Autonomous flight - False advertising
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5111 53 2015-4-12
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Flight distance : 143566828 ft
United States

One reason we bought the Inspire was the fact that they advertised this function.

Can anyone who actually knows about this please tell me if they are ever going to add this option since they are now so busy  with their precious Phantom 3?
They are even still advertising that the Inspire has this function right now. I'm sure this has been posted before but if you haven't seen it just scroll to 8:08 and watch. Our lawyers have already downloaded a full copy of the entire video and I think there is even another video in the app talking about it.

We really feel ripped off as this is costing us money!

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United States

SkySight welcome to the world of DJI they lie and when you call them on it you get jumped on in the forums. It doesn't have it and never will have it. Look at the P3 they are trying to push development to a third party. They have washed their hands of it and will never publically answer any questions that is hard or difficult. Its pretty amusing, well I take that back its is amusing for DJI as they keep having sales come in for a half-finished project with still numerous bugs that will always be fixed in the next firmware.
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United States

I just realized another feature that was advertised but does not exist-Dynamic Home Point. In the live stream launch even of the inspire it was said that it had dynamic home point but I just asked in DJI Live Chat and I was told that the inspire does not have it (then I asked a follow up question on that and he ended the chat of course). I'm sure there's other features that were advertised but don't exist.
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Flight distance : 2605 ft
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United States

The production company that did that video for DJI erred.  That video has been corrected.  Unfortunately we may not have tracked down all the copies.  I apologize for the confusion.  
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Flight distance : 29646 ft
United States

So what else is in error from the video?  I have been silent but this answer is disturbing in the least.
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United States

Skysight, with all due respect, how is this costing you money?  And if it is,  why not just buy another brand Quad and go about your business if it thats important?  If I needed a 'tool' to complete a project (we are in there same business) I would not let ANY 'tool' cost me business. Period.  And good luck with your 'lawyers' and your presumed attempt at a lawsuit.  Trying to claim 'loss of revenue' is very, very hard to prove and near impossible to prevail at at.
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United States

It's one way to sell more aircraft. It seems to me that DJI has backed away from promising autonomous flight for the I1, but, hey, they have other platforms that can do it, right?
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Flight distance : 143566828 ft
United States

dbeck@promobox. Posted at 2015-4-13 11:56
Skysight, with all due respect, how is this costing you money?  And if it is,  why not just buy anot ...

Well, lets see. we ALREADY bought the Inspire expecting it to do things as advertised. I'm not about to tell you how we were going to use the autonomous flight. Obviously if we can't produce a certain product because of being lied to by DJI then we are losing money. Then if we sell the thing and go purchase a new one from a different company then we will lose even more money because we certainly won't get out of it what we paid for it.
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Flight distance : 143566828 ft
United States

Tahoe_Ed Posted at 2015-4-13 10:17
The production company that did that video for DJI erred.  That video has been corrected.  Unfortuna ...

Ed-come on if DJI is REALLY trying to pull the videos that are mistakes then how on earth are they stupid enough to leave the video in question the "Official DJI Videos" page as the third video from the left on the TOP row? Official DJI Videos I realize there are stupid people out there but come on. People are paying $3000 for something the product DOES NOT DO as shown in the companies own video. I realize they think they are untouchable being from China. Just wait until the Federal Government to steps in and start blocking DJI products from reaching the US, or start revoking Visa's or start freezing assets in the United States. If we were talking a few thousand no they won't care but we are talking almost a BILLION dollars! I have no clue how much of that comes from this country but I think we all hear the clock ticking and know any second the Feds and the IRS are going to start really looking at the practices of DJI.
Ed- I think you're a good guy and do your best in the middle of this craziness. Now please, either go get us autonomous flight or send me a free second controller.
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United Kingdom

Tahoe_Ed Posted at 2015-4-13 10:17
The production company that did that video for DJI erred.  That video has been corrected.  Unfortuna ...


