Attitude indicator question
7655 22 2017-11-14
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Flight distance : 1437 ft
United States

When using a tablet with the DJI Go app the attitude indicator appears in the lower left corner of the screen.  In the center of the circle is a white dot that indicates the position of the remote controller.  At the top of the circle is a white triange with a cone of white in front of it that, according to the tutorial, indicates the orientation of the remote controller.  No matter whether I'm facing toward or away from the aircraft the triangle and white cone always point toward the center of the circle.  I would like to better understand what the white triangle represents and how to use the information it provides.
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Post a picture to better help you.
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Flight distance : 1437 ft
United States

dronist Posted at 2017-11-14 18:37
Post a picture to better help you.

The arrow is pointing to the triangle in my question.
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DJI Susan

As I mentioned before, it is the relative orientation. For example, if you move your mobile device, the attitude indicator will change, but the white triangle remains, it can be called that the relative direction changed. It will not affect the normal flight, no worries.
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Flight distance : 1437 ft
United States

DJI Susan Posted at 2017-11-14 20:04
As I mentioned before, it is the relative orientation. For example, if you move your mobile device, the attitude indicator will change, but the white triangle remains, it can be called that the relative direction changed. It will not affect the normal flight, no worries.

It's that "relative direction" that I don't understand.  No matter where I move, the triangle remains in the same location.  What is this information telling us?
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Flight distance : 1437 ft
United States

GRUAVP4pro Posted at 2017-11-14 20:24
It's that "relative direction" that I don't understand.  No matter where I move, the triangle remains in the same location.  What is this information telling us?

It's that "relative orientation" that I don't understand.  You call it "relative direction" and I ask relative to what?   What is it's purpose?  How is the information used?
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GRUAVP4pro Posted at 2017-11-14 20:27
It's that "relative orientation" that I don't understand.  You call it "relative direction" and I ask relative to what?   What is it's purpose?  How is the information used?

1st thing .... it's called the radar display.
Look closely and there should be two direction indicators around the outer ring.
One is your North indicator = that should be self explanatory.
The other one that you are asking about is whatever direction you and the controller are facing.
Instead of thinking it never moves, look at how everything else does when you do.
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Flight distance : 1437 ft
United States

Labroides Posted at 2017-11-14 22:37
1st thing .... it's called the radar display.
Look closely and there should be two direction indicators around the outer ring.
One is your North indicator = that should be self explanatory.

1st thing...thanks for the information.  I'm still not sure how to use this information though I have a better understanding of what it is displaying.

2nd thing... you call it the "radar display"  DJI calls it the "attitude indicator" in the tutorial from which I took the screen shot above.
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Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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GRUAVP4pro Posted at 2017-11-17 20:27
1st thing...thanks for the information.  I'm still not sure how to use this information though I have a better understanding of what it is displaying.

2nd thing... you call it the "radar display"  DJI calls it the "attitude indicator" in the tutorial from which I took the screen shot above.

Try flying nearby where you can see your Phantom.
Move it around and rotate it and observe how this displays.
It's very simple and intuitive.
Easier to understand than to explain it in words.

Attitude indicator refers to the light/dark background part of it.
It's much more commonly called a radar display.
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Jenee 2
First Officer
Flight distance : 7852129 ft

GRUAVP4pro Posted at 2017-11-17 20:27
1st thing...thanks for the information.  I'm still not sure how to use this information though I have a better understanding of what it is displaying.

2nd thing... you call it the "radar display"  DJI calls it the "attitude indicator" in the tutorial from which I took the screen shot above.

The H is where you are and the red arrow is where the drone is and the direction of the red arrow shows which way the drone is facing. In the picture shown above, the drone is facing away from you. One of the best uses of this if that if your drone is a distance from you, you probably can't tell which way it is facing but by looking at the radar, you can see which way it is facing and then you know which way you have to turn it to get it to fly back towards you.
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Flight distance : 388642 ft
United Kingdom

I've always considered the obstacle avoidance display to be the radar display, the one that tells you when things are getting close to the aircraft, how far away they are and what direction.  I'm sure DJI also call that the radar display.

The attitude indicator doesn't function as a radar at all, it just works as an artificial horizon and an RDF (Radio Direction Finder) to show the location of the aircraft relative to the controller.

