Is P4P controller compatible with P4?
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16322 54 2017-12-22
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Flight distance : 4259 ft
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I recently picked up a second P4, used, killer price, with a dead controller.  Initially I only wanted it as parts for my P4, but after I got my hands on it I realized it was near new and very low flight time.

So I went looking for a new controller.  Turns out the P4 controller is no longer made, and if you want new only the P4P can be purchased.  Before I go drop ~$300 USD on a new P4P contorller I wanted to ask, does anyone know, for sure, that the P4P controller will work with the P4?


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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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Aloha Token,

    Sorry but no, the P4 Pro Remote Controller is not compatible with the P4.  However, a P3 Pro controller is compatible with the P4.  They are both the 300C variant.

    Hope this helps!

Aloha and Drone On!
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Flight distance : 4259 ft
United States

Cetacean Posted at 2017-12-22 19:31
Aloha Token,

    Sorry but no, the P4 Pro Remote Controller is not compatible with the P4.  However, a P3 Pro controller is compatible with the P4.  They are both the 300C variant.

Thanks for the response.  Yes, after posting this last night I did a bit of digging and determined that the P3 Pro and P3 Adv also use the GL300C, with only a switch marked differently, and so they should work.

However these remotes are also apparently discontinued.  Well, some sites call the GL300C discontinued and some call it back ordered, but with no delivery date.

So right now there are no new purchase options for the GL300C controller, of any drone.  There are some claimed NOS on sale on Ebay, but they are at list prices.  Not sure if I am willing to pay list for what may, or may not, be a new controller.

Don't get me wrong, I have no issue taking a chance on used or NOS when there is a price savings involved.  But since there is that known problem of GL300C's  bricking and not charging the battery, or showing a discharged battery even when fully charged, it seems a gamble to me.

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United States

FirstToken Posted at 2017-12-23 06:10
Thanks for the response.  Yes, after posting this last night I did a bit of digging and determined that the P3 Pro and P3 Adv also use the GL300C, with only a switch marked differently, and so they should work.

However these remotes are also apparently discontinued.  Well, some sites call the GL300C discontinued and some call it back ordered, but with no delivery date.

Aloha Token,

    BTW, love your Avatar.  P-38, favorite plane of all!

Aloha and Drone On!
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DJI Susan

Hi Token, I'm sorry to tell you that the standard P4P RC is not compatible with P4 aircraft currently. For the RC of P4P+ with build-in screen, it can be linked with P4 aircraft. You can change the RC Type from here: Remote Controller Settings>Advanced Settings>Remote Controller Type.
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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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United States

DJI Susan Posted at 2017-12-23 23:37
Hi Token, I'm sorry to tell you that the standard P4P RC is not compatible with P4 aircraft currently. For the RC of P4P+ with build-in screen, it can be linked with P4 aircraft. You can change the RC Type from here: Remote Controller Settings>Advanced Settings>Remote Controller Type.

Aloha Susan,

     Good save!  So, the P4 Pro+ (plus) Remote Controller can be configured to link with the P4?  That is good news and interesting at the same time.  Mahalo for the input!

Aloha and Drone On!
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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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United States

Aloha Token,

     From what DJI Susan said, the Phantom 4 Pro/Adv Remote Controller (Includes Display) USD $599 can be linked to the P4.  Unfortunately, that is twice what you were expecting to pay.  Sorry.

Aloha and Drone On!
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DJI Susan

Cetacean Posted at 2017-12-24 01:03
Aloha Susan,

     Good save!  So, the P4 Pro+ (plus) Remote Controller can be configured to link with the P4?  That is good news and interesting at the same time.  Mahalo for the input!

My pleasure. Nice to see you here as well. Merry Christmas!
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Flight distance : 4259 ft
United States

DJI Susan Posted at 2017-12-24 02:20
My pleasure. Nice to see you here as well. Merry Christmas!

Thanks for the response.

So if I understand this correct, it seems the P4P+ controller can function with the P4, but of course only as a basic controller and you cannot use the Pro features.

That leads to a further question.  Will the P4P+ controller work with my Mavic Pro?  The possibility of a single controller for all my DJI products is not unappealing, even if the P4P+ controller is much larger than the compact Mavic controller.


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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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United States

DJI Susan Posted at 2017-12-24 02:20
My pleasure. Nice to see you here as well. Merry Christmas!