The issue here is that I, like many, bought the Inspire on the assumption that this functionality would (perhaps not initially) be there. If by your response, you are confirming that DJI are in fact not going to add this functionality, then I do believe they are in breach of false advertising. These "corrected" videos only appeared after the production was released.
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Thank you for responding.
The production company almost always submits the finished product to the end client for final approval...  hard to believe no one at DJI viewed and approved the release....
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1711394 ft

Hey Ed,

Sorry that you are getting the sharp end of the stick here - don't take it personally.

The result of the Inspire rollout to date has seen the product hyped well past its capabilities and the demonstrated capability of the factory / design team to deliver to the promises made. While DJI aims to be the 'Apple' of UAVs, there isn't the same level of acceptance of delay and product failure by the customer base that Apple is able to enjoy.

The approach of passively managing the conflict with silence was working well, but then the P3 launch just reminded everyone what was missing, how much was spent to acquire the product and stirred the fire back up again. People are left with a real anxiety that their purchase has been abandoned, devalued and will remain broken with technical faults by the emergence of the P3.

This clearly isn't the case, I'm sure that DJI will work to address the issues - but the approach of silence is not working and a mature, open dialogue with the user base is the only way that credibility will re-enter the equation. What is perceived now is contempt and disregard.

Guys, let TE and the guys alone - they have no ability to influence the people at DJI who do have the resources and authority to make the things we want happen. It's frustrating, but we have to wait and at some stage we will get the features and functionality we get.

Until then, fly your Inspires within the limits that you are comfortable with and share the videos with everyone back here!
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United Kingdom

Tahoe_Ed Posted at 2015-4-13 10:17
The production company that did that video for DJI erred.  That video has been corrected.  Unfortuna ...

Hi Ed,

I think you need to clarify your statement to ensure there is no ambiguity in DJI's position with regards to Groundstation development.

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Flight distance : 21624 ft
United States

This whole Company is run on False advertising.....
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2605 ft
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United States

I will refer you to the FAQ section of the Inspire 1.

When will ground station functionality be available?
The Inspire 1 does not currently support ground station.
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United Kingdom

Tahoe_Ed Posted at 2015-4-13 22:14
I will refer you to the FAQ section of the Inspire 1.

When will ground station functionality be ava ...

I don't think you are helping the situation, which is very unlike you. There is mounting frustration in the Inspire camp that DJI are not focusing their efforts on developing the Inspire. Ground station was advertised and people purchased based on this assumption.
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Flight distance : 11286 ft
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United States

^ I know I did. At to make things worse, it seems the new P3 will not support it either (if i read correctly)
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Captain Obvious

My Q' is...Is the Inspire 1 capable of this and If not why? and if so again Why leave it out?..After the cost of it and the lack of no Sim for Android. It would have been nice to get more from the bird then what it can only currently do.
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United States

Can anyone point me to the “corrected" version video Tahoe_Ed is referring to?  All I can find are those stubborn DJI Official versions on the DJI Official YouTube channel and the DJI Official web site, both explain how to use the autonomous flight feature.
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Ed, I am sorry, but I think it's kinda inappropriate to refer us to the updated faq. The original wording, and I think it was on the faq until February, was "The Inspire 1 does not currently support ground station. Ground station will be available with future firmware updates."
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Flight distance : 143566828 ft
United States

doctrrf Posted at 2015-4-13 22:29
Can anyone point me to the “corrected" version video Tahoe_Ed is referring to?  All I can find are  ...

Our lawyers downloaded the videos from YouTube where DJI talks about how to use the autonomous flight. I'm tired of this garbage.
ED- The biggest tragedy now is that your response has caused so many people on here to lose a great deal of respect for you. "Refer to the FAQ"? Really? Come on! I thought you were better than that.
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United States

SkySight Posted at 2015-4-14 03:08
Our lawyers downloaded the videos from YouTube where DJI talks about how to use the autonomous fli ...

SO let us all know how your lawsuit goes with 'your lawyers'  HA.  Lets see about $25-50k in discovery..easy...another $50-75k in motions, what? Recover $4k in what you spent on the Inspire.  You are a joke.  I looked at your website.  (BTW, what did you win the Emmy for?) you have many quads you could have used with the RED.  Send back the Inspire and stop complaining
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United States

Captain Obvious Posted at 2015-4-13 22:28
My Q' is...Is the Inspire 1 capable of this and If not why? and if so again Why leave it out?..After ...