White triangle is like the zero degrees mark on the case of a compass.
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Flight distance : 4117 ft
United States

Happy Easter. I have noticed that on the attitude indicator the North position never moves on my screen. When I position the drone and the controller north the North position indicator is always 180 deg off relative to the drone..
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Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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Gyronut Posted at 2018-4-1 12:25
Happy Easter. I have noticed that on the attitude indicator the North position never moves on my screen. When I position the drone and the controller north the North position indicator is always 180 deg off relative to the drone..

Try calibrating the compass in your phone or tablet (not the Phantom).
See if that makes any difference.
Google should show you how to do it.
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Mark The Droner
First Officer
Flight distance : 2917 ft
United States

Also, be sure your mobile device includes a compass - not all do
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First Officer
Flight distance : 20145135 ft
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United States

You are correct in what you are calling it. It is the Attitude Indicator. Check Youtube for the DJI Tutorial for the Attitude Indicator.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 20145135 ft
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United States

GRUAVP4pro Posted at 2017-11-17 20:27
1st thing...thanks for the information.  I'm still not sure how to use this information though I have a better understanding of what it is displaying.

2nd thing... you call it the "radar display"  DJI calls it the "attitude indicator" in the tutorial from which I took the screen shot above.

I would stick with the DJI Terminology, you will be able to communicate more clearly.
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Flight distance : 7216319 ft
South Africa

I have noticed on the Air a blue line appearing left or right of the triangle. what does this mean?
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Flight distance : 227470 ft

Here are some youtube videos that could help understand somewhat more the radar/compass/attitude indicator or however preferred to call it.

Also if you search for attituted indicator in youtube you will find more vids about it

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If you use an iphone than you may need to calibrate your compass, even if not asked to. This fixed my north problem
See The REAL iPhone Compass Calibration Tutorial at
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 144403 ft

The white triangle is just a fixed graphic pointer, nothing else. It indicates the direction your remote is facing -the absolute direction, not in relation to the aircraft nose direction nor to the geographic direction either the aircraft or the remote are facing.  It is like the line of sight of a weapon. What matters is the direction of the red arrow in relation to the "line of sight" , and this will tell you where the aircraft is facing towards you, away from you, heading at an angle to the right or to the left of your line of sight...
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Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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Antonio76 Posted at 9-14 01:42
The white triangle is just a fixed graphic pointer, nothing else. It indicates the direction your remote is facing -the absolute direction, not in relation to the aircraft nose direction nor to the geographic direction either the aircraft or the remote are facing.  It is like the line of sight of a weapon. What matters is the direction of the red arrow in relation to the "line of sight" , and this will tell you where the aircraft is facing towards you, away from you, heading at an angle to the right or to the left of your line of sight...

Why don't people look at dates on posts?
You've answered a guy that asked his question two years ago .... and was already answered by a few back when he asked.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 144403 ft

Labroides Posted at 9-14 02:34
Why don't people look at dates on posts?
You've answered a guy that asked his question two years ago .... and was already answered by a few back when he asked.

Sorry. I evidently have a problem with attention deficit due to my Parkinson... But I don't think it is a sin -or is it? Anyway, at least on my browser the dates on posts are not clearly visible due to their light grey coloring, and this makes things even more difficult for me. Again, not a sin, in my book. Nor is tolerance.
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United States

call it whatever you tells the pilot where they are, where North is and where the drone is RELATIVE to the pilot (assuming the pilot is handling the controller in a normal fashion in from of them.
If you did not have the white triangle you would not know if the drone is to your right, in front of you,  to your left, or behind you. You would have to make the ASSUMPTION that the top of the screen was the direction you are facing. In this case you would be right, then this thread would be "Why doesn't DJI show me where I am facing?"
Strictly speaking, it is neither a radar (since it uses GPS and not radio echos)
"Electronics. a device for determining the presence and location of an object by measuring the time for the echo of a radio wave to return from it and the direction from which it returns.
a means or sense of awareness or perception:"

nor ATTITUDE (since it is only showing XY axis = but Z is shown elsewhere)
"Aeronautics. the inclination of the three principal axes of an aircraft relative to the wind, to the ground, etc."
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