Aloha Susan,

     Merry Christmas!

Aloha and Drone On!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3 ft
United States

So if my GL300C for the P4 Standard goes bad, my only option is to use the P4 Pro Plus with the attached Android screen, and I would lose the ability to use any apps that work with Apple iOS that I have bought  (e.g. Hangar Autopilot, Litchi, etc.) as well?
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DJI Susan

FirstToken Posted at 2017-12-24 06:03
Thanks for the response.

So if I understand this correct, it seems the P4P+ controller can function with the P4, but of course only as a basic controller and you cannot use the Pro features.

I'm afraid that the RC of P4P+ is not compatible with Mavic.
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DJI Susan

fansa84fe8a4 Posted at 2017-12-24 13:26
So if my GL300C for the P4 Standard goes bad, my only option is to use the P4 Pro Plus with the attached Android screen, and I would lose the ability to use any apps that work with Apple iOS that I have bought  (e.g. Hangar Autopilot, Litchi, etc.) as well?

Sir, this request has been forwarded to our engineers to further review. Hopefully the P4 aircraft can be compatible with P4P Standard RC in the future.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1133038 ft

DJI Susan Posted at 2017-12-23 23:37
Hi Token, I'm sorry to tell you that the standard P4P RC is not compatible with P4 aircraft currently. For the RC of P4P+ with build-in screen, it can be linked with P4 aircraft. You can change the RC Type from here: Remote Controller Settings>Advanced Settings>Remote Controller Type.

Can you please have a tech explain this difference?

As the Aircraft is the same for plain P4P and the P4P+, so should the communication between AC and RC be the same, but how come that only the + would be compatible with a P4?

Is this difference the cause of the very decreased range of connection and poor video feed to the + RC?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3 ft
United States

KedDK Posted at 2017-12-25 04:28
Can you please have a tech explain this difference?

As the Aircraft is the same for plain P4P and the P4P+, so should the communication between AC and RC be the same, but how come that only the + would be compatible with a P4?

Don't know if it is a range issue, but could be just trying to cut back to one controller to save money.

Part that bothers me is if the P4 Pro+ RC unit only uses its attached Android screen with a P4 Standard (A lot of them out there!), then ALL Apple devices will be rendered useless should their GL300C become dead due to a common battery failure with those units unless a battery set is made available.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1133038 ft

fansa84fe8a4 Posted at 2017-12-25 06:45
Don't know if it is a range issue, but could be just trying to cut back to one controller to save money.

Part that bothers me is if the P4 Pro+ RC unit only uses its attached Android screen with a P4 Standard (A lot of them out there!), then ALL Apple devices will be rendered useless should their GL300C become dead due to a common battery failure with those units unless a battery set is made available.

I can fully understand where you stand in this and i can understand your concern regarding not being able to chose the device in case no P4 RC can be obtained and have to use a GL300E with the buildin display.

I, as a P4P owner with +RC have had more and more issues with first the disaster FW for both AC and RC that was released in June and the following updates for the +RC, therefore would like to have a DJI tech answer the questions asked:

As the Aircraft is the same for plain P4P and the P4P+, so should the communication between AC and RC be the same, but how come that only the + would be compatible with a P4?

Is this difference the cause of the very decreased range of connection and poor video feed to the + RC?
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Is the P4 controller compatible with the P4P?
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Jim Watkins
Second Officer
Flight distance : 9132172 ft
United States

I have a P4 and a P4P.  I can use the P4P controller (mind does not have the built in display) with either the P4 or P4P.  All I have to do is select the aircraft type in the menu before binding.  Works fine.  I have never tried using the P4 remote with my P4P.  I doubt that that would work.

(Burbank, CA)
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Flight distance : 1017 ft
United Kingdom

DJI Susan Posted at 2017-12-23 23:37
Hi Token, I'm sorry to tell you that the standard P4P RC is not compatible with P4 aircraft currently. For the RC of P4P+ with build-in screen, it can be linked with P4 aircraft. You can change the RC Type from here: Remote Controller Settings>Advanced Settings>Remote Controller Type.

Dji Susan your response to the above question was answered quite a while ago.
About using a controller from a phantom 4pro plus.
And using it on a phantom 4 model by going into rc settings to advanced setting and changing the drone from a pro plus.
To a phantom 4?
  Can this still be done because the only thing in rc
Settings is link controller.
And the advanced setting  to change drones is not their anymore.
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DJI Susan

djiuser_ra29MuyJOGSK Posted at 12-16 10:09
Dji Susan your response to the above question was answered quite a while ago.
About using a controller from a phantom 4pro plus.

