Second Officer
Flight distance : 4356421 ft
United States
photojunky Posted at 2018-5-14 05:11
Yes, I made one video earlier regarding the fix. How many drones do I own? Too many according to my wife. I own three Tarot's, two Phantom 3s, and a couple of Syma's.
Buy yourself some of the 3-D printed motor reinforcements. I have repaired a lot of these without replacing the lower shell. I take the reinforcements, and before bolting them onto the Phantom, mix up some 2-part epoxy or your Gorilla glue, and lightly coat the inside of them. Bolt them on and wipe off the excess. Totally stiffens up the entire arm. Of course now you committed to leave those on since they a glued! LOL But it will keep the cracks from going any farther and repairs them at the same time. Cheap fix. and yes it is a common problem. I install these now even when I am replacing the lower shell for someone. I insist on it.
Some claim they have never had any issues, and I'm not saying they aren't being truthful, but I have had them myself on several of my own, and numerous friends of mine have had them. It is annoying but after I started addressing them the way I explained, the problem went away. That's my 2-cents. Good luck. |