My Spark SUCKS
4388 35 2017-11-25
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My Spark Sucks

Hi guys,

Seems like a LOT of people are unhappy with their DJI.

I've started a Facebook page about the problems with Spark, search "My DHI Spark SUCKS"

I've spent hours and hours trying to get my Spark working. Flight time has ben about 3 hours....fix/prep/install/etc time has been about 10 hours.

They suck at designing software.

Please join the Facebook page and spread the word.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 329829 ft

Actually mate the problem is with the current software version on the SPARK and the mobile application ....If you downgrade the versions to a previous version, you will definitely find your confidence picking up !!
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Flight distance : 683501 ft

I think u sucks!
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Flight distance : 696 ft

sibu Posted at 2017-11-25 22:37
Actually mate the problem is with the current software version on the SPARK and the mobile application ....If you downgrade the versions to a previous version, you will definitely find your confidence picking up !!

No. The problems are on different devices with different versions. Actually on my phone (with plain vanilla Android) I cannot use any DJI GO 4 later than 4.1.9 ! Neither 4.1.10, nor 4.1.14, nor 4.1.15, nor 4.1.18.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 194718 ft

fortunately, mine works reasonably well...
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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I think if you include specifics you might get more help.
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Flight distance : 7349 ft

Thank you but no, thank you.
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Oracle Miata
First Officer
Flight distance : 3759829 ft
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United States

If it's taking you 10 hours to set up a Spark you really do not need to be operating any sort of UAV.
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Second Officer

Perhaps drone flying is not for you.   

I did have an issue with firmware upgrade bricking my spark, (fixed under warranty), but aside from that it’s been an awesome experience with the Spark.
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Flight distance : 261509 ft

There really seems to be a campaign ongoing, at least I can't find any other explanation for certain most aggressive posts throughout the forum during these past days. Beginner problems are a different issue and there are so many here who are happy to assist. But certain posts during the past days point to a different motivation.
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Flight distance : 5810 ft
United Kingdom

I like mine!
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Flight distance : 98 ft
United States

Wachtberger Posted at 2017-11-26 13:26
There really seems to be a campaign ongoing, at least I can't find any other explanation for certain most aggressive posts throughout the forum during these past days. Beginner problems are a different issue and there are so many here who are happy to assist. But certain posts during the past days point to a different motivation.

DJI and others, BestBuy, have had the spark on sale.
Many users are new to drones and expect them to operate as promoted, well, they actually should.
Unfortunately this is not always the case and those who have experience with drones and DJI seem to have a little more patience, new comers not so much.
It really is a little strange when  someone thinks it’s OK when their new drone bricks with an update, send it in and now it works fine, this really should not happen.
I could go on and on but there are enough threads with batteries and android.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 70745 ft

Troll is troll.

There are a couple of bugs with it but its an awesome device. Sorry but it seems like you don't know how to use it well, or expecting too much from it?
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Flight distance : 261509 ft

CabinPete Posted at 2017-11-26 14:03
DJI and others, BestBuy, have had the spark on sale.
Many users are new to drones and expect them to operate as promoted, well, they actually should.
Unfortunately this is not always the case and those who have experience with drones and DJI seem to have a little more patience, new comers not so much.

Hi, partially I fully agree with you. Spark is reaching out to a totally new and much bigger group of clients. The image (partially created) is: Take it out of the box, take off and take great videos and pictures. While the Spark is indeed much easier to use and has much more capabilities than any other drone before in this price class, there are however common sense rules that should apply to every customer. And the minimum at least should be to read the user manual carefully. Yet, too many unfortunately and very obviously don't even do that, sorry to say.
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United States

I think there are more people who are successful with getting it to work without much challenges. True, the first time experience have a lot of firmware updates and downloads going on, but it is mainly wait time and not technical complexity (unless you thought you are buying a kids toy). If you will be more clear about the issues that you are having there are many great people here that can help, but just inviting people to a 'the product suck because I said so' group is not really the way to go.
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Flight distance : 8192 ft
United States

I'm a new drone user... got my spark in July... still learning, big learning curve. But I don't have time to work with it every day, and that is key. I'm just getting to a good point now where I feel I have successful outings. But there is a huge lack of information to be found. I'm a "read the manual" person, and there isn't much to read to learn. Thanks for all of your help on the forum. I love my Spark!
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United States

Frankly, this thread seems like a troll, he joined a day ago which means that he spent zero time trying to figure out what is wrong. My guess, he doesn't even own a Spark or any other DJI product.
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Flight distance : 231394 ft
United States

I have to wonder, too, how many people complaining about the performance of their devices, are the same people who don't pay attention to the instructions. Not saying that's the case with the OP, but in my years of electronics maintenance and repair (pushing 40 years at it now), I've run across a LOT of people that skip the learning process, and then wonder why they don't get the results they expect.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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headshot9 Posted at 2017-11-26 15:20
Frankly, this thread seems like a troll, he joined a day ago which means that he spent zero time trying to figure out what is wrong. My guess, he doesn't even own a Spark or any other DJI product.

