Sir, please do not feel worry about this situation of the blurring QR code. If you want to get back the SN of the RC, you can provide us the drone's SN. Thanks for your support.
`What you need to do is input the information manually. Turn on the remote to pairing mode, and then pair it to the DJI spark. Then go into your wifi settings and pair with the remote, you will need the password on the back.
The scanning method never worked for me.I thought it was an issue with my iphone until I looked it up here and saw that others had experienced the same issues. Neither the AC or RC scans work (at least for me), just connect manually. Good luck !
DJI Elektra Posted at 2018-1-15 01:17
Sir, please do not feel worry about this situation of the blurring QR code. If you want to get back the SN of the RC, you can provide us the drone's SN. Thanks for your support.
Hello, I sent the requested serial number to you via Personal Message.
Hi I had the same problem with my faded QR Code. I cannot connect my Spark to the remote using the app from my phone without the QR code to scan. I attached the picture of my remote. I really appreciate someone that could help me with this.
DJI Elektra Posted at 2018-1-15 01:17
Sir, please do not feel worry about this situation of the blurring QR code. If you want to get back the SN of the RC, you can provide us the drone's SN. Thanks for your support.
hi sir, i have the same problem and this is the serial no. of my drone SN:0ASDE940B100PH. Attached is the picture of my qr code that was rubbed. Please have it checked sir,thank you. If you were able to check it sir, please email me at Thank you.
DJI Elektra Posted at 2018-1-15 01:17
Sir, please do not feel worry about this situation of the blurring QR code. If you want to get back the SN of the RC, you can provide us the drone's SN. Thanks for your support.
I'm in trouble and I need help.
my dji spark has qr code deleted, don't read it,
how can i generate another new qr code
the serial 0ASDE951B10002
The wifi password is deleted behind my remote control.
I just changed my smartphone and I can no longer connect the wifi ...
How can I recover this password?
Thank you for your help.
My email:
I lost the foam box and drone wifi password is partially rubbed off. How can i get the full drone wifi? Please help... my email is
You don't need the QR code, now follow this steps to change your RC password again!
Reset the spark wifi, (look on youtube how, believe 9 secs).
Now check if you see the spark wifi.
also switch on RC if you see the spark RC wifi.
boot spark again, wait fully booted and hold battery 3 sec or more untill you heard the beep.
now switch on rc, press/hold pause, FN and the special button under the foto button untill beep, put spark and RC within 20 cm of each other.
wait untill green light , connection yes now make connection with the spark wifi
Start DJIgo4, go to wifi settings, you see the RC srnr:, change there your password
DJI Elektra Posted at 2018-1-15 01:17
Sir, please do not feel worry about this situation of the blurring QR code. If you want to get back the SN of the RC, you can provide us the drone's SN. Thanks for your support.
Dear Admin,
I too have encountered this problem and would appreciate your help, with the QR Code and password on my RC controller being rubbed off. My serial number for my Spark Drone is: 0ASDE8A1C1001A . Please let me know if there is anything else I should do as I am eager to be able to fly again. Thank you!
I too have encountered this problem and would appreciate your help, with the QR Code and password on my RC controller being rubbed off. My serial number for my Spark Drone is: 0ASDE8A1C1001A . Please let me know if there is anything else I should do as I am eager to be able to fly again. Thank you!
did you try what I am saying?Also for getting your wifi code for your Spark(not RC) just connect to dji assistant2 and look under wifi tab