 First Officer
Flight distance : 26656122 ft
Giammi Posted at 2018-2-24 11:13
Dear Susan, today I got the chance to take a brief slow-motion movie of the issue. As you can see, I just turned on the motors and pulled a bit the left stick up, just to increase the lift a little bit. This is the result. During the flight no issues, but it can also be that the frequency is so high, that cannot be spotted by naked eye. BTW, I'm flying the latest firmware on both RC and AC with P4P+.
You can download the file from here: https://we.tl/O0l9EChqOO
PS: propellers are genuine DJI ones. They're the obsidian version, no third party.
I would downgrade back to 602 fw for the time being untill dji comes up with a sollution , as i will bet you soon have stress cracksif keep flying with this one |