Hi Ray, currently, it is available to connect P4P RC with P4 aircraft now, you can set it from here: Remote Controller Settings>Advanced Settings>Remote Controller Type(Phantom 4).

Regarding the P4 RC and P4P aircraft, they are still not compatible, please kindly note and understand.
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Gurmukh Singh

DJI Susan Posted at 2018-12-16 23:06
Hi Ray, currently, it is available to connect P4P RC with P4 aircraft now, you can set it from here: Remote Controller Settings>Advanced Settings>Remote Controller Type(Phantom 4).

Regarding the P4 RC and P4P aircraft, they are still not compatible, please kindly note and understand.

We purchased a Phantom 4 Advanced Plus which have inbuilt screen in the RC. Later we realised that we cant use any other apps with the provided RC.
Now we have a Phantom 4 RC without inbuilt screen, and we are unable to bind it with Phantom 4 Advanced plus drone.
Please help .
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DJI Susan

Gurmukh Singh Posted at 1-3 01:21
We purchased a Phantom 4 Advanced Plus which have inbuilt screen in the RC. Later we realised that we cant use any other apps with the provided RC.
Now we have a Phantom 4 RC without inbuilt screen, and we are unable to bind it with Phantom 4 Advanced plus drone.

Hi Gurmukh,  I'm afraid that the P4 RC is not compatible with P4A aircraft. Sorry about this.
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John Rey Agonoy
United States

Would the phantom 4 advance controller with screen work with the phantom4 pro?
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DJI Susan

John Rey Agonoy Posted at 1-4 12:19
Would the phantom 4 advance controller with screen work with the phantom4 pro?

Hi John, yes, they are compatible. Please kindly refer to 24# and have a try.
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John Rey Agonoy
United States

DJI Susan Posted at 1-5 02:49
Hi John, yes, they are compatible. Please kindly refer to 24# and have a try.

thank you. its actualy the P4P plus remote controller. how do i link P4P plus remote controller to my P4P?

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DJI Susan

John Rey Agonoy Posted at 1-6 15:13
thank you. its actualy the P4P plus remote controller. how do i link P4P plus remote controller to my P4P?

Please set it from here: Remote Controller Settings>Advanced Settings>Remote Controller Type(Phantom 4 Pro), then refer to the tutorial video to link RC.
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Flight distance : 815827 ft

Jim Watkins Posted at 2018-12-6 09:30
I have a P4 and a P4P.  I can use the P4P controller (mind does not have the built in display) with either the P4 or P4P.  All I have to do is select the aircraft type in the menu before binding.  Works fine.  I have never tried using the P4 remote with my P4P.  I doubt that that would work.


That is interesting Jim.  I just ordered a P4 Advanced, with no built in display.

I have a P4 already, and I knew the controller would not work with the advanced, but sounds like the P4A controller should work on the P4, I would just have to bind it.  

Which means I could take along my P4 as a spare without having to bring it's controller along too.

I hope this is the case.
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Flight distance : 434852 ft


DJI Susan Posted at 1-3 04:41
Hi Gurmukh,  I'm afraid that the P4 RC is not compatible with P4A aircraft. Sorry about this.

Hi Susan,

Do you know if the DJI Phantom 4 Pro (Obsidian) RC is compatible with P4 ?
Thank you

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Flight distance : 9573 ft
United States

Gurmukh Singh Posted at 1-3 01:21
We purchased a Phantom 4 Advanced Plus which have inbuilt screen in the RC. Later we realised that we cant use any other apps with the provided RC.
Now we have a Phantom 4 RC without inbuilt screen, and we are unable to bind it with Phantom 4 Advanced plus drone.

DJI Susan
Reference #25
I too have a P4 Advanced Plus and now understand I cannot load 3rd part applications on the RC with the built in screen. Which model RC is compatible with the P4 Advanced Plus?
Thanks for your reply!
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DJI Susan

zarg404 Posted at 2-7 07:50
Hi Susan,

Do you know if the DJI Phantom 4 Pro (Obsidian) RC is compatible with P4 ?

