Flight distance : 24718 ft
United States
I want to measure distance FROM the master remote TO any point on the map either while the Inspire is on the ground or while flying. Is this possible? I have read that it is and I have read that it isn't. I can't manage to make it happen. It would be nice to tap the map somewhere then drag a line and see the distance in meters/feet.
For example, let's say I am on one side of a field and I want to know the distance to the other side of the field before I fly, just as a way to flight plan or to set max distance. I have set max distance before and just as I approcahed where I wanted to go, the app tells me I've reached the max distance. (Which is another question: can I change max distance and altitude in the app while the aircraft is flying or do I have to land, shut down, adjust numbers, then take off again?).
I have updated firmaware and app version.