Flight distance : 4259 ft
United States
Cetacean Posted at 2017-12-22 19:31
Aloha Token,
Sorry but no, the P4 Pro Remote Controller is not compatible with the P4. However, a P3 Pro controller is compatible with the P4. They are both the 300C variant.
Thanks for the response. Yes, after posting this last night I did a bit of digging and determined that the P3 Pro and P3 Adv also use the GL300C, with only a switch marked differently, and so they should work.
However these remotes are also apparently discontinued. Well, some sites call the GL300C discontinued and some call it back ordered, but with no delivery date.
So right now there are no new purchase options for the GL300C controller, of any drone. There are some claimed NOS on sale on Ebay, but they are at list prices. Not sure if I am willing to pay list for what may, or may not, be a new controller.
Don't get me wrong, I have no issue taking a chance on used or NOS when there is a price savings involved. But since there is that known problem of GL300C's bricking and not charging the battery, or showing a discharged battery even when fully charged, it seems a gamble to me.
T! |