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M200 likes to solo
2134 27 2018-4-14
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Flight distance : 1141670 ft

Yesterday I was flying my new M200 w/dual TB55's  and XT cam and it started to fly with a tad drift to the east although the wind was almost zero..then I lose controller (disconnected status).  It was within 200 feet of me at this point.   Prior to this I had flown for 15 mins without any issues and was returning to my LZ.  Instead of RTH due to lost of connection it drifted out of sight at @300 feet for another 15 mins.   I thought it was a total loss as I was in a remote area until iI heard it in the distance and it returned to my area near battery drain.  I'm not flying it again until I get some answers as it started doing little circles on its own a few days ago and I thought it was the wind although I should have known better as my p4p has never done either of these conditions.  I thought all firmware was up to date but now doubt just about anything on this rig and wish I would have gone with the Inspire 2.   When I uploaded my flight log it only showed a flight of 16 feet and 2 mins......the drone DAT files are rather large in size but I haven't attempted to read them yet,  I did send a support ticket with the flight log to DJI.  Welcome any thoughts on this one.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5978740 ft
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United States

Can you upload the M200 .DAT to Dropbox (or similar) and then post a link?
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Flight distance : 1141670 ft
United States

PM Sent..Thank you
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Matthew Dobrski
First Officer
Flight distance : 1831050 ft
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What app did you used for this flight? Did you perform careful IMU and compass calibration (do not rely on factory calibration!). Did you noticed any warnings related to a compass error or lost GPS lock, resulting in automatic switch into ATTI mode? If so, don't waste more time testing or investigating, return the drone and demand replacement. It's known issue with some M200 drones, particularly when powered by TB55 batts. Don't count on FW fix, it's is a design or manufacturing flaw. My second M200 is flying OK, although on TB50 batts only.
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Flight distance : 1141670 ft

I used the Go app to fly 4.2.8 version with the XT pro on the flir usage on an iPad. I cant get the XT to show up within the Go app (seems to be doid only) so I use the XT pro.  I did perform IMU and compass cal prior.  No warnings on HUD just witnesses the craft  drifting from my planned path then full disconnect and went for a 15 joy ride without me.  I am on 01.01.0600 FW.   Naturally I just acquired four tb55s.  I wondering if I should send them back for four tb50's and the problem might go away?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5978740 ft
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United States

Is this the flight you're talking about (see attachment)? It's a little different than your description. The only disconnect is where the red A symbol is on the image. That was 1282 meters from the HomePoint.
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Flight distance : 1141670 ft

Wow..that is the flight but I was only flying the two legs right of H ("prior to this 15 mins was ok) when it disconnected at the H location as it was right above me and went across town on its own.  None of these are on the controller log.  Both Go Pro app, XT pro had no signal.  I pushed the RTH button on controller about 50 times without any effect from H to A.  Very odd.  Not taking her up again till I get this one figured out.  Thank you...I wondered where she went.   
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Flight distance : 676260 ft

About your RC Disconnected, I've already heard about RC disconnected using XT and XT Pro....
But if your M210 get FlyAway then it s a gps issue and then welcome to the crew.................
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Flight distance : 1141670 ft

Well that's just lovely...I'll toss my rig into that hat.  Do you think swapping my four TB55 for TB50's would resolve based on what you have learned thus far on this issue?
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Flight distance : 676260 ft

Megawisdumb Posted at 2018-4-15 09:25
Well that's just lovely...I'll toss my rig into that hat.  Do you think swapping my four TB55 for TB50's would resolve based on what you have learned thus far on this issue?

TB50 will probably decrease the number of issue happening. BUT, keep in mind your M200 is falty.
If you bought it in the last 15 days, you still have the chance to exchange it by send your stuff to DJI Repair Center by your dealer. That's the best solution for you.
Save your log as proove.

The main problem is , even if you don't get issue by using 2x TB50 (because of the light weight compared to TB55), the issue could appear again when flying under strong wind, or by using heavier payload....

I'm sorry to tell you that, but at the moment your 15K€ invest is non workable and  dangerous for material & human.

I've sent mine there is a month ago... still waiting... but the worst thing is that I'm not sure it will work after DJI repair
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Flight distance : 676260 ft

Megawisdumb Posted at 2018-4-15 09:25
Well that's just lovely...I'll toss my rig into that hat.  Do you think swapping my four TB55 for TB50's would resolve based on what you have learned thus far on this issue?

If you decide to still flying, you need to be aware and always ready to switch from GPS to ATTI mode and  flying/landing in ATTI.
But if you get combination of issue: Disconnected RC & RTH & GPS issue, your UAV can Fly away.... and you couldn't do anything to avoid that.
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Flight distance : 1141670 ft

I had a feeling you were going to tell me that because your probably correct. I was just seeking something water resistance to do SAR at night.  my p4p covers by day time needs.   I'll have to look but probably on day 16 if it follows my  general stance on returns.
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Flight distance : 676260 ft

Megawisdumb Posted at 2018-4-15 09:45
I had a feeling you were going to tell me that because your probably correct. I was just seeking something water resistance to do SAR at night.  my p4p covers by day time needs.   I'll have to look but probably on day 16 if it follows my  general stance on returns.

