correct startup procedure discovered
5449 15 2017-11-7
Uploading and Loding Picture ...(0/1)
Flight distance : 793281 ft

My first flight more than often was difficult with bad video. Blamed the tablet, blamed the cable, blamed the firmware, blamed everything except the culprit. Me....
Because the aircraft took so long to get ready, I always started it first to take its time to warm up, then I unpacked and fired up the rest. 'Big mistake as' DT would say.
Of course once you're changing batteries the order becomes correct again, switch off the battery, change, and fire up again while the remote is already running.
This made me wonder.
Now I first of all start the remote, then the aircraft, then the app and the result is always perfect, peace again in the air.
I'm really curious to know why that makes a difference. Is it that the remote cannot choose it frequenties freely with the aircraft already transmitting ??
And I'm also surprised that nothing in the app warns that this correct order was not followed and that transmission might not be ideal. One more warning wouldn't hurt.
In the older days with my first quadcopter it didn't matter, we used to laugh at the holy rule the enthousiasts followed with their model airplanes. Remote on, plane on, plane off, remote off.
Now I know better. Hell, I might even upgrade to the latest firmware.

For all the Phantom flyers with on and off bad video : check your startup order. It really does matter.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4356421 ft
United States

This has pretty much been the recommended procedure for some time. I mean by us users. I have always suggested remote first, aircraft, then app......just as you say. I agree too that it does make a difference!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 178018 ft
United States

Interesting.  I typically do remote, app, Mavic.  I haven't had any problems.  Not a big deal for me to switch, so I'll try it your way for awhile.  Thanks!
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Mark The Droner
First Officer
Flight distance : 2917 ft
United States

The DJI recommended procedure is shown in the manual:  Controller, mobile device, AC.  

After flight, reverse order.

This way the AC never senses it has no control signal during start up or shut down.  

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First Officer
Flight distance : 1087530 ft

I think with a lot of people and experience of general RC ... its ingrained that Controller / Tx first ... that then means command unit is ON and no mishaps.

With the P3S - I found it didn't really matter which way I started as long as Controller was first of the DJI items. I would start my tablet because of the boot-up sequence and to save waiting. But I would leave it at the Desktop screen. Then start Controller ... then AC ... then once RC green - switch to RC WiFI and then start GO or Litchi. It always worked fine.

But once I got the P3Pro - I soon learnt that cable to the tablet was LAST item ... sequence being : Tablet booted up, but not GO / Litchi. RC on ... AC on ... THEN plug in c able which triggers box asking whether I want GO or Litchi started ... I make choice and it auto starts into app. Good to go ... if I started Go / Litchi myself before cable - then I would have trouble and most likely have to shut down GO / Litchi and resort back to cable unplug / plug back in again.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4356421 ft
United States

Mark The Droner Posted at 2017-11-7 07:50
The DJI recommended procedure is shown in the manual:  Controller, mobile device, AC.  

After flight, reverse order.

The mobile device can be turned on, but leave the USB cable disconnected. I am 100% with solentlife's procedure too.
Always remote first so that it has control as soon as aircraft is turned on, turn your tablet/phone on if you want but not connected, then aircraft. Now plug the USB in. Has always perfect for me every time.
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Flight distance : 793281 ft

Solentlife :I wrestled many weeks with the cable until the socket was nearly worn out.
As of now I don't touch the cable, I don't reboot the tablet, I don't take the tablet out of the remote. I simply plug the usb from time to time in a charger.
First I start the remote, and the tablet awakens, it waits patiently  before the choice between GO and Litchi
I start the aircraft and wait for the led to turn green,  I choose my app, and voila.
A telltale sign of the clean connection is that it now always starts in the larger 16:9 camera view video, and not in the smaller 4:3 camera view photo.
After the flights I start the tablet, open wifi, synchronise in Go, synchronise in Airdata. I leave the tablet with the remote.
On my home computer I can than see all the flight details in Airdata, eventually export the flight in Google Earth and use the it for my flights log.

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First Officer
Flight distance : 1087530 ft

Do you clean out the tablet ... as they fill up with all sorts of crap when left on ...

I agree that the mini usb sockets are crap - my larger tablet I use at bedside - I am always unclipping the panel and squeezing the tin  plate in again that guides the plug.

But whether you unplug from tablet or controller - the plugging in triggers the APP ..

Personally I don't see point of having tablet on all the time ... I have quite a few around the house ... they all go fully off when not in use. Each to their own.

My Go / LItchi starts in max screen everytime ... certainly never in 4:3 !! I only know that 4:3 can be selected in the Camera / Video Menu ...
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Flight distance : 260384 ft
United States

Interesting.  I have always done  it backwards:  AC/Remote/App.  Never had trouble, but I will change to the order suggested here from now on.  I did it that way for then same reason the originator of this thread did - the time it takes to warm up.  I guess I can still do that, but then, once the props are all on and I am ready, I can power down the P3A, start the remote and app then re-start the AC which will be pre-warmed.
Use props
Flight distance : 432602 ft
United Kingdom

you don`t have much choice with p4p+ as when you power up the rc the app starts .. so it rc first ac second
Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 1087530 ft

bob37 Posted at 2017-11-7 11:30
Interesting.  I have always done  it backwards:  AC/Remote/App.  Never had trouble, but I will change to the order suggested here from now on.  I did it that way for then same reason the originator of this thread did - the time it takes to warm up.  I guess I can still do that, but then, once the props are all on and I am ready, I can power down the P3A, start the remote and app then re-start the AC which will be pre-warmed.


No need to power down the AC ....

The main point about P3P / P3A .. is that the cable connecting auto triggers the app ...

Anyway - starting RC then AC doesn't make much difference in time as AC still takes xxx time whatever you do. Starting tablet - longest bit is the boot-up ...

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4356421 ft
United States

To Nigel's point...........the aircraft will still require whatever time it needs to warm up. The procedure doesn't change any of that. It is just if you do it this way you will most likely always get connected properly. and not have any issues. My Shield takes a bit to boot up too, so I will usually always have it on even before I put in on the RC holder, but no cable hooked up. I also have both Litchi and the Go app, and it will always ask which you want to run when the USB cable is plugged into the port. Mine always comes up full screen every time, no matter which app I use.
Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 139649 ft

I use a p4p, iPad, GO or Litchi. As a principal rc first then ac, I do not want the ac to be without a partner. The order of everything else appears to make no difference whatsoever.
Use props
Flight distance : 793281 ft

Agree. Remote first thats the only rule that matters.
Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 275105 ft
United States

You may not be aware of this as it is not in the manual, but you can significantly increase warm up speed by doing a cold imu calibration.  By that I mean, put it in the fridge for 20 minutes or so without the battery installed.  When you remove it, immediately set it on a completely flat and level surface and perform imu calibration.  You should see a large improvement in aircraft readiness on initial start up.

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DJI Susan

The key is powering on the RC before the drone. Take the control at your hand all the time.
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