate steps as you normally would.   
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Flight distance : 307431 ft
United States

Best advice I can give is just be patient, I know sometimes that is extremely difficult, but I have been there and my wallet is a little thinner after a crash. Luckily this will be covered under warranty and all you are out is some time. Keep flying your other systems and just have fun.
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United States

Thanks guys I appreciate the advice. I think the back up camera statement may have some truth to it. I asked the guy I was on the phone with if I could just send my gimbal/camera in for repair and he said I could if I wanted to but advised me to send the whole thing in. Im nervous that if I don't send the craft back and something happens I will be SOL. I guess I have waited this long whats another month or two LOL. I just got done filling all the proper paperwork out and im getting ready to box her up. Off she goes and all I can think about is that video of the confessions of a Spanish guy working in china where he is laughing his a$$ off
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United States

Hey guys how long does it usually take for Zendesk to at least notify you that they received the Inspire? Im starting to get a little worried. I shipped it out April 3rd. My tracking says it was signed for April 8th. Is this typical? its just a little nerve racking to have 3 grand floating out in the middle of now where  or what I call the black hole.
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United States

Hey 4Blades, mine took a little over two weeks to be checked in after being delivered to the LA facility. According to other users, it's a pretty typical timeline right now. It has now been 16 days since it was checked in and I haven't received any notifications or updates from DJI or Zendesk, hopefully it'll be added to the repair wait-list soon. Good luck with your repair!
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United States

caddwizard Posted at 2015-4-3 08:29
How do you circumvent an upgrade?

Never turn on your Wifi.  only way
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Flight distance : 120784 ft
United Kingdom

You have no choice if it is a mandatory update!
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United States

Blade strike has already stated its not mandatory
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United States

     Very same thing happened to me on the last update,  after over 40 days mine has been repaired, new camera and new soft wear loaded,  now mine is stuck in the shipping back to me black hole!   
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United States

outlaw@unitedwi Posted at 2015-4-18 07:06
Very same thing happened to me on the last update,  after over 40 days mine has been repaired,  ...

Is that 40 days since you shipped it, or since it was officially checked in at a DJI facility?
I hope it gets back quickly!
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United States

Mistician Posted at 2015-4-18 08:20
Is that 40 days since you shipped it, or since it was officially checked in at a DJI facility?
I h ...

44 days from RMA   
it been done for about a week waiting to be shipped  
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United States

Wow! Thanks for the info guys. I guess this makes me feel a little better that my repair is within the normal timeline. This whole process is just baffling to me...... But I guess all we can do is hope and wait lol
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United States

outlaw@unitedwi Posted at 2015-4-19 02:11
44 days from RMA   
it been done for about a week waiting to be shipped

We all can sit around and commiserate with each other and know we have company and are getting similar treatment as are others.

All well and good, but the sad reality is, no world class company can sustain very long with this type of service. Non of us knows the ratio of good product to bad product or bad updates, but there are plenty of stories on the different forums.  The fact that repair times are so long, if nothing else, it means they are understaffed, and probably underestimated the number of problems users would be having.

It could also mean that they aren't the  large world class company they market themselves as or  pretend to be.  A world class company would be ramping up repair facilities to speed up the process.  They would be putting more people on to predetermine if there might be a better, faster, or cheaper way to take care of some of the problems.  So far, they have done nothing to speed up the repair time.

Or the last possibility, they don't care.  Maybe it's just the way things are.  

I'm one of the unlucky ones and at this point, I'm in disbelief at the non response of DJI here in the U.S.    The few talking heads on the internet that have some form of relationship with DJI, don't seem to have a voice to those in control of policies or direction of the company.  It appears they help on  a few issues, but not the broader problem of the 5, 6, 7, and  8 week turn around time for anything from a simple replacement part to a major rebuild.  

I'm old school and  I'd be surprised if they can keep this up for too many more years.   Best products in the world don't survive without working or being supported.

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United States

I have no idea when it will be returned so I can't commit and have lost many real estate photo jobs.   Unlucky is only part of it.  I am also much poorer for the experience.
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United States

8 days since my inspire1 has been fixed,  and who knows when they ship, once every 2 weeks, or a month?   
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Flight distance : 405659 ft

Sorry 4blades,

I can only offer you a box of tissues and a massive packet of Valium.

I am at week 6 now, it took over 4 weeks for someone to decide what to do then decide who was going to pay the shipping back to Hong Kong. And this was after advising that fly away was a hardware issue.

From my experience so far, I think I could organise a sex change quicker than getting a replacement Inspire!
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United States

So I got an email yesterday and I couldn't believe my eyes. It was from DJI and said that my unit has shipped!!! Unbelievable I really did not expect it to be that fast! You never know fellas mabey this company is actually starting to get it and getting better! All we can do is hope! I cant wait to get this thing back and actually fly it. I hope they did all the upgrades at the factory so I don't have to mess with it!
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United States

Camera & gimbal replaced due to firmware not fully updating.

call pickup tag 3/6/15
arrived 3/13/15
received 3/28/15
checked in 3/30/15
repaired 4/13/15
waiting for being shipped
4/23/15  still no word on shipping

Ahhh finally good news,  just received shipping notice, it was just shipped today!   I should have it back in a week,    next update, who knows what will happen...
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