The problem with Gimbal arose in flight.
2687 27 2017-9-24
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Alexei Merinov
Second Officer
Flight distance : 4796509 ft

Faced Mavik's strange behavior. The problem arose in flight.
In the past, flights sometimes twitched the camera. It was not every flight that happened. Rather rare. I suspected gusts of wind and birds.
The problem disappeared quickly, just as it appeared.

Now this problem manifested itself during the flight. And it has already been preserved
In this flight, I landed Mavik. The landing was normal - flat on a flat surface.

At home. after charging the battery, I tried to turn on Mavik.
But the camera Mavik now (several times turned) looks down. Gimbal squeaks and strongly hot engines.

Than to treat?
I will be grateful for any recommendations.

Problem 1:15 and...
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Jenee 2
First Officer
Flight distance : 7852129 ft

The video shows that the area you took off from had long grass. Have a really good look at the gimbal and the seating of the gimbal to make sure there is not a tiny foreign object stuck in the gimbal somewhere.
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Ahmed Hussain
Second Officer
Flight distance : 1339761 ft
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Have a look here, at #(1) checking the gimbal.

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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

Please check the gimbal like 3# mentioned, and update your firmware. If the problem persists, just to verify, is there any hard landing or impact damage on the drone? I would recommend sending the drone in for an overall check. Thank you.
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Alexei Merinov
Second Officer
Flight distance : 4796509 ft

Jenee 2 Posted at 2017-9-24 20:36
The video shows that the area you took off from had long grass. Have a really good look at the gimbal and the seating of the gimbal to make sure there is not a tiny foreign object stuck in the gimbal somewhere.

Thanks for your participation your recommendations! I checked the cardan suspension. Slowly he turned all the axes to the stop a few times. I did not find anything. Including when looking at the gimbal suspension under the magnifying glass.
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Alexei Merinov
Second Officer
Flight distance : 4796509 ft

Ahmed Hussain Posted at 2017-9-24 20:57
Have a look here, at #(1) checking the gimbal.

DJI Mavic Pro - Preflight checklist

Hi Ahmed! Thanks for your participation your recommendations! I checked the cardan suspension on the specified path. In my Mavik everything is fine.
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Alexei Merinov
Second Officer
Flight distance : 4796509 ft

DJI Thor Posted at 2017-9-25 00:05
Please check the gimbal like 3# mentioned, and update your firmware. If the problem persists, just to verify, is there any hard landing or impact damage on the drone? I would recommend sending the drone in for an overall check. Thank you.

The problem did not appear immediately.
Several times (once for two or three batteries) I observed the strange behavior of the camera.
She lay down on her side. Or twitching. These problems, however, disappeared quickly. And I assumed that the fault is a strong wind or a bird.
The problem looked like this (look, pls. 04:15):

Now I checked my Mavik's gimbal suspension on #3.
Unfortunately, I did not find anything unusual.
Now it looks like this:

I'm assuming a break in the control cable of the gimbal suspension.
The behavior of the cardan suspension is typical for such a problem?

I would be grateful if you recommend me a qualified service center.
I bought my Mavik on Ali.
I do not feel comfortable sending from Russia to China.
There are your specialists near Krasnodar(Russia)?

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Alexei Merinov
Second Officer
Flight distance : 4796509 ft

DJI Thor Posted at 2017-9-25 00:05
Please check the gimbal like 3# mentioned, and update your firmware. If the problem persists, just to verify, is there any hard landing or impact damage on the drone? I would recommend sending the drone in for an overall check. Thank you.

My Mavik did not fall. During transport, the gimbal lock was always in the working position.
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Second Officer
United States

Alexei Merinov Posted at 2017-9-25 07:53
My Mavik did not fall. During transport, the gimbal lock was always in the working position.

Perhaps your gimbal issue was the result of electro magnetic interference. Please always  check your aircraft against the Assistant 2 software to make sure it is operating correctly.
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Jenee 2
First Officer
Flight distance : 7852129 ft

Alexei Merinov Posted at 2017-9-25 07:53
My Mavik did not fall. During transport, the gimbal lock was always in the working position.

I would do a refresh of the firmware and then take it outside to turn it on or somewhere away from where you had it in that video.
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Alexei Merinov
Second Officer
Flight distance : 4796509 ft

DJI Thor Posted at 2017-9-25 00:05
Please check the gimbal like 3# mentioned, and update your firmware. If the problem persists, just to verify, is there any hard landing or impact damage on the drone? I would recommend sending the drone in for an overall check. Thank you.