You are quite correct in both your posts, is he trolling I’m not to sure about this he does own a spark, I suspect from his lack of specifics he’s just trying to start a bit of hysteria, most who come here want there problems sorted others who are few are venting against dji because they bought something that is more complicated than they thought, could be lack of research lack of will to read simple instructions and manual take some time out to figure out the set up, those are people want someone to hold their hand and walk them through the whole procedure, and I’m convinced they are not suited to this hobby.

There are others who’s set up has been challenged by new software who sincerely would like this sorted out, they are expressing dissatisfaction in what has happened, the main problem is with otg cable and the big problem here is otg has never been made fully compatible or no promise that it would ever be made compatible by dji.
So IMHO the first thing dji need to sort out is correct WiFi so that Aircraft will fly distance as advertised and video feed would be compatible and working correctly with all recommended monitors  iOS and Android .
If this is not possible then a correctly working otg cable should be made available to insure that all sparks can work as advertised.

Some will approach these problems with decorum and will wait until the necessary adjustments are carried out correct firmware/software are in place to allow them to confidently fly their aircraft.
Others will try to create as much hysteria as they can thinking that this will get matters sorted out quicker, but this is unlikely to happen.
They say less haste more speed and I think this will be dji’s policy for dealing with this matter.
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Flight distance : 98 ft
United States

Based on the title and his name of choice I would normally dismiss as just trolling and it probably is.
There is a but though.
There have been reported issues with the 18 software, android compatibility, battery issues.
DJI does market this as a family drone and shows youth sitting around a table hovering it at eye level sooooo seems like it should be an open the box, start flying and taking selfies.
I know better and I can deal with a glitch or two.
My fly more should arrive tomorrow or Tuesday but my wife will confiscate till Xmas. By then I hope the software is sorted and the little fella does what it should.
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Flight distance : 167241 ft

Sadden to see this title With the right software and hardware, mine work awesome
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Todd in Chicago
Flight distance : 513757 ft
United States

I agree with most here.  The Spark is not without problems, but IMHO the original poster is acting childish, and maybe they are a child for all I know.  

I did a ton of research before I decided to pull the trigger on my first "real" drone, the DJI Spark.  Between the time I purchased it and the time it arrived, I was a madman watching everything I could on YouTube (that I didn't already watch), and reading many things here on the forum  

By the time I opened the package, I had a good idea of the plan I would be following to get my Spark going.  There are some really good videos on YouTube that describe the whole setup process.  Charge batteries, understanding how the phone works with the controller and how the controller works with the drone, get it activated and registered, initial liftoff to test hovering at 4ft, landing, familiarizing myself with the parameters and options and understanding the convoluted update process.  If you read up and are AWARE of these things beforehand, it's not terribly difficult.  If your expectations are to take it out of the box, turn it on, launch it and become Sky Ace, I think you are in for a disappointing time.

I'm not sure what problem the OP has with DJI, but it sure doesn't seem like they want any help in solving their problems, and are just acting childish.  As many have said already in this post, there are GREAT many people here who are EXTREMELY helpful (I know!  I've benefited from them as well!)


Todd in Chicago
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DJI Elektra
DJI Team
Hong Kong

Sorry for the unexpected experience. Please tell me more details about your problem. Did you fail to upgrade your spark? And you feel it sucks? We will like to help you about that.
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RTFM (Read The Fine Manual) and then RTFM again.
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Flight distance : 330686 ft

hallmark007 Posted at 2017-11-26 15:54
You are quite correct in both your posts, is he trolling I’m not to sure about this he does own a spark, I suspect from his lack of specifics he’s just trying to start a bit of hysteria, most who come here want there problems sorted others who are few are venting against dji because they bought something that is more complicated than they thought, could be lack of research lack of will to read simple instructions and manual take some time out to figure out the set up, those are people want someone to hold their hand and walk them through the whole procedure, and I’m convinced they are not suited to this hobby.

There are others who’s set up has been challenged by new software who sincerely would like this sorted out, they are expressing dissatisfaction in what has happened, the main problem is with otg cable and the big problem here is otg has never been made fully compatible or no promise that it would ever be made compatible by dji.

"So IMHO the first thing dji need to sort out is correct WiFi so that Aircraft will fly distance as advertised and video feed would be compatible and working correctly with all recommended monitors  iOS and Android .
If this is not possible then a correctly working otg cable should be made available to insure that all sparks can work as advertised."

Absolutely spot on! Let's all hope this will happen soon. DJI should be aware of the issue by now
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 779245 ft
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United Kingdom

I wouldn't even bother to humor this guy.
"My DHI Spark SUCKS"

Someone who cant even be bothered to proof read what they have typed sounds to me like they don't really pay attention to what they are doing and are quick off the mark when something goes wrong. Hence this post.

Sure, like any new product there might be little issues, or slightly misleading adverts (gesture to take a shallow focus shot) but the Spark does exactly what its supposed to do, its a great entry level drone into the amazing world of aerial photography. The quality of some of the photos and videos on here are testament to this.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 556667 ft
United Kingdom

I have a number of drones including the Spark. I think the only thing that sucks with it is the British weather. i cannot fly it as often as I would like. It is a great little machine and so enjoyable to fly. Trying to teach one of my grandchildren to fly drones with it. Has so many positives on so many levels.
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United Kingdom

Todd in Chicago Posted at 2017-11-26 18:08
I agree with most here.  The Spark is not without problems, but IMHO the original poster is acting childish, and maybe they are a child for all I know.  

