United States
HELP!! Reading through these posts, I'm not finding exactly a solution. My battery has stopped charging after 1 week and 5 flights. The red power light and the LED 1 light constantly blink when I plug in the charger. I can unplu the charger and press and hold the power button and all 4 LED's light up and the go off and only the red power button and LED 1 remain lit. Then once plugged back into charger, the blink together on and off.
I inserted the battery back into the Phantom 3, and it shows it as critical low 4%. The battery readings on the Pilot app shows everything as normal, and battery life is 100%. It's been this way for 24 hours, the battery is not hot, nor was it hot or even warm when I initially plugged it in. I read someone suggested that the charger that came with the Phantom 3 will not charge when the battery is too low and they used another type of charger. I have no clue on how to do that, and really the charger doesn't charge??!!
Any help or guidance on this issue would be truly appreciated. I only have the one battery at the moment so I can't test the charger in another battery. I did order a second battery that is suppose to arrive Wednesday.
Again, help, comments, suggestions greatly appreciated!! |