I updated the firmware to the latest version.
The problem persisted.
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Alexei Merinov
Second Officer
Flight distance : 4796509 ft

DJI-Mark Posted at 2017-9-25 09:05
Perhaps your gimbal issue was the result of electro magnetic interference. Please always  check your aircraft against the Assistant 2 software to make sure it is operating correctly.

Thank you for your recommendations.
I did not see in the program Assistant 2 the possibility of checking Mavik. In which tab of the Assistant 2 program is there such an opportunity?
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Alexei Merinov
Second Officer
Flight distance : 4796509 ft

Jenee 2 Posted at 2017-9-25 17:45
I would do a refresh of the firmware and then take it outside to turn it on or somewhere away from where you had it in that video.

Thank you for your recommendations!
I updated the firmware and went out into the place where my Mavik always flies without problems.
But moving Mavik to this place did not bring success.
The problem persisted.
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Jenee 2
First Officer
Flight distance : 7852129 ft

Alexei Merinov Posted at 2017-9-25 21:43
Thank you for your recommendations!
I updated the firmware and went out into the place where my Mavik always flies without problems.
But moving Mavik to this place did not bring success.

It is unfortunate but you may need to contact support with a view to having it repaired.
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Second Officer
United States

Alexei Merinov Posted at 2017-9-25 21:43
Thank you for your recommendations!
I updated the firmware and went out into the place where my Mavik always flies without problems.
But moving Mavik to this place did not bring success.

If you feel you would benefit from a technician examining your aircraft, please go to this link and set up a repair:
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Alexei Merinov
Second Officer
Flight distance : 4796509 ft

Dear DJI-Mark, thanks for your advice!
Unfortunately, the service center in our country refused to do warranty repair of my Mavik. They just agree to make a paid diagnosis and paid repair. The reason is that I bought my Mavik on AliExpress.
They called me the amount - it's 1/5 of the amount that I paid for Ali.
I am now thinking about the fate of my Mavik - it does not justify my expectations.
Mavik was very unpredictable and unreliable.
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Alexei Merinov
Second Officer
Flight distance : 4796509 ft

As the finish of the topic - I received a response from the technical support of DJI.
The serial number of my Mavik is equal to Australia (I live in Russia and it was delivered from AliExpress, China, to Russia).
So they suggested that I go to Australia and repair it under warranty. Or make a paid repair service near my house.
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Flight distance : 3007073 ft
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Alexei Merinov Posted at 2017-9-27 03:46
As the finish of the topic - I received a response from the technical support of DJI.
The serial number of my Mavik is equal to Australia (I live in Russia and it was delivered from AliExpress, China, to Russia).
So they suggested that I go to Australia and repair it under warranty. Or make a paid repair service near my house.

That is how warranty usually works (Nikon for example has the same policy).
You can only repair under warranty in the region of purchase.

Companies want to have different prices in different regions.
(I can understand that because people have different incomes in different regions, A Bic Mac is cheaper in China than in NL for example)
But with the internet and webshops delivering worldwide people are taking some risk for the price difference.
All goes well if you don't need the warranty, but if you do, you will have to make arrangements to repair in the area you bought from.

I am really tempted to buy in China and ship to The Netherlands, it saves me about € 300,- on a Mavic Fly More.
That is a lot of money I would love to spend on something else.
I don't like taking too much risk and this is a bit too much for me.
Of course I can purchase DJI Care Refresh, (this you can use in other regions), but that always costs money (first on purchase of DJI Care Refresh, next when you have to replace your MP)
Not worth € 300,- for me.
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Alexei Merinov
Second Officer
Flight distance : 4796509 ft

Montfrooij Posted at 2017-9-27 06:03
That is how warranty usually works (Nikon for example has the same policy).
You can only repair under warranty in the region of purchase.

Hello, Montfroid! Thank you for your participation.
I agree with your thoughts.

But there is a certain limit, through which it is difficult for me to jump over.
I will never buy Mavik in my country,  because it costs a crazy sum here.
I expected reliable goods and real support. I considered DJI a brand. But it was not so.
DJI - this is the usual Chinese beta version. With all its properties and consequences. It's a lottery.
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Flight distance : 3007073 ft
  • >>>

Alexei Merinov Posted at 2017-9-27 07:43
Hello, Montfroid! Thank you for your participation.
I agree with your thoughts.