I did a ton of research before I decided to pull the trigger on my first "real" drone, the DJI Spark.  Between the time I purchased it and the time it arrived, I was a madman watching everything I could on YouTube (that I didn't already watch), and reading many things here on the forum  

This was a well written response to a subject which is getting a  number of people, quite irate (including me)

Just liek you, I spent a long time thinkinga dn readinga bout what device I wanted to buy.  I have been flying RC gliders for a number of years (including some FPV) and am very conversant with the technology...the good and bad bits of it too.

By some way, the Spark represented the biggest investment in the hobby for me so far and was justified based upon the specfications (even living in the UK and known EC limitations).  I was soooo looking forward to it.

To say I was dissappointed with the video connection issues (on 3 seperate android devices) which meant that I couldn't fly beyond 70metres.
I naturally looked to forums for assistance, where people recommended OTG to solve the video feed issues, which it did....even though I knew it wasn't supported.

Following the 4.1.18 release, I can't use OTG; the lack of useful response, either on these forums or directly to DJI, has meant that I now have my spark up for sale.
It is not fit for the purpose that they sold it.

So, I can see why people are angry (I am)  and even more so now as teh label of troll is being thrown around.
£700 on something I had so much hope for...I now have no respect for the DJI brand and it will take something special to convince me that they care about customers.

It's nothing personal against people trying to help out on these forums, and it's my decision to sell...if things are resolved, then it'll be my mistake :-)
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First Officer
Flight distance : 114121 ft

Todd in Chicago Posted at 2017-11-26 18:08
I agree with most here.  The Spark is not without problems, but IMHO the original poster is acting childish, and maybe they are a child for all I know.  

I did a ton of research before I decided to pull the trigger on my first "real" drone, the DJI Spark.  Between the time I purchased it and the time it arrived, I was a madman watching everything I could on YouTube (that I didn't already watch), and reading many things here on the forum  

Great post.
Happy with my little Spark. It meets my requirement's all be it the lack of RAW, but I've learnt to live with it.

Still a bit wary every time it takes off with the wifi, but I have no reason to send it off 100m's away from me.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 779245 ft
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United Kingdom

I get the impression that first time buyers are expecting more than they are getting. It's like you are expecting DSLR features and quality from a point and shoot camera.
The spark is the equivalent of a point and shoot camera. Its designed to get simple video and snapshots. It was never marketed as anything else.

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United Kingdom

Malakai_UK Posted at 2017-11-27 06:53
I get the impression that first time buyers are expecting more than they are getting. It's like you are expecting DSLR features and quality from a point and shoot camera.
The spark is the equivalent of a point and shoot camera. Its designed to get simple video and snapshots. It was never marketed as anything else.

"The spark is the equivalent of a point and shoot camera. Its designed to get simple video and snapshots"
...for £700 though?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 779245 ft
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United Kingdom

Mildman Posted at 2017-11-27 07:53
"The spark is the equivalent of a point and shoot camera. Its designed to get simple video and snapshots"
...for £700 though?

Look at the cost of a decent DSLR with a kit lens (~£900-£1400) compared to a decent point and shoot £450-£600) the prices equate with the DJI drones. When I say point and shoot I don't mean those 30 quid market jobbies. Im comparing the likes of the Canon 80D with a lens and the Sony RX100 mkIII.
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Flight distance : 98 ft
United States

The OP's problem was with the software and the time it took to get his Spark flying.
I did not see any mention of camera quality but it now looks like that's where this thread is heading.

I have to admit, based on DJI's response, they are either clueless or just don't care.
The issues with the software update to 18 has been mentioned numerous times and the response here is:
"Sorry for the unexpected experience. Please tell me more details about your problem. Did you fail to upgrade your spark? And you feel it sucks? We will like to help you about that"
Really? This is new, the software issue?
Here's hoping they sort it out.
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United Kingdom

Malakai_UK Posted at 2017-11-27 08:18
Look at the cost of a decent DSLR with a kit lens (~£900-£1400) compared to a decent point and shoot £450-£600) the prices equate with the DJI drones. When I say point and shoot I don't mean those 30 quid market jobbies. Im comparing the likes of the Canon 80D with a lens and the Sony RX100 mkIII.

I did know you meant that, I was attempting humour  ...I shall give a humour warning next time, or at least be funny :-)
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 889823 ft
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United Kingdom

I loved my Spark (now sold to get a Mavic).
I am in the UK and struggled a little with the way it all connects and a little on distacnces.  That said, once I bought a phone that was well supported (APPLE), and with the last 2 firmware updates the Spark was an absolute dream to connect, fly and take video footage at reasonable distance too.  I am sorry to be someone that doesn't hate on the Spark as it is certainly a great little tool when you surround it with the correct skills, knowledge and equipment.
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United States

This thread should have been closed immediately but was not caught in time. It has been closed instead of deleted for visibility's sake.
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