Default Action Entering NFZ All DJI Drones
1926 27 2018-5-3
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Flight distance : 482349 ft
United States

Sorry if the discussion has been posted before, impossible to find using Forum search. When flying in an authorized zone and the AC enters an authorization required zone (yellow zone) or a restricted (Red) fly zone what would the default action of the AC be? Pause and hover, RTH, or immediately land? Can this be set in the App settings?
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Flight distance : 1192231 ft
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I would say a red zone should automatically instigate a RTH as default.  Yellow zone the AC should pause until the pilot acknowledges and confirms a fly with caution check box.

I have no idea if there is a function in the app for this though. Going to have a look
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First Officer
Flight distance : 482349 ft
United States

Thanks, seems to be somewhat confusing as to a definitive answer, if I remember correctly there was a  post of someone that flew into a Restricted (RED) NFZ and his drone landed immediately and he was unable to recover it.
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Flight distance : 1672566 ft

I wish it was similar to max distance/altitude: only further movement towards the center of NFZ disallowed.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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You will find most of info in your manual.
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Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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QuadKid Posted at 2018-5-3 04:18
Thanks, seems to be somewhat confusing as to a definitive answer, if I remember correctly there was a  post of someone that flew into a Restricted (RED) NFZ and his drone landed immediately and he was unable to recover it.

Yeah I had read that also, I know many changes have been made since, it would also be helpful for those who are confused, to get a more detailed references from dji as to the outcome of inadvertently entering NFZ .
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Flight distance : 1672566 ft

hallmark007 Posted at 2018-5-3 05:17
You will find most of info in your manual.

So what did YOU find there regarding this topic and my comment? Why would you need a more detailed reference from DJI if all the answers were in the manual?
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Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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asaw Posted at 2018-5-3 05:37
So what did YOU find there regarding this topic and my comment? Why would you need a more detailed reference from DJI if all the answers were in the manual?

I never read or answered your comment.
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Flight distance : 1672566 ft

hallmark007 Posted at 2018-5-3 05:46
I never read or answered your comment.

But you didn't forget to downvote it.
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Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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asaw Posted at 2018-5-3 05:50
But you didn't forget to downvote it.

I don’t downvote anything here, in fact I have been one of the strongest voices her trying to get both downvote/upvote removed. But it leads me to believe you might be one of the few that finds it amusing. ... &fromuid=260008 ... &fromuid=260008
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Jos A
First Officer
Flight distance : 84797 ft

It's vaguely , I have once that's my MP , lost connection suddely and rth was activated and when I look up it was flying into an Authorization Zones.  Documents read, it must be flight limited, but how the hell it could lost connection@ 50 mtrs  far and 60 high?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 482349 ft
United States

hallmark007 Posted at 2018-5-3 05:17
You will find most of info in your manual.

The Manual references the preset parameters (non adjustable) and the user definable parameters within GEO cylindrical from within the cylinder / Home Point being the center. I am trying to determine the default action if inadvertently flown directly into Authorized NFZ (Yellow Zone requiring authorization prior to flight within 1 mile of ATC Tower, you can unlock these areas between 1-5 miles from the ATC but not within the 1 mile radius of the Tower) and/or a Restricted NFZ (Red Zone requiring FAA waiver) consider the cylindrical GEO a Yellow or Red NFZ (Fig 1).

Fig 1
Would hate for this to happen

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Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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QuadKid Posted at 2018-5-3 06:28
The Manual references the preset parameters (non adjustable) and the user definable parameters within GEO cylindrical from within the cylinder / Home Point being the center. I am trying to determine the default action if inadvertently flown directly into Authorized NFZ (Yellow Zone requiring authorization prior to flight within 1 mile of ATC Tower, you can unlock these areas between 1-5 miles from the ATC but not within the 1 mile radius of the Tower) and/or a Restricted NFZ (Red Zone requiring FAA waiver) consider the cylindrical GEO a Yellow or Red NFZ (Fig 1).

I can’t give you a definitive answer but from those I talk to your Aircraft will not enter if you have geo NFZ on your drone.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 482349 ft
United States

hallmark007 Posted at 2018-5-3 06:40
I can’t give you a definitive answer but from those I talk to your Aircraft will not enter if you have geo NFZ on your drone.