Hi zarg404, yes, the RC of P4P Obsidian is compatible with P4 aircraft, you may refer to 30# and select Phantom 4 in Remote Controller Type.
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DJI Susan

bkal2019 Posted at 2-13 10:56
DJI Susan
Reference #25
I too have a P4 Advanced Plus and now understand I cannot load 3rd part applications on the RC with the built in screen. Which model RC is compatible with the P4 Advanced Plus?

Hello bkal2019, you may download third-party apps through the built-in browser or install APK files from a microSD card. Also, the main difference between P4A Plus and P4A is the built-in screen, and they share the same aircraft. If you want to control the P4A aircraft, you may choose P4A/P4P standard RC or P4P RC with built-in screen.
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United States

DJI Susan Posted at 2018-12-16 23:06
Hi Ray, currently, it is available to connect P4P RC with P4 aircraft now, you can set it from here: Remote Controller Settings>Advanced Settings>Remote Controller Type(Phantom 4).

Regarding the P4 RC and P4P aircraft, they are still not compatible, please kindly note and understand.

Hi Susan-
Thank you for the instructions. I have (sort of) connected the P4 to my P4P+ RC. However the signal is going in and out and under “Remote Controller Type” where I turned the setting to “Phantom 4” it automatically keeps switching back and forth between “Phantom 4” and “Phantom 4 Pro” every few seconds. When it is on Phantom 4 the RC light is green and when it is on Phantom 4 Pro the light turns red. Please advise. Thanks!
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DJI Susan

djiuser_gK2JToJEF24T Posted at 3-7 14:13
Hi Susan-
Thank you for the instructions. I have (sort of) connected the P4 to my P4P+ RC. However the signal is going in and out and under “Remote Controller Type” where I turned the setting to “Phantom 4” it automatically keeps switching back and forth between “Phantom 4” and “Phantom 4 Pro” every few seconds. When it is on Phantom 4 the RC light is green and when it is on Phantom 4 Pro the light turns red. Please advise. Thanks!

Sorry about that. Could you upload a short video of your operation for better assistance? Thanks so much!
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DJI Susan Posted at 2017-12-23 23:37
Hi Token, I'm sorry to tell you that the standard P4P RC is not compatible with P4 aircraft currently. For the RC of P4P+ with build-in screen, it can be linked with P4 aircraft. You can change the RC Type from here: Remote Controller Settings>Advanced Settings>Remote Controller Type.

Hi Susan. Been a couple of years since you posted that bit about linking to a phantom 4. I’m using the app and in controller settings there is no advanced. ??? Help!
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DJI Susan

fansf73c3725 Posted at 5-16 17:48
Hi Susan. Been a couple of years since you posted that bit about linking to a phantom 4. I’m using the app and in controller settings there is no advanced. ??? Help!

May I have the screenshot of Remote Controller Settings and the Controller SN for better assistance?
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Damion Pohl

DJI Susan Posted at 5-16 19:15
May I have the screenshot of Remote Controller Settings and the Controller SN for better assistance?

Here you go...hope this helps!

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DJI Susan

Hi Damion, please kindly slide down the screen, the Advanced Settings is on the bottom (below Remote Controller Linking), you may check again.
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Damion Pohl

DJI Susan Posted at 5-18 02:46
Hi Damion, please kindly slide down the screen, the Advanced Settings is on the bottom (below Remote Controller Linking), you may check again.

I tried swiping to see what's appears that linking is the bottom most option.
Am I crazy? I feel like I'm crazy. What am I missing?
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DJI Susan

Damion Pohl Posted at 5-18 12:52
I tried swiping to see what's appears that linking is the bottom most option.
Am I crazy? I feel like I'm crazy. What am I missing?

Could you refer to the below screenshot and confirm? If it is still not available, you may refresh the firmware to check.
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United States

djiuser_gK2JToJEF24T Posted at 3-7 14:13
Hi Susan-
Thank you for the instructions. I have (sort of) connected the P4 to my P4P+ RC. However the signal is going in and out and under “Remote Controller Type” where I turned the setting to “Phantom 4” it automatically keeps switching back and forth between “Phantom 4” and “Phantom 4 Pro” every few seconds. When it is on Phantom 4 the RC light is green and when it is on Phantom 4 Pro the light turns red. Please advise. Thanks!

I am having this exact problem! It keeps switching. I need it to stay on p4 selection, sometimes it does many times it does not. I am at a loss of what to do?
Has this been solved yet?
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