I understand that completely and have great sympathy for you.
Especially if the product is very expensive in your country I can imagine you are willing to take the risk.
I am not sure about this, but as far as I know, you can apply for warranty, but only in the region where you bought it. (China)
I don't know your specific case, but it might be worth a try.

And yes, a manufacturer should always make the best product it can for a given price.
I think DJI is also doing the best they can making very complex technology.

Hope you will be able to get your case sorted out 'somewhere'!

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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

Alexei Merinov Posted at 2017-9-27 03:46
As the finish of the topic - I received a response from the technical support of DJI.
The serial number of my Mavik is equal to Australia (I live in Russia and it was delivered from AliExpress, China, to Russia).
So they suggested that I go to Australia and repair it under warranty. Or make a paid repair service near my house.

Really sorry for the inconvenience, but customers can obtain warranty service only at a designated DJI repair center in the region where he/she purchased the product according to our aftersales policy. Hope you can get the issue addressed soon.
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Alexei Merinov
Second Officer
Flight distance : 4796509 ft

DJI Thor Posted at 2017-9-27 23:23
Really sorry for the inconvenience, but customers can obtain warranty service only at a designated DJI repair center in the region where he/she purchased the product according to our aftersales policy. Hope you can get the issue addressed soon.

DJI Thor, thank you for your attention to the problem.
I'm sure you understand the stupidity of the situation.

I bought my Mavik to your dealers on AliExpress in China.
He sent my Mavik to me, to Russia. This is reflected in all documents - the end user in Russia.
Now that there is a big problem with the fault of DJI, I can not use Mavik.
I am sent to Australia, where "I can enjoy warranty repairs" (the answer is the technical support of the DJI).
What does that Australia???
Why does JI allow its dealer to send goods destined for Australia to Russia?
Why do they inform me that this is my problem? Is this my question?
This is the problem of DJI and the dealer, but not my problem.
I'm only an honest buyer who paid his money to your dealer.
I do not want to have anything to do with DJI and try to get rid of my Mavik as soon as possible. And forget about DJI forever
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Second Officer
United States

I really hear your frustration, but when you buy from Alibaba, or Ebay, you have no idea of the "pedigree" of the Mavic (or anything else for that matter).
You should always check to see from where they are shipping from, due to the warranty policies.
Unfortunatly, due to the purchase point, you really only have one way for warranty work, ship it to DJI Austrailia.  Or like you also said pay for it in your home country.
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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

Alexei Merinov Posted at 2017-9-28 08:07
DJI Thor, thank you for your attention to the problem.
I'm sure you understand the stupidity of the situation.

That must have been frustrating for you, I  can truly understand your situation and feel sorry for it. But firstly, as I had mentioned, users' can only obtain warranty where at a designated repair center in the region where he purchased the product. If user ordered the drone from a retailer, we can help to clarify what region the drone belongs to, but can not control a retailer to ship a drone from a designated region to you, you might need to ask the retailer. And for your case, I am sorry to tell that you might need to ship the drone to the accordingly repair center, or repair it in an authorized repair center nearby:
Hope your kind understanding.
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Alexei Merinov
Second Officer
Flight distance : 4796509 ft

Support of the DJI sent me to warranty repair my Mavik to Australia. Paid repairs in the proposed authorized service seemed to me fantastically expensive.
So I had to remember my childhood - when I was doing an airplane model ...

Thanks to the forums!
I solved the problem.

Ordered on Ali here is such a plume control gimbal (~10 USD)
In the instructions, I used this video  .

The cable waited 2 weeks. The procedure for replacing the cable took three hours (without training it was not easy at first).
If your hands do not tremble and there are three hours of time and a suitable instrument - the procedure is not so complicated.

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Flight distance : 230052 ft

Thanks mate - I am in Australia and this may come in handy if needs be.  I have exactly the same problem as you.
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Alexei Merinov
Second Officer
Flight distance : 4796509 ft

Tex21 Posted at 2017-10-11 21:33
Thanks mate - I am in Australia and this may come in handy if needs be.  I have exactly the same problem as you.

Hello my friend! I
hope, support of DJI  will not send you to make a warranty repair of your Mavik to Russia. But if so - I'm ready to help!
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Flight distance : 230052 ft

Alexei Merinov Posted at 2017-10-13 09:58
Hello my friend! I
hope, support of DJI  will not send you to make a warranty repair of your Mavik to Russia. But if so - I'm ready to help!

After sending mine in for assessment and repair, I received a new drone back, free of charge.  I am happy. Just synced it up with my old controller and did a few flights.  Works great.  Thanks DJI.
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