Yesterday I was flying my new M200 w/dual TB55's and XT cam and it started to fly with a tad drift to the east although the wind was almost zero..then I lose controller (disconnected status). It was within 200 feet of me at this point. Prior to this I had flown for 15 mins without any issues and was returning to my LZ. Instead of RTH due to lost of connection it drifted out of sight at @300 feet for another 15 mins. I thought it was a total loss as I was in a remote area until iI heard it in the distance and it returned to my area near battery drain. I'm not flying it again until I get some answers as it started doing little circles on its own a few days ago and I thought it was the wind although I should have known better as my p4p has never done either of these conditions. I thought all firmware was up to date but now doubt just about anything on this rig and wish I would have gone with the Inspire 2. When I uploaded my flight log it only showed a flight of 16 feet and 2 mins......the drone DAT files are rather large in size but I haven't attempted to read them yet, I did send a support ticket with the flight log to DJI. Welcome any thoughts on this one.