A3/N3 Shutter feature
2085 4 2017-9-24
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United States

Part of the increasing issue in dealing with DJI is finding good information on what their produts include and how to implement them. The Shutter feature in the A3/N3 is a good example. I wanted to find some information on how and/or where I could connect a Sony A6500 to either of these controllers via Lightbridge 2. What is the mapping/channel that is applied to this feature. Compounded my issue here, doing a Google search on the internet directed me to a DJI Wiki site. Well that sight is no longer. Who knows what it was replaced with.
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Flight distance : 839160 ft
United States

I asked support about this a few days ago. I wanted to trigger the shutter pwm input on the GCU but when its connected to a gimbal through a CAN Bus port it apparently disables all GCU PWN inputs which is a huge integration hassle.
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Second Officer

United States

Have you checked page 5 in the Lightbridge 2 manual on this: https://dl.djicdn.com/downloads/ ... _manual_En_v1.4.pdf

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Second Officer

United States

ROBERM19 Posted at 2017-9-25 05:03
I asked support about this a few days ago. I wanted to trigger the shutter pwm input on the GCU but when its connected to a gimbal through a CAN Bus port it apparently disables all GCU PWN inputs which is a huge integration hassle.

Did you ever resolve this issue? Is the firmware up to date?
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Flight distance : 839160 ft
United States

DJI-Mark Posted at 2017-9-25 06:57
Did you ever resolve this issue? Is the firmware up to date?

Being asked if the firmware is up to date gets old fast

I was told my a DJI Tech support rep that the inputs to the Z-15 5D gimbal are disabled when connected to the a3 through the CAN bus, if you can confirm or deny that with a rep who speaks fluent English and knows what I'm specifically asking about that would help.

My goal was to trigger the shutter input with a PWM signal from another transmitter instead of the DJI transmitter through the CAN bus. I tried using the A3 PWM outputs with our transmitter expansion kit but there's no response from the GCU. I looked at the PWM output of the A3 on an oscope and it's working so I know the GCU is getting signal.
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