Robert M Serino
Second Officer
Flight distance : 2350243 ft
United States
Robert M Serino Posted at 2018-4-22 11:42
Following-up the opening entry, just flew my M200 with GO4 updated with the latest 2018.04.20 firmware for both aircraft and standard controller...Used two sets of updated batteries (TB55 first and then TB50), and flew the M200 thru some standard maneuvers and patterns in both open and complex settings that I regularly use to check things out...Today, wind gusts were pretty strong and performance was fine...The FPV camera could be tilted down and back from the horizontal by pressing the C1 button and rotating the gimbal wheel back-and-forth...So far, everything appears to be A-OK...Here's a pix.[view_image]
Did some M200 flying last weekend with fully updated firmware (all OK with TB50 and TB55), and noticed that the dual white lights are easily visible at 1,000 feet line of sight in afternoon daylight. Forward-facing dual white lights are very helpful for reorientation in complex settings, and thought others may find the info to be useful. The 3 AAA batteries per light are good for approx 3 hours flight time.