DJI Go app and iOS 11
11253 26 2017-9-11
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In the next few days arrives iOS 11. Is the current version of the DJI Go App compatible with iOS 11 ?
Btw is the beta version of iOS 11 compatible with DJI Go ?

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DJI Susan

The performance has not been fully tested and the stability can not be ensured.
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Flight distance : 60722 ft

Testing ios 11 beta on iphone 5s and iphone 7 plus. The program works fine.
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United States

vitaly6 Posted at 2017-9-11 23:54
Testing ios 11 beta on iphone 5s and iphone 7 plus. The program works fine.

IOS 11 beta is not connecting. Anyone able to connect to phantom 4?
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Ex Machina
First Officer
Flight distance : 1806362 ft
United States

Lots of mixed results being reported by folks on the forum -- I'd hold out on upgrading until you get the all-clear from DJI.
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Flight distance : 5381368 ft
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United States

ios 11 beta 9 here on my iPad mini 2, runs as expected. runs better then my S8 for sure!.  no crashes, no critical failures or errors, worst i seen is still extremely usable..  i have tested it out on iPhone 5S, iPhone 7, iPad mini 2, iPad pro (9.7) all are equally functional with ios 11 beta 9 and 10.  ipad mini 2 being slightly more sluggish at launching the app but not terrible once in its buttery smooth, iPhone 5S is surprisingly fast at opening the app and running it( only device running ios 11 beta 10) , the iPhone 7 my GF has is snappy runs perfectly,  but given its her main device, can't expect much testing or use specially with her constant notifications, her iPad pro she has is extremely fast.  like i wish they put those parts inside of a iPad mini...  i was exporting a 4K 60fps video in background with separate video app,  while using dji go 4 and screen recording and wasn't even slightest sign of a slowdown.  

  dji app is a little messy with its coding so maybe some issues like i disabled hardware acceleration in litchi and it carries over to Dji go 4, but without acceleration the A7 soc is happier so im guessing the messy code is causing the old glitch again where on = off and off = on for gpu decoding..i found my iPad mini runs slightly cooler (never did run hot for me) and while still to early in my testing to conclusively say but it appears battery life is little better too..   and when using screen recording in combination with dji go is smooth as silk with hardware decoding disabled in litchi.. yes i closed litchi out after saving the setting change and switching back..  so seem like something dji needs to rebuild again..    hoping its just a small glitch that will get cleared up asap, maybe its ios 11 beta glitch with iPad mini 2s maybe its a dji go glitch with ipad mini's with A7 SoCs..  

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Jenee 2
First Officer
Flight distance : 7852129 ft

I read somewhere that if you go to Settings, About, Applications, it will tell you which applications you currently have that won't work with IOS 11. DJI GO 4 app is not listed so it can work with IOS 11 but there still may be some issues.
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Flight distance : 748675 ft
United States

ImHereToCrash Posted at 2017-9-12 12:15
ios 11 beta 9 here on my iPad mini 2, runs as expected. runs better then my S8 for sure!.  no crashes, no critical failures or errors, worst i seen is still extremely usable..  i have tested it out on iPhone 5S, iPhone 7, iPad mini 2, iPad pro (9.7) all are equally functional with ios 11 beta 9 and 10.  ipad mini 2 being slightly more sluggish at launching the app but not terrible once in its buttery smooth, iPhone 5S is surprisingly fast at opening the app and running it( only device running ios 11 beta 10) , the iPhone 7 my GF has is snappy runs perfectly,  but given its her main device, can't expect much testing or use specially with her constant notifications, her iPad pro she has is extremely fast.  like i wish they put those parts inside of a iPad mini...  i was exporting a 4K 60fps video in background with separate video app,  while using dji go 4 and screen recording and wasn't even slightest sign of a slowdown.  

Thanks for the report.

I wish more of the iOS 11 beta testers would chime in. I would really be unhappy should my MP crash after I updated the iOS and later find out that there was an incompatibility between the GO4 app and iOS 11.

I really appreciate the work you beta tester do for us.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5381368 ft
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United States

Locoman Posted at 2017-9-14 01:23
Thanks for the report.

I wish more of the iOS 11 beta testers would chime in. I would really be unhappy should my MP crash after I updated the iOS and later find out that there was an incompatibility between the GO4 app and iOS 11.

apple doesn't punish public beta testers.. if you want to roll back you can, apple will resign the rollback for your device if you have serious issues like crashes and such.  

but i have the ios 11 GM (gold master) update now (basically final update public will get the 19th), all is still good, if not a little slower with loading my weather application and safari, but dji go seems unchanged with loading speed on my A7 based iPad mini 2.  beta 9 on mini 2 was little faster, curious what apple did change.
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Flight distance : 491066 ft
United Kingdom

IOS 11 beta on iphone 7 plus and the only issue i noticed was if i minimized DJI Go then came back to it i lost the feed from my Mavic
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Ex Machina
First Officer
Flight distance : 1806362 ft
United States

Jenee 2 Posted at 2017-9-13 21:51
I read somewhere that if you go to Settings, About, Applications, it will tell you which applications you currently have that won't work with IOS 11. DJI GO 4 app is not listed so it can work with IOS 11 but there still may be some issues.