I am a software engineer so I can comfortably say, yes it is not only possible but not too difficult to do. The advertised functionality really isn't even autonomous flight but a rather simple auto pilot function. The Inspire 1 is already controlling it's flight by gps, it's just a matter of translating the user entered trace into gps data and execute. If the altitude is fixed then it becomes even easier.

Even more important I believe there should be an additional gamble function to lock on to a fixed targe, but that's another can of worms.
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Flight distance : 91811 ft
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United States

Tahoe_Ed Posted at 2015-4-13 22:14
I will refer you to the FAQ section of the Inspire 1.

When will ground station functionality be ava ...

Get what you are saying .I have had my fair share of problems and posted them . I sense everyone's frustration and mine as well .At the end of the day we are all pioneers in something amazing .None of this was available a year ago .Yes we have all spent a lot of money and tech support at DJI   stinks .When we can fly, what fun .I am 61 and can remember the first color TV ,first cell phone,first Concorde .I could go on .This is amazing technology from them and other Company's .Glad to be here at the beginning .In a year we all will be laughing about the glitches .Maybe we will be getting packages from Amazon .We all need to loosen up a bit .Me as well .  
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Correct me if I'm wrong but did DJI not just recently (end of April) announce that Ground Station, Living Streaming, Director and SDK features announced for the Phantom 3 would also be coming soon to the Inspire 1?  I received the details by email and have seen discussion about it on this forum.  See the following link: Inspire 1: Changing the World.
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United States

Below is a lift from the CURRENT PAGE at the "Inspire Changing the World" link.  Note the item on the left.  This is what is displayed as of today - May 12, 2015.  I doubt they have abandoned Ground Station for the Inspire if they are still displaying this today.
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Flight distance : 69662 ft
Hong Kong

Farnk666 Posted at 2015-4-13 16:19
Hey Ed,

Sorry that you are getting the sharp end of the stick here - don't take it personally.

Amen to that... Personally, I don't doubt DJI will probably follow-up on the ground station support for the I1 - since its available on the P2s, but for users waiting for the 'follow-me' autonomous mode you can pretty much forget about it.  I bought the bird thinking it would have this feature too, so I was annoyed to learn nothing close to it has been developed.  But there isn't really any point crying over spilled milk, so all I can do now is look at some other birds which are less expensive designed specifically for autonomous flight XD.
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New Zealand

Tahoe_Ed Posted at 2015-4-13 10:17
The production company that did that video for DJI erred.  That video has been corrected.  Unfortuna ...

What muppet didnt proof the video before releasing it?

You can blame the video company all you want, but they didnt just make up features and include them in a video, they would have been told 'these are the features' by DJI.

I do realize you think most of your customers are stupid... but they arent.

By the way, this video was posted on "14 Jan 2015" by DJI and STILL exists on the official DJI youtube page.
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Flight distance : 793041 ft
New Zealand

dbeck@promobox. Posted at 2015-4-14 04:26
SO let us all know how your lawsuit goes with 'your lawyers'  HA.  Lets see about $25-50k in disco ...

That is probably exactly what DJI is calculating with - individual owner will not have the funds to take them on.
Now, there is the option of class-action.
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Flight distance : 606237 ft
South Korea

Do not be ridiculous, we are in front of a Chinese company... Your class action has no more value than a roll of toilet paper.

But if you want to give then a good laugh go for it;-)
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New Zealand

lethbrp Posted at 2015-4-13 15:14

The issue here is that I, like many, bought the Inspire on the assumption that this functiona ...

In my country, yes, they are in breech of the Fair Trading Act 1996 ... atest/DLM96439.html
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 343848 ft
United Kingdom

So correct if I am wrong here,

DJI released promotional video and marketing, promising ground station and waypoint automated flights for the Inspire at its original release in 2014 then again in 2015 when the first batch was released.  We place pre-orders on the back of those promises and subsequently purchased in good faith that these will be provided for the Inspire.  Then were recently informed just recently by DJI in April after the release of the Phantom 3 that they will be released shortly within a few months for the Inspire.

