Flight distance : 3620226 ft
Hi Robert, apologies I could not answer you properly earlier. I was out doing a commercial job today so had my hands full.
The night time photos were taken in manual mode, and my settings were as follows:
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1.3" - this is vaired depending on the shot but images shows were with these settings.
EV: +1.0
White Balance: Custom - adjusted based on lighting conditions. This needs adjusting on the fly.
I would recommend for any video footage you select Cinelike, choose your white balance manually based on the conditions, rather than auto which tends to tends to over compensate and the footage can be blown out - exposure wise. This is not just tied to the Mavic Air, but pretty much any digital camera these days.
All images were post-processed using Adobe Lightroom.
Any questions, plase feel free to ask.