Flight distance : 1030902 ft
hallmark007 Posted at 2017-10-9 07:26
Ok first let’s get things into perspective here, what you are suggesting is not available in dji drones that’s the first thing, your system is also not available in any other SUA’s, in fact apart from what’s in your head this system has never been tried or tested, so it doesn’t matter what you think your system does it has never done , and until it is it just remains your theory. Putting something on paper means dlddly squat until it’s tried and tested and it hasn’t.
As someone who has built many small quads and been around them for quite awhile, I fully understand the mechanics of how they work, and while I don’t profess to be an expert like you on all the technology, and I am very pragmatic and practical in my view. I do know what you are saying is only theory and theory never made anything work on its own.
Good idea, let's get some perspective here. Offering a viable procedure, based on technical knowledge and reasoning, is worth diddly squat; but ruling it out right off the bat, without any technical reasoning or merit - that's worth so much more! yeah, in fact, saying "not possible" without any reasoning is the attitude that has progressed humankind through the ages. Commendable!
Yes, it's a theory. every development starts with a theory. But it's not a guess like you try pointlessly to present it. It's a theory based on knowledge of the technology, its capabilities and its potential. Which is more than you can say when you disqualify it with no merit whatsoever.
Granted, I can't test it, I don't build drones and don't write drone firmware. But DJI does. My procedure would improve their product, raise its accessibility and improve the confidence of at least the more novice users; if my theory is no good, they (or anyone else) can come here and tell me why. Why it makes sense that the most sensitive apparatus should knock away the data of a much better system. Why the terrible procedure in place today is optimal and there's no going beyond it.
If you demand users to test every improvement they offer - as in, build and program it themselves - what's the point of having this forum anyway?
The others who have challenged my procedure have at least done so with reasoning. They pointed out possible technical difficulties that made sense, and i replied with technical ways to overcome of mitigate their effect. emphasis on "technical".
You do nothing of the sort. Your only reasoning is "they don't do it today, so it's impossible". You're the zealot waving a cross at my face yelling "blasphemy!"
and as for your BTW point - based on that logic, I suppose you suggest to abolish emergency RTH altogether then... |