If DJI do not propose to provide the waypoint and ground station for the Inspire, they can't blame the company who produced the video or marketing material for the Inspire or indeed any recent update releases.  It is out of order as DJI will have final say on its production and they didn't have to release it if it was wrong or inaccurate in any shape or form.  Therefore DJI please honour your promises as we have purchased our aircraft on back of those promises, marketing material and await as patiently as one can for them to be delivered.

All we ask is for what we expected when we originally pre-ordered and purchased this product.  In simple terms, DJI needs to deliver the product it promised and we paid for.  Next I am envisaging that DJI will try and slap on some fee for these functions, especially if they are being provided by a third party, which would be the last straw.
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United States

I bought the inspire 1 for the ground station feature also. I was really disappointed when I received my Inspire 1 and realized that DJI lied. I am hoping that it will be available in a future update.
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New Zealand

GB44 Posted at 2015-5-14 02:51
So correct if I am wrong here,

DJI released promotional video and marketing, promising ground stati ...


Blaming the Production company is a cop out.
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Stop the witch hunt ...

The production company obviously knows a great deal about this kind of products and thought that it was obvious that it should have "Autonomous flight" ... although this was not mentioned in the script they received from DJI they took it upon them selves to include this in the promotional video they made (of course without asking DJI about it as they made such an obvious error and forgot all about this feature).   

I don´t care if it´s DJI or a "third party" that developes this for the Inspire as long as it´s coming ... because it´s an awesome feature and as other brands are including it in their platforms I´m sure that DJI will try their best to make it available for the Inspire also or they will start loosing their business!
I am sure it is coming !

DJI ... Please stop "playing dead" and start giving us information about your future plans about this to restore the lost trust  

I totally love my bird ... I can´t wait for all the software bugs to get sorted and the autonomous flight to be available for us!
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Flight distance : 793041 ft
New Zealand

alexmarnas Posted at 2015-5-13 11:34
Do not be ridiculous, we are in front of a Chinese company... Your class action has no more value th ...

Unfortunately you are right. We are just their laughing stock!
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United States

Tahoe_Ed Posted at 2015-4-13 10:17
The production company that did that video for DJI erred.  That video has been corrected.  Unfortuna ...

Sorry, but it is the responsibility of DJI to review all advertising and promotion materials to ensure the accuracy before releasing the material. The production company may have screwed up but I doubt that they pulled these features out of their rears. It had to come from DJI at some point. I understand DJIs liability surrounding these features, however DJI has a liability to its customers who bought the product based on promised features sets.
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United States

alexmarnas Posted at 2015-5-13 11:34
Do not be ridiculous, we are in front of a Chinese company... Your class action has no more value th ...

Not that I am recommending such a thing, but by mass-importing into the USA they agree to be bound by our laws.  If they responded to a class action by closing up shop in the U.S. they would lose the North American market, which they probably cannot afford.
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United Kingdom

Under the Sale of Goods Act 1979 goods must be:

    the sellers to sell
    as described
    of satisfactory quality
    fit for purpose made known – this means both their everyday purpose, and also any specific purpose that you agreed with the seller (for example, if you specifically asked for a printer that would be compatible with your computer).
    Goods sold must also match any sample you were shown in-store, or any description in a brochure.
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Flight distance : 793041 ft
New Zealand

jeremybrooking Posted at 2015-5-13 11:40
In my country, yes, they are in breech of the Fair Trading Act 1996 ...

Hi jeremybrooking,

The NZ Consumers Guarantees Act states very clearly, that the importer /distributor warrants the quality of the imported and distributed goods if you are a private consumer customer. So, if you bought from a NZ business, they are the ones to put the pressure on. This should eventually get through to DJI if their order drop. http://www.consumeraffairs.govt. ... urers-and-importers

The  protection is a lot less clear if the purchase has been done by a business entity - then you are not considered a consumer. Nonetheless, I think this is the most effective route to take in NZ - and I am seriously looking at it.
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