 Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 26781877 ft
Nigel_ Posted at 2018-3-29 01:35
Since DJI_Susan offered to look at it, I would wait for the response, give her some time as she is normally busy.
Assuming that there is a fault with the ultrasonic sensors then I believe new boards are available at reasonable cost if you search the internet, you could replace it yourself. However unless you know that is the problem you may be wasting your money, sending it to DJI to be fixed guarantees it will be fixed but if it is not under warrantee will cost a bit more than replacing the ultrasonic sensors yourself. Their prices are reasonable, there is a guide to prices on the DJI support site.
Not sure if Labroides advice is correct, I have never tested it but I would expect that even with VPS turned off it would still use the ultrasonic sensors for landing, otherwise it can't slow down before hitting the ground since it doesn't know where the ground is. Maybe someone could confirm...
If you turn off the VPS system, it stays turned off.
For most flying, it's not much use anyway |