What am I doing wrong?
1578 23 2018-3-13
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Flight distance : 174757 ft

1080p 25fps H264. Is it a faulty drone? Do you notice the unnatural vibration/shaking? What settings should I change? Please don't comment "try it with higher frame rate" I need to work in 25fps and the footage isn't smooth enough.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 18669501 ft
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United States


Whew - what a name - did your parents name you that?  

On a more serious note - I viewed your posted video on YouTube at 1080p resolution and - it looks perfectly fine.  There is no issue with regard to your camera or gimbal performance that I can see. If you are viewing the micro SD card MP4 or MOV video in 4K on your high-performance MAC or PC, I suspect what you may be seeing is the slight blurring or double-imaging of vertical objects as you are panning. Your pan speed, by the way, is pretty good, you might slow it down another notch for even smoother video.  

To get "butter-smooth" video during aircraft movement or stationary rotating pans do the following:
1) Use a DJI or other high-quality, light-weight ND filter of sufficient density that it slows the auto video camera shutter speed (as indicated on your DJI GO 4 app) down to an ideal target of twice your frame rate.  In your case the ideal shutter speed would be 50-60 per sec. (twice 25 fps).  This will likely require  an ND 16 or ND 32 filter for the sunny conditions in your posted video and your selected 25 fps frame rate.  Similarly, if you were filming at 60 fps, your ideal target video shutter speed would be 120/sec.
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Flight distance : 174757 ft


It was an auto-generated nickname, I've changed it since then

I have also done another vid at 50 fps, would you mind a look at that, too?

My father keeps telling me that this is not the quality he was waiting for, and wants me to "repair" the drone by DJI (under warranty). I have spoken to the customers chat, they also told me it is sort of shaking and if I done everything to solve this issue (gimbal calibration, factory reset etc.) it is an internal issue and needs to be repaired.
The idea of using ND filters also have come to my mind. I didn't ever try it, but you are telling me, that slowing down the shutter speed that way can make these pans much smoother?

It was originally recorded in 1080p, so I don't really think that the playback on my computer could be the matter.
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James R
Flight distance : 1423871 ft
United States

The video actually looks pretty good. If you want better quality you would need to shoot in 4K and view with A 4K tv.

As he stated before really pay attention while your filming. You will notice that you shutter speed should be twice the rate of your fps with an idiot around 100,  however without ND filters, it will vary a lot causing issues with the "quality" of the video.
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James R
Flight distance : 1423871 ft
United States

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Flight distance : 174757 ft

I am really surprised you guys don't see that. It is not the quality of the "picture" it is that laggy motion.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1540131 ft
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United States

I would say that your computer isn't fast enough to process the video making look as though it is lagging and jerky. I found nothing wrong with the video. On my computer the video was smooth as silk!
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Flight distance : 385942 ft
United States

As mentioned above, what was your shutter speed at? The combination of frame rate and shutter speed creates natural or in your case what looks like unnatural motion blur. I see the "lag" you are talking about, There is much less if any on your 50fps vid. Leading me to think it's your shutter speed setting. I don't think it's a problem with the drone itself. I think its a combination of settings. The most natural motion blur at 25fps is a shutter speed of 1/50th. Adjust your camera settings so 1/50th shutter is correctly exposed (use and ND if needed) and see if this still occurs.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 44281716 ft
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United States

Try the VLC media player. It seems to  not lag or lag least on video...
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1215079 ft
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Try slow down when panning. and follow the advice from TheMann58:
in #2. ND filters and shutter speed is important to get a smooth looking

Also try follow Youtube's recommended upload encoding settings when
uploading to Youtube.

If you use Adobe Premiere Pro CC the following should help with a better result..
When rendering (CMD+M), be sure that Output and source matches. Same resolution,
and fps you know.

Also under "Video" tab be sure to check "Render at Maximum Depth".
Under "Bitrate Settings" choose "VBR,2 pass" under "Bitrate Encoding"
Target Bitrate & Maximum Bitrate should match the info from the link
Finally remember to check "Use Maximum Render Quality"

If you use another program for editing your footage then some of the rendering
settings might be the same as Adobe's.

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First Officer
Flight distance : 2501575 ft
United Kingdom

Good advice from all , i think your  kit is  working well and the 50fps is slightly better than 25 but i would definitely  give the ND filters a go  .
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1991555 ft

When panning left and right you need to slow down maybe even go into tripod mode the effect you are seeing is normal and caused by the shutter type to make it simple the shutter kind of works on the vertical plain what that means is the shutter pans across the image in a vertical line not on a spherical plain this would be the shutter open in a circle starting from the centre working outwards.
you will notice this most when panning left and right but when you move forward backwards up or down you dont see the issue.
The solution is to slow down you are panning to fast and as mentioned use nd filters to set your shutter speed.
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James R
Flight distance : 1423871 ft
United States

You're panning too fast and into the sun. Try the same test, but closer to sun rise or sun down and see if you have a similar effect. Also pan away from the sun left and right. Not into it.

