I am a licensed Insurance adjuster and Home Inspector. I would very much like to use my MP for roof/chimney inspections when walking the roof isn’t an option. I would never “sell” the photos I use, they would just be in a report the Insurance company or home owner would see. I’ve heard several things about using drones for this type of work. Does anyone know exactly the requirements for this type of work?
Thanks BASE509
If your in the USA i would check your FAA rules regarding drones and using drones for profit even tho your not selling the photos.,it may apply cause your still using the drone for work purposes..better check
My question is who monitors who is getting paid for the photos? If a “buddy” of mine comes up to me and says “hey can I have you take pix of my 2 story house if I lost some shingles from the heavy winds we got we got last night” and slips me a $20 bill, is that considered getting paid? (Not an actual scene)
The Insurance company or homeowner pays me for an inspection of a property. I’m not getting paid solely for the photos of the roof/chimney. The photos help with the reports but that’s not what I’m technically getting paid for. I’ll call the FAA. They’re always so easy to work with. Thanks guys
The requirements are laid-out in FAR Part 107. You will need this and this is NOT a gray area (the FAA is pretty clear on this). You will probably use the drone for much more after being certified under FAR Part 107.
Yeppurz, you need the Cert. FAA rules state with the "weasel clause":
"The furtherance of a business", That is what gets one into trouble.
Even if you are not charging for the flight, the owner of the business is having his business enhanced.
Yes you do, That's the regulation in the US. Regardless of who, if anyone monitors commercial activity, I think both your and the company you work for are at risk of fine for non-compliance with the regs. It's not that hard to acquire a 107 certification. - just a bit of work.
Just go in there and take the test instead of trying to weasel out of it. It usually takes me longer to get groceries than the short time it took for that test. Study time is another matter, but if you're happy with a barely-passing score, you can probably get by with just watching a 1-hour video and doing nothing else.
I sent a rather long email to the FAA today and their response was rather ambiguous. To avoid any questions, I am going to go get the 107. Thanks for all the help guys!
Blue skies!!! BASE509