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A couple of noob questions
945 2 2017-11-26
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2139291 ft
United Kingdom

Hi All,
So today I finally got to take my new Spark out and give it a proper run instead of the car park at the office when the boss wasn't around. Have to say I am loving it. Sports mode is insanely quick and definately not for me at the moment.

One question I have for you all though. How long was it before you were brave enough to start flying your drone more than 50-75 mtrs away from you ? At the moment am petrified of anything I consider to be too far away, just that feeling of "I paid alot of money for this and I would be mortified if I did something wrong". Am only brave enough to fly over farmland at the moment so if I did screw up or if the drone decides it wants to say hi to the ground, the only thing I can hurt is some soil or earthworms.

Also, how is OTG support ? Can I use an OTG cable without DJI saying anything if the worst were to happen ?
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Flight distance : 261509 ft

My advice would be to take your time testing the Spark as often as you can and you will automatically become more confident. The essential thing to pay attention to is that you always have enough satelites for GPS (12 or more) from the moment of take off. Sometimes you might need to wait a short while until you have enough satellites. And if you don't get them where you are, change location. With good GPS link the Spark is quite safe to fly and it will return home if you loose connection with your RC.
And to answer your question concerning OTG: Normally it works perfectly, but it doesn't with the current GO 4 version 4.1.18 which is reported to have many serious bugs. So you either need to use an older app version or wait for a new fixed version.
DJI does not yet officially support the use of OTG (but we all hope that this will soon be the case and there are indications that it will come). For the time being however, if a crash is caused because of the use of OTG, there will be no warranty from DJI. But it has to be mentioned in this context that so far never any malfunction has been reported that might have been caused by the use of OTG, never ever. Personally I always use it.
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DJI Elektra
DJI Team
Hong Kong

If you fly in a place with good GPS signal, your spark will record home point for RTH.  I would recommend you read our user manual about RTH carefully in case of fly away issue.
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