United States
Hi all. I hope this is not spam as I did see it mentioned in another thread, but nothing dedicated to this issue. I think it's significant enough to warrant it's own thread.
I was flying yesterday when this issue occurred. It was my 66th flight and up to this point everything had worked perfectly. I am using an android tablet and have the latest software and firmware. I was flying very aggressively and nearing the end of the battery life. I had stopped and was hovering getting ready to land. I was expecting a low battery warning any minute and it did sound, but literally 2 seconds later I got the RTH warning and the inspire started to climb to safe altitude and head toward it's home point. ( We were filming from a moving vehicle and I had set the home point at the start of our route instead of at the controller as I should have). I stopped it and tried to fly it back to me as it was only about 30 yards away. It only seemed to respond to vertical inputs and flew into the side of a hill. ND filter broke, gimbal mount broke, gimbal arm is jammed somehow and won't rotate as it should, so I will have to send it in for repairs.
Please correct me if I am wrong, but I was under the impression that once the auto RTH is initiated, the pilot can over-ride it and land at a location of his choice as long as there is sufficient battery. I was not able to do that. I was able to adjust altitude, but not pitch or roll. I had sight of it the entire flight and once the RTH was initiated, all I wanted to do was to stop the forward momentum and land it where it was, but I couldn't stop it. Total time between low batt alarm and auto RTH was under 5 sec. Total time from auto RTH and contact with hill under 10 sec.
Has anyone else had this issue?
DJI, does this sound like software? Battery malfunction? Could it be due to very aggressive flying?
I was at full speed with major course corrections (really pushing the envelope) for 3 min just prior to this incident. Perhaps the voltage dropped faster than the software could adjust for hence the super short notice?
Does the software track stick input, or other "black box" type of info that could help figure out what happened?
Last question: Because the camera was knocked off and the plugs pulled out, the file ended up corrupt. Anyway to save that file? I think I got some great shots and would like to salvage any of it that I can get.
Thanks for this amazing tool. It has functioned perfectly in some very challenging conditions and I can only assume that this was a result of some condition that I didn't expect or understand so I would like to get to the bottom of it so I can avoid future problems.