![]( First Officer
hallmark007 Posted at 2018-5-7 16:13
Not to sure if the noise would be the biggest fear of drones, my neighbour cuts his grass twice a week in the summer his ride on is old and makes quite a bit of noise constant for about an hour, my drones take off from the back of my House noisy yes but only when landing and taking off, so neighbors don’t mind, if I fly around my neighbors for 1 hour then sure they would be more worried about the privacy issue but 1 hour well that’s taking the pi#s, and if anyone continually flys drones encroaching on others peace for long periods then, I call this ignorance.
These drones are not for the purpose of flying around people constantly they are annoying if your going to try do this, likewise taking it to the park on a Sunday ruining people’s afternoon is not on , it just takes a bit of Savvy to not be intrusive with these drones, yes if they can make them a little quieter fine, but don’t go annoying people just because you have the right to fly, have a bit of respect for others who will in turn respect your hobby.
Agreed! Whilst both my drones make quite a bit of noise on takeoff/landing, once they are in the air (and not all that high) the noise level almost disappears. Further, in my experience, the general populace are becoming more aware of drones and have shown an interest rather than fear of them. |