Yup, that feature tells you which apps won't run at all under iOS11 due to not being compiled for 64bit operation, now required for the new OS, it says nothing at all about whether the app will operate properly.
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Flight distance : 164344 ft

when using Dji GO 4.1.7 and iOS 11 beta - cant connect iPhone 7 by RC, but on Wifi - connection was normal
after release 4.1.9 app, i just delete old ver and install new and all variants of connection work perfectly
now ios 11GM - all ok
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I have a problem with app switching on iOS 11 of the iPhone SE.
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Second Officer
United States

Ex Machina Posted at 2017-9-12 11:30
Lots of mixed results being reported by folks on the forum -- I'd hold out on upgrading until you get the all-clear from DJI.

Usually when a new device is out, it can take some time to update on the App. If you are unsure, consider staying where you are. If you have an older mobile device, you can always use that until your stability is assured.
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R&L Aerial
First Officer
Flight distance : 298100 ft
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United States

I updated to ios 11 final beta today and as far as dji go and go4, i didn't find any issues on my iPad pro 10.5. Works great!
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5381368 ft
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United States

app switching in ios 11 is handled differently from ios 10, but only slightly differently to how it migrates memory around and  how suspended apps are cached..

here is my unscientific findings, all devices are running the iOS 11 gold master testing the app switching out:

my ipad mini 2 (A7 cpu, 1GB ram, 32GB storage) app switching smaller apps like iMessage or music even streaming music, no issues, switching larger apps like weather app or safari the app seems to have suspended completely and says disconnected.

my iPhone 5S (A7 cpu, 1GB ram, 32GB storage) app switching is little faster than the iPad mini 2, but it is much quicker to suspend apps, imessage consistently triggering dji go to suspend, music on it s own doesn't, unless its streaming platform like spotify.     

GF's iPhone 7( A10 fusion cpu, 2GB ram, 128GB storage) app switching seems to cause app to think it is disconnected with almost any app switching.. unsure why..

GF's iPad pro 9.7 (A9X cpu, 2GB ram, 128GB storage)  much better behaved about app switching, no issues to report about it saying disconnected or pausing anything unless massive app is used like a game or 3D rendering..

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R&L Aerial
First Officer
Flight distance : 298100 ft
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United States

The big issue im having with ios 11 final beta has nothing to do with dji go, its the photos app, 59% battery drain, 1 minute in foreground,  3 minutes in background? That doesn't make any sense at all......
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Flight distance : 248589 ft
United States

I’m having stability issues with iOS 11 and the DJI Go 4 app
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United States

I have a mavic Pro and using an iPad mini 4. All was working well until I upgraded my IOS to 11. Since then my DJI GO 4 app starts up forcing me to sign in my account. When I try to inp;ut my email address the app will not accept any input. That line is grayed out and is frozen. I tried several other ipads and an iphone 6X all with the same results.
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United States

I have a mavic Pro and using an iPad mini 4. All was working well until I upgraded my IOS to 11. Since then my DJI GO 4 app starts up forcing me to sign in my account. When I try to inp;ut my email address the app will not accept any input. That line is grayed out and is frozen. I tried several other ipads and an iphone 6X all with the same results.
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United States

It's not working for the Phantom 4 pro that I just received.  Sending it back... alas...
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Mine seems to work okay with iOS 11, at least on the P4 Standard I was using today with latest GO and its latest RC firmware 1.9.3. Shutter worked fine for still and video without the need to restart the app. I did do a re-link to the aircraft and full VPS with Assistant 2, RC sticks, IMU, and Compass calibration though after the update of iOS 11 and the new RC firmware though. Also available on appEven app store.

Haven't tried the I2 yet as its RC has been having random dropped connection issues for a month or two now. I'll await the next firmware for it.
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United States

DJI Go 4 app with iOS 11.x on iPhone 7+ no longer connects to Mavic Pro with latest firmware
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United States

iOS11.1.2 , iPhone 7+, Mavic Pro w/ latest firmware is a no go. I only get disconnected in go 4 app.
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Wind Junkie
Flight distance : 116165 ft
United States

I'm running 11.1.2 on an iPhone 8 Plus with the latest firmware on my Mavic and RC, I can't make a connection. I upgraded my firmware on the Mavic and RC using the DJI Assistant app earlier today.
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Jason WAI
Second Officer
Flight distance : 3573652 ft
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Hong Kong

I'm running 11.1.2 on an iPhone 7 Plus with the latest firmware on my Mavic and RC, No problem so far  
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DJI Go app worked fine for me till I was using iOS 10 now that I updated to iOS 11.2 it suddenly seem to stop working. Only I will get white blank screen at startup and the app will close itself automatically after few seconds. It's non-functioning most probably comfortability issue. I've contacted DJI support for the same looking forward for a solution here.
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