Agreed, the App will warn you if you are approaching a NFZ which is good if you notice the warning, you can abort and turn around. BUT if you do enter the NFZ inadvertently I'm trying to determine if the AC will act like if you were on the ground trying to take off you get the ' Restricted Air Space, Can not Take off ' message. Would hate to see the AC revert to that line of code and shut down the motors mid air. I believe that is what happened in the post I read a long time ago.

DJI maybe you could ring in on this one?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 10464596 ft

hallmark007 Posted at 2018-5-3 06:40
I can’t give you a definitive answer but from those I talk to your Aircraft will not enter if you have geo NFZ on your drone.

From what I have seen, if we fly into warning NFZ it will stop and warn us about it. If we fly around NFZ it will also warn us if the RTH line will go into NFZ. Red NFZ will always result in forced landing.
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Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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G_Sig Posted at 2018-5-3 06:56
From what I have seen, if we fly into warning NFZ it will stop and warn us about it. If we fly around NFZ it will also warn us if the RTH line will go into NFZ. Red NFZ will always result in forced landing.

From other discussions I’ve had I believe this would be correct.
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Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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QuadKid Posted at 2018-5-3 06:28
The Manual references the preset parameters (non adjustable) and the user definable parameters within GEO cylindrical from within the cylinder / Home Point being the center. I am trying to determine the default action if inadvertently flown directly into Authorized NFZ (Yellow Zone requiring authorization prior to flight within 1 mile of ATC Tower, you can unlock these areas between 1-5 miles from the ATC but not within the 1 mile radius of the Tower) and/or a Restricted NFZ (Red Zone requiring FAA waiver) consider the cylindrical GEO a Yellow or Red NFZ (Fig 1).

Just seen the video, looks like a much better deterrent than geo NFZ . ;+)<
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 98537 ft
United States

G_Sig Posted at 2018-5-3 06:56
From what I have seen, if we fly into warning NFZ it will stop and warn us about it. If we fly around NFZ it will also warn us if the RTH line will go into NFZ. Red NFZ will always result in forced landing.

In my experience, you are correct.
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Flight distance : 13728120 ft
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South Africa

I have read some where that if your aircraft enters a NFZ it will start to land if you do not have permission to fly there, need to find that link and post it here. Near the Beach where i fly is a small airport and curiosity got the better of me and I tried to take off and just hover around the beach just outside of Virginia airport, got a warning that I was not authorised to take off there and the pro refused to lift of.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 482349 ft
United States

Yes Suren, I have had the same thing happen when trying to take of in an Authorization Required (Yellow) or a Restricted (Red) NFZ get the ' You are in a Restricted NFZ - Can not takeoff ' . After a lot of research it appears that if you enter one of these NFZ's while airborne the drone will initiate a forced landing immediately. You will receive warnings (via the App) prior to entering the NFZ, if you should miss or choose to ignore the warning then you stand a chance to lose the drone. Thank you for your input.
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First Officer
United States

QuadKid Posted at 2018-5-3 06:51
Agreed, the App will warn you if you are approaching a NFZ which is good if you notice the warning, you can abort and turn around. BUT if you do enter the NFZ inadvertently I'm trying to determine if the AC will act like if you were on the ground trying to take off you get the ' Restricted Air Space, Can not Take off ' message. Would hate to see the AC revert to that line of code and shut down the motors mid air. I believe that is what happened in the post I read a long time ago.

DJI maybe you could ring in on this one?

Wondering about accidental entry into a NFZ.  
For example: Flying at Maximum speed (not in sport mode),  brief weak Satellite signal results in an inaccurate GPS position, satellite signal comes back and accurate GPS position is determined, the drone initiates a stop, but due to speed it continues forward a short distance, drone is now inside NFZ.

What happens?  (forced landing, other)
Will drone let you reverse course?
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First Officer
United States

QuadKid Posted at 2018-5-3 10:50
Yes Suren, I have had the same thing happen when trying to take of in an Authorization Required (Yellow) or a Restricted (Red) NFZ get the ' You are in a Restricted NFZ - Can not takeoff ' . After a lot of research it appears that if you enter one of these NFZ's while airborne the drone will initiate a forced landing immediately. You will receive warnings (via the App) prior to entering the NFZ, if you should miss or choose to ignore the warning then you stand a chance to lose the drone. Thank you for your input.

After a lot of research it appears that if you enter one of these NFZ's while airborne the drone will initiate a forced landing immediately.

