Hamptons House
Flight distance : 1560620 ft
United States
Matthew Dobrski Posted at 6-24 12:48
What do you mean by "I can't see where I'm flying"? You must see your UAV by the rule of VLOS, don't you? You still have video feed from main camera, aren't you? You have red arrow display on compass? You have map display? Bottom line: FPV camera view on Inspire 2 is of very limited use, perhaps a bit helpful in twin RC operation. There's many other tools in Go4 app to achieve successful navigation even with aircraft beyond VLOS.
I take it you don't use active track, or you are just trying to be confrontational. When using active track, the main camera tracks the subject, does it not ? So then its good to see what is coming towards the drone in the front. And yes, I keep a visual on the drone, but when flying in close proximity to trees and buildings, having the FPV is a must. So back to using an iPad, going to return this brick of a screen back to DJI |