First Officer
Flight distance : 927927 ft
United States
This might answer your question
From the Civil Aviation Authority YPA
Drone use is allowed in Greece, but there are several drone laws that need to be followed when flying in the country. Operators must ensure that they follow the following drone laws when flying in Greece,
Do not fly your drone over people or large crowds
Do not fly your drone higher than 120 meters
Do not fly your drone within 50 meters of buildings, people, or vehicles not associated with the operation of the drone
You must fly your drone no farther than 500 meters, or within line of sight, whichever is closer
Do not film any archeological sites
Respect others privacy when flying your drone
Do not fly your drone within 8km of airports or in areas where aircraft are operating
You must fly during daylight hours and only fly in good weather conditions. You are permitted to fly your drone 30 minutes before sunrise and 30 minutes after sunset
Do not fly your drone in sensitive areas including government or military facilities. Use of drones or camera drones in these areas are prohibited |