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Phantom 4 Battery was found dead, no witness!
1428 5 2018-2-13
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Flight distance : 892339 ft

Hello Guys,

Today i had very unpleasant moment when i took my battery from case in field and realise that the battery showing no signs of life. Not reacting to push of the button, no LED light. Shortly speaking - dead. So after some youtube videos and some forums i found that this is common problem with P4 batteries and battery need to be sent back to DJI for replacement, o at least refund. Battery was used from time to time, have not too much cycles (aprox 20), was charged correctly, it is 11 month old. Looking back few hours ago, i left battery to be charged and for sure it was charging when i left. So i think it died on my way to flying field. Battery was never overcharged, or discharged to much. Everything according to battery manual.

And now question mainly to DJI but anybody can suggest theories

Is it possible to have battery failure in the air, and what kind of failure this is? (do i need to worrie about two other batteries i have)

Maybe DJI know this problem and have some technical explanations? I'm only concern about my flying safety and safety of those around me.

Many thanks in advance!
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First Officer
Flight distance : 10442687 ft
United States

Must have been a lemon.  It happens.
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Flight distance : 2887251 ft
United States

I don't have any direct experience with batteries depleting prematurely or not charging, but I have seen a P3 drop out of the sky with a battery that was old and still indicating a charge of 98% on takeoff. It launched, got out over the water about 100 yards, and then literally fell from the sky like a brick from about 80 feet up. Splashed down right in the water. It was painful to watch, and my friend was in a mix of disbelief and amusement as he lost his drone. He knew that battery was acting funny and he had something like 200 cycles on it.

If you purchased your batteries from the same source at the same time, I would be very suspicious of the other units and perhaps ask for an exchange of those units too. Make sure your charging cable is okay and that you are experiencing normal charge times.

Best of luck.
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Flight distance : 892339 ft

BearDrone Posted at 2018-2-13 12:30
I don't have any direct experience with batteries depleting prematurely or not charging, but I have seen a P3 drop out of the sky with a battery that was old and still indicating a charge of 98% on takeoff. It launched, got out over the water about 100 yards, and then literally fell from the sky like a brick from about 80 feet up. Splashed down right in the water. It was painful to watch, and my friend was in a mix of disbelief and amusement as he lost his drone. He knew that battery was acting funny and he had something like 200 cycles on it.

If you purchased your batteries from the same source at the same time, I would be very suspicious of the other units and perhaps ask for an exchange of those units too. Make sure your charging cable is okay and that you are experiencing normal charge times.

Yeah, two batteries was bought in the same shop, and one is original, came with P4.

As i mentioned battery have aprox 20 cycles. and where was no abnormal operations before this, voltage was good, biggest difference between cells was 0.01 volt, so i think it's normal.

I will contact vendor tomorrow, will see what they will tell me.

Luckily i never heard about P4 battery failure in mid-air, so i hope my worries will not fulfill.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3 ft
United States

DJI battery warranty is only 6 months.

If they sit too long, voltage drains too low and charger will not charge them back up.
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Flight distance : 892339 ft

fansa84fe8a4 Posted at 2018-2-14 06:52
DJI battery warranty is only 6 months.

If they sit too long, voltage drains too low and charger will not charge them back up.

Yeah i noted that, but vendor from which i bought battery sed to me to bring the battery for replacement. So im happy with this.

Regarding voltage, i mentioned that i was flying with battery at least once a month. But usually more often. So i don't think it degraded because of that.

And by the way, then i plugin battery to charger, i can hear very weak squeak from charger, it's not happening with two other batteries.
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