Flight distance : 1546834 ft
United States
I wouldnt have a problem taking blame if I could understand what I did? If you watch the video, the phantom goes to the center of the river and starts heading up river, it then spins around to face back at me, I guess i could have made it spin but it wasnt intended. The phantom started heading to the right side of the river and i knew i was going to lose site of it. At THIS time i tried to go to the left, and nothing happened, i then switched the s2 to home lock, brought the stick back to me again and nothing happened, i then lost sight of it and tried to climb up, which it didnt do. i then thought i heard it hit a rock and turned off the phantom. I sat there for a few moments looking up river at the spot i had last seen it , i was totally in shock. I figured it was crashed on the other side of the river. i never looked or saw it climbing up behind that tree or heading back to me. I didnt hear it either, the river was very loud at that spot, now i wonder what i thought i had heard that i thought was it hitting a rock? So again, my question is what caused it to NOT respond to my inputs BEFORE It was turned off and went back to its home point? |