At the moment, an Inspire 1 does this job safer than a M200....
Even if your 15days waranty are expired, you're still under one year warranty, and they will (try) fix your UAV if you send them your M200... but, it will take times.....

Also, have a look on this thread

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Flight distance : 676260 ft

Megawisdumb Posted at 2018-4-15 09:45
I had a feeling you were going to tell me that because your probably correct. I was just seeking something water resistance to do SAR at night.  my p4p covers by day time needs.   I'll have to look but probably on day 16 if it follows my  general stance on returns.

another RC Disconnected's case by using XT with M210 and an Ipad:
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Matthew Dobrski
First Officer
Flight distance : 1831050 ft
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Megawisdumb Posted at 2018-4-15 09:25
Well that's just lovely...I'll toss my rig into that hat.  Do you think swapping my four TB55 for TB50's would resolve based on what you have learned thus far on this issue?

I don't think so. Apparently the issue is related to the amount of power drawn by M200 motors. TB55 batteries are significantly heavier than 50, causing motors to work harder. I can only assume that arrangement of power cables laid inside M200 casing will determine if they interfere with sensitive compass circuitry or not. Again, that's only my educated guess, impossible to confirm without tearing M200 apart and loosing warranty rights in result. In your case I agree with YOYOMAN suggestions: let DJI analyze flight data and send her for fix. It's a nice machine with birth defect, surgically fixable I believe...  
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5978740 ft
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United States

Megawisdumb Posted at 2018-4-15 07:29
Wow..that is the flight but I was only flying the two legs right of H ("prior to this 15 mins was ok) when it disconnected at the H location as it was right above me and went across town on its own.  None of these are on the controller log.  Both Go Pro app, XT pro had no signal.  I pushed the RTH button on controller about 50 times without any effect from H to A.  Very odd.  Not taking her up again till I get this one figured out.  Thank you...I wondered where she went.

I looked some more at this incident. Quite a lot to see. 1st is that the M200 was the compass errors that occurred starting around time 735 secs. As others have noted these seem to be related to current. There were 3 short SPEED_LARGE_ERRORs coinciding with large currents followed by a longer duration GPS_YAW_ERROR. It was this last error that then caused the switch to ATTI mode.

Next, the M200 did a DriftAway (as opposed to a FlyAway). There were no control inputs so the M200 drifted with the wind for the next  240 secs with a horizontal velocity of about 0.1 m/sec. At time 977 secs the M200 became disconnected from the RC. First it decided that it wanted to Land because of the disconnect and then it changed it's mind and decided to do a OUTOF_CONTROL_GOHOME because of the disconnect. Don't know exactly why it changed it's mind. At time 1110 secs connection was re-established with the RC and the first thing it heard was the pilot pressing the RTH button.

The RC disconnect occurred in the interval [978, 1110] secs because the signal strength dropped when the M200 drifted awa from the HP. After the M200 started returning at it got closer signal strength increased and connection was re-established.

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Matthew Dobrski
First Officer
Flight distance : 1831050 ft
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BudWalker Posted at 2018-4-16 06:33
I looked some more at this incident. Quite a lot to see. 1st is that the M200 was the compass errors that occurred starting around time 735 secs. As others have noted these seem to be related to current. There were 3 short SPEED_LARGE_ERRORs coinciding with large currents followed by a longer duration GPS_YAW_ERROR. It was this last error that then caused the switch to ATTI mode.

Next, the M200 did a DriftAway (as opposed to a FlyAway). There were no control inputs so the M200 drifted with the wind for the next  240 secs with a horizontal velocity of about 0.1 m/sec. At time 977 secs the M200 became disconnected from the RC. First it decided that it wanted to Land because of the disconnect and then it changed it's mind and decided to do a OUTOF_CONTROL_GOHOME because of the disconnect. Don't know exactly why it changed it's mind. At time 1110 secs connection was re-established with the RC and the first thing it heard was the pilot pressing the RTH button.

The machine did what she is programmed to do in order to survive, you must agree. Naturally this is NOT normal, the cause of drifting away in unintentional ATTI mode is not what anybody want to experience. BTW I assume that she was still under your control in this flight mode until the connection was lost due to a distance and - probably - bad RC antenna position. That's manageable if you're prepared for such behaviour. My first M200 was in clear VLOS and I knew what to do in Atti, yet I've got goosebumps for a while...

