 Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 1156358 ft
United States
51stheFrank Posted at 7-27 11:51
Does GS Pro only accept polygon KML files, or is it possible to import a LineString KML? I'd like to find a workaround for the lack of terrain following, but I'm starting to feel that it's hopeless.
According to this:
GS Pro can import all 3 geometries (point, line, poly) and the only one it says it can't create a mission from is point (which makes sense).
1. GS Pro supports KML, SHP, KMZ, and ZIP formats and automatically decompresses KMZ and ZIP files when importing from an iPad.
2. GS Pro can generate polygons, line strings, and points. Points cannot be used to create a flight mission, yet can be used as a reference for GCP (Ground Control Point) setup.
3. Currently, WGS-84 is the only coordinate system supported by GS Pro."
Of course that doen't necessarily mean that what you want to do it possible... 