I see the "Laggy" motion you are talking about. It's barley noticeable, but by slowing down your panning and being away from the sun it should be better without the "need" of ND filters. If it still does it, then you might have a problem with the drone.
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Flight distance : 174757 ft

Thank you so much guys, for writing this amount of reply, I tried everything you suggested.
This morning I fixed the shutter speed to 50 at 25 fps and 100 at 50 fps.
I don't really think this has solved my issue and making the "laggy" motion into a "blurry" motion...
Please check the videos below:

I really hope ND filters are gonna make it better.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1215079 ft
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quzkaa Posted at 2018-3-14 02:53
Thank you so much guys, for writing this amount of reply, I tried everything you suggested.
This morning I fixed the shutter speed to 50 at 25 fps and 100 at 50 fps.
I don't really think this has solved my issue and making the "laggy" motion into a "blurry" motion...

I think the results is ok, except that they are overexponated. This is where the ND
filters will help..
Except of that, i cant se anything is wrong.
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Flight distance : 15095994 ft
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United Kingdom

Looks fine to me too. Good advice throughout above regarding ND’s, pan speeds
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1133038 ft

You're right that the ND will take out the sharpness and make things blurry, that is what some call Natural motion blur. Nothing you can do to avoid the effect other than as other has said many times, slow down speed of movement.
The effect you see is the same as when you watch a film of a wheel with spokes, as speed change, the spokes seem to slow down and begin moving in the other direction. The shutter speed in combination with your pan/movement speed and the details in the picture all result in more or less of the seen effect.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 115384 ft

I think your problem is NOT the video, but whatever computer or monitor you are using to watch the video !  It looks perfectly smooth and stable to me.

If all my video was as smooth as yours I would be very happy.
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James R
Flight distance : 1423871 ft
United States

I noticed nothing wrong other than exposer. This video appears to be smooth for me......I understand the blur issue you are wanting to avoid

At this point and someone  can correct me if I'm wrong, you'd have to get a much better camera to avoid what you are wanting. Not sure if that would help though

I think the issue is that you have too many similar objects is the picture and the camera is having a hard time with it. Try picking one large object and pan around it in a large circle instead of spinning in one spot.

In this scenerio of filming, imo you would want to fly is straight lines due to the complexity of the objects you are filming.
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Flight distance : 321398 ft
United States

fans2614e145  Can you give us some computer specs.  Like Processor, Ram, Video Card(s)  Operating system. Monitor (Monitor settigns)
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Flight distance : 174757 ft

I"ve got an early 2015 Retina MacBook Pro. But I'm seeing the "issue" on other monitors, too. It isn't something radical, only something is not perfect. But I am trying to get used to my Phantoms limits.
Of course I did that fast pans on purpose to test, and provoke the issue. At real shoots I will be more gentle.
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DJI Elektra
DJI team
Hong Kong

quzkaa Posted at 2018-3-15 03:37
I"ve got an early 2015 Retina MacBook Pro. But I'm seeing the "issue" on other monitors, too. It isn't something radical, only something is not perfect. But I am trying to get used to my Phantoms limits.
Of course I did that fast pans on purpose to test, and provoke the issue. At real shoots I will be more gentle.

Hi, there. Sorry that I can not find the lag of your video. Or you can upload the original one to dropbox or google and post the link here. Thanks for your support.  
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1991555 ft

Just remember the slower you go the better the quality you can always speed it back up during editing if you need to.
Ive had to rethink how i fly after sending a few videos into this forum and also got told in no uncertain terms to slow down now when i do videos i do them all in tripod mode at about half stick.
I then look at video on computer and adjust the speed to whatever i like.
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Flight distance : 174757 ft

Here are some links of the original footage on my Google Drive:
https://drive.google.com/open?id ... ZzjpilRq7mfWrFhYoW1
https://drive.google.com/open?id ... x1pVHOvXSMY99wcORXA (especially after 1:00)
https://drive.google.com/open?id ... CK8anI83qkZCXrgj4l9 (also stars around 1:00)
https://drive.google.com/open?id ... PGj-wGjrL5u662DHQ9N

Yes I got it, will be slower in the future, but this is something which annoys me, I've never experienced this on my Osmo or other DJI product.
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