Once you get this fixed, M200 is a joy to ride. With Cendence I was able to fly 3km away with no issue, didn't push for more yet.
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Flight distance : 1141670 ft
United States

Thanks for the details gentlemen.  Bad news is that it was 200 feet above my head before the drift away and I had zero controls.  I fly my p4 all the time in ATTI mode and am very comfortable with this process.  The M200 would not respond to anything from my controller..I even yelled at it and it still drifted away.  The nerve.  
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Flight distance : 676260 ft

Megawisdumb Posted at 2018-4-16 14:16
Thanks for the details gentlemen.  Bad news is that it was 200 feet above my head before the drift away and I had zero controls.  I fly my p4 all the time in ATTI mode and am very comfortable with this process.  The M200 would not respond to anything from my controller..I even yelled at it and it still drifted away.  The nerve.

several users get disconnected using Ipad (GSPro or GO 4) & M200 Series. It could be interesting to analyze log to compare with yours and see if this issue provides from M200 or Software. ... D427%26typeid%3D427
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5978740 ft
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United States

Megawisdumb Posted at 2018-4-16 14:16
Thanks for the details gentlemen.  Bad news is that it was 200 feet above my head before the drift away and I had zero controls.  I fly my p4 all the time in ATTI mode and am very comfortable with this process.  The M200 would not respond to anything from my controller..I even yelled at it and it still drifted away.  The nerve.

The log shows only a few very brief control inputs after the M200 switched to ATTI at time 761 secs and drifted roughly 1200 meters. And those were just rudder and throttle inputs. I.e. nothing to affect the direction of travel.
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Flight distance : 676260 ft

BudWalker Posted at 2018-4-16 17:02
The log shows only a few very brief control inputs after the M200 switched to ATTI at time 761 secs and drifted roughly 1200 meters. And those were just rudder and throttle inputs. I.e. nothing to affect the direction of travel.


Is it possible to compare with log from RC to really see if there is something different?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5978740 ft
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United States

YOYOMAN Posted at 2018-4-17 08:27

Is it possible to compare with log from RC to really see if there is something different?

I don't think so since I don't know of a way to read the RC logs. But, the .txt file from the Go App will show the control inputs.
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Flight distance : 1141670 ft
United States

Update:  I shipped her off to CA and they sent me an email today stating they have repaired the issue at no cost to me on my M200.  All it stated in the email notice is that the "Remote Controller Main Board Module" was replaced for $216.  We shall see....on her return I will probably fly her indoors until she can make me believe the fly/drift away issue is resolved.  I'll update the forum if they offer any additional information.   

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Flight distance : 19678 ft


hello, same problem for my m210 rtk with tb50. I send back to dji. The problem is known, they changed the modules, there was for 1750 € supported by dji!
Since his return he goes perfectly!
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Flight distance : 1141670 ft

Mine returned from DJI repair and did the exact same thing on first flight.  No words.  I guess I should have flown it indoors as I stated I would. ... &fromuid=654028

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First Officer
Flight distance : 5978740 ft
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United States

Megawisdumb Posted at 2018-5-9 16:28
Mine returned from DJI repair and did the exact same thing on first flight.  No words.  I guess I should have flown it indoors as I stated I would.

The  problem that occurred in this flight is much different than the flight  before it was sent in for repair. There were no compass errors in this  flight. And, there wasn't a disconnect from the RC. All that really  happened is that the connection to the Go App was lost. This would  happen if the Go App crashed or the tablet was turned off.
At  time 159 secs the Go App connection was lost (shown by the pink  background). There were stick inputs starting around time 232 secs and  the M210 responded normally.

At  time 203 the M210 received an RTH command, proceeded to start the RTH,  but it was cancelled at time 207. Is it possible that you pressed the  RTH button several times? At time 215 the M210 received another RTH  command that brought it back to the HP and at time 277 the auto landing  phase started.

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Flight distance : 1141670 ft
United States

Thank you for reviewing the DAT files.  I did not see it doing the circles so it did seem different although I had no connection so my intel was visual only.  I have a CrystalSky arriving today and hopefully can stop using the ipad as maybe it has some issues although I did try another one with same results on the prior disconnects.  I did press the RTH several times (remember my prior experience sent it several miles away from me on a drift) so I admit I'm gunshy on the RTH button.  I couldn't tell which direction it was pointing at disconnect but could see it hoovering.  I'm going to try the new monitor and see were it leads me.   At this point, I would just like to fly around my yard while maintaining control and seeing the flt control/video data.  Thank you again for your assistance.  Had to send my P4P back to DJI this week as the gimbal stopped working after firmware update so I'm having a snake bite May so far.         
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Flight distance : 1141670 ft

After a few hours of error free flight this weekend I firmly believe my Mat 200 is now "fixed" on the compass issues after its trip to DJI repair.  My other issues with disconnecting appear to be 100% related to my use of an iPad as since I started using the CrystalSky 785 I have had no disconnection issues and they were almost every-time when using various iPads.  I do like IOS products but I'd rather look at video or GPS data than a blank or green screen while piloting.   May just be related to Matrice line as my p2p seems to do well with Ipad displays.  Thank you DJI for assisting me to get error free flight...well as at least free of software/hardware errors.
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