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First battery charge
5006 7 2017-12-4
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Flight distance : 311089 ft
United States

Hi, I received my new Spark and Controller this morning. I watched many video's over the weekend for newbies getting up and running. I read the manuals online and the micro-manuals shipped with the model. However, I may have already damaged the battery. I plugged in the usb micro plug into the drone, the other end into the charging brick then into the wall. There was no indication the battery was charging. I cycled the battery on while still being pluged into the outlet. Then thought that can't be right. and turned the battery off. So I plugged everything back in again without turning on the battery....After a little time I disconected the charger from the drone. And turned on the battery to check if I had more solid lights to indicate it was charging. No change, only one light was solid and one flashing. Thats same as it was when unboxed and checked for first time. Question, did I damage new battery by turning it on while still plugged in to the outlet and connected to the drone? And, Is it normal that no light to indicate it's charging while plugged in? I had noticed 1 green light flashing while a person used a power pack on youtube. Should I just wire it all up, plug it in and come back in a hour or so, discount it and power on the  drone? When the answers arn't clear to me this is what happens.

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Flight distance : 7349 ft

It doesn't seem like you have done anything wrong to me. Just try again: connect the battery and the USB power to the drone and just let it sit like there for a while. Then tell us how it's going.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2379249 ft

Just plug it again and let the charger do its job, if this is the first time you are charging the batteries, then have in mind that the batteries are in hibernation mode and that might take a bit to "wake" them up...all in all just let the charger do it's job ;-)
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Flight distance : 311089 ft
United States

Ok then... Thought it would wake right up with a little juice. I'll check the lights after a hour... Hope no damage from turning on drone while charger was plugged in.
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Flight distance : 7349 ft

SunSets Posted at 2017-12-4 11:11
Ok then... Thought it would wake right up with a little juice. I'll check the lights after a hour... Hope no damage from turning on drone while charger was plugged in.

I think you can relax. Consumer products, in general, are not very often designed in a way you can break them by just pressing the buttons.
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Flight distance : 311089 ft
United States

Well problem solved. Maybe it was the plastic wrap around the charge block. Or maybe the wifi cable wasn't fully inserted into the charge block. But now I have green charging lights going. I called dji support thinking I had a bad battery. I sounded like she was telling me to just leave it all plugged in and wait. Then unplug and turn on drone to check how many lights were on, and that I'd have to do that to know when I had 100% charge. Huh... not sure if that was good advice now. So after all this my PC froze-up, then crashed. All's well for now. But i haven't even got to registering the battery or the controller and the go 4 sign-in procedures. Hope things go smother before the weather changes.
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Flight distance : 311089 ft
United States

Oh... And I may not have damaged the battery because maybe the wifi cable wasn't fully inserted, hence now current going to the battery. Cheers
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DJI Elektra
DJI team
Hong Kong

SunSets Posted at 2017-12-4 13:13
Oh... And I may not have damaged the battery because maybe the wifi cable wasn't fully inserted, hence now current going to the battery. Cheers

Hi, sir. Glad you solve the problem. Please inform us if you have new question about battery.
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