Would be nice if there was Grace area on outter perimter of NFZ.  
Whereby drone would not move any closer to center point of NFZ, but would let you reverse course.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 679 ft

I do not think it's appropriate to look for extreme scenarios. Normal flight from take-off and sudden entry into NFZ! DJI drones do not fly tens of kilometers from the take-off point. Each drone owner knows what distance it is from an airport (example of NFZ) So there can be no mistakes! The restriction imposed by DJI for NFZ helps all drone owners and users to enjoy flights in a legal environment without violating the laws of the country and without endangering commercial / military aircraft!
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First Officer
Flight distance : 482349 ft
United States

HedgeTrimmer Posted at 2018-5-3 12:40
After a lot of research it appears that if you enter one of these NFZ's while airborne the drone will initiate a forced landing immediately.

Would be nice if there was Grace area on outter perimter of NFZ.  

Agreed but at this time it is only a visual popup warning (no audio) with Go4 App, Litchi provides audio warning if I remember correctly.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 482349 ft
United States

I'm going to do an experiment today. Going to fire up my P4P with the motors idling in my car ( don't care about the compass error I will most certainly get, then drive from outside the Restricted NFZ into the Restricted NFZ and see if they shut down and what type of warnings I get on the way. Will post results later today.
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Flight distance : 20072 ft

United Kingdom

I haven't tried this and have no intention of doing so.  I haven't even flown near a NFZ to get a warning on the app.

Even though I cannot currently see a need to push this personally, it would be nice to see a safety border effect.  What I mean by this is, for example, 100m out you get a warning, 25-30m out drone forced into tripod mode to slow its approach, 5-10m out (for safety, e.g gust of wind causing drift) the drone will go no further towards NFZ (will still fly around or away).  I can see how allowing a drone to fly out of a NFZ is technically still allowing flight within a NFZ, hence the forced landing, but I wouldn't want myself or anyone else to lose their drone due to the current setup of enabling the possibility of entering a NFZ then forcing a landing.

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First Officer
Flight distance : 482349 ft
United States

Breezer74 Posted at 2018-5-4 08:26
I haven't tried this and have no intention of doing so.  I haven't even flown near a NFZ to get a warning on the app.

Even though I cannot currently see a need to push this personally, it would be nice to see a safety border effect.  What I mean by this is, for example, 100m out you get a warning, 25-30m out drone forced into tripod mode to slow its approach, 5-10m out (for safety, e.g gust of wind causing drift) the drone will go no further towards NFZ (will still fly around or away).  I can see how allowing a drone to fly out of a NFZ is technically still allowing flight within a NFZ, hence the forced landing, but I wouldn't want myself or anyone else to lose their drone due to the current setup of enabling the possibility of entering a NFZ then forcing a landing.

Well just got back from testing the MP entering a NFZ. Started everything in my car, had the MP on the dashboard with motors idling, Had GPS lock, I was in a Enhanced warning zone, ticked off the acknowledgment  window, App stated 'Ready to Go GPS' started the motors (no props on) let them idle, I was about 300 meters outside the Yellow (Authorized Zone) ring, started driving very slow down a back road into the the NFZ, app warned me I was entering the NFZ, ignored it and kept driving slowly, as I entered the the NFZ the App warned me I entered the NFZ and ' You have entered restricted airspace, aircraft will land in 10 seconds' around 15 seconds later the motors shut off !!
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First Officer
Flight distance : 10464596 ft

QuadKid Posted at 2018-5-4 09:21
Well just got back from testing the MP entering a NFZ. Started everything in my car, had the MP on the dashboard with motors idling, Had GPS lock, I was in a Enhanced warning zone, ticked off the acknowledgment  window, App stated 'Ready to Go GPS' started the motors (no props on) let them idle, I was about 300 meters outside the Yellow (Authorized Zone) ring, started driving very slow down a back road into the the NFZ, app warned me I was entering the NFZ, ignored it and kept driving slowly, as I entered the the NFZ the App warned me I entered the NFZ and ' You have entered restricted airspace, aircraft will land in 10 seconds' around 15 seconds later the motors shut off !!

Yes tested it the same way when I learned about the RTH line and NFZ.
There is no reason for someone to fly into NFZ, we have always been warned about it in normal fly.
The only time you do not get warning is if we can take off before the drone know where it is, but then there is no time for checklist.
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