Todd in Chicago
Flight distance : 513757 ft
United States
I agree with most here. The Spark is not without problems, but IMHO the original poster is acting childish, and maybe they are a child for all I know.
I did a ton of research before I decided to pull the trigger on my first "real" drone, the DJI Spark. Between the time I purchased it and the time it arrived, I was a madman watching everything I could on YouTube (that I didn't already watch), and reading many things here on the forum
By the time I opened the package, I had a good idea of the plan I would be following to get my Spark going. There are some really good videos on YouTube that describe the whole setup process. Charge batteries, understanding how the phone works with the controller and how the controller works with the drone, get it activated and registered, initial liftoff to test hovering at 4ft, landing, familiarizing myself with the parameters and options and understanding the convoluted update process. If you read up and are AWARE of these things beforehand, it's not terribly difficult. If your expectations are to take it out of the box, turn it on, launch it and become Sky Ace, I think you are in for a disappointing time.
I'm not sure what problem the OP has with DJI, but it sure doesn't seem like they want any help in solving their problems, and are just acting childish. As many have said already in this post, there are GREAT many people here who are EXTREMELY helpful (I know! I've benefited from them as well!)
Todd in Chicago |