Phantom Help
Flight distance : 236647 ft
United States
Swiss Tony, when RTH is initiated on the P2V+, it'll immediately ascend to the RTH altitude no matter how close the Phantom is to the home point. I've seen many cases where people were very close to the home point and/or standing over their Phantom when RTH initiated. As you can imagine, that could be a dangerous situation if you're not expecting that to happen. I'm assuming that's why DJI changed that behavior in the Phantom 3.
Other than for testing the RTH feature, there really is no good reason to use RTH when you're within 20m of the home point. And, if your Phantom does start returning home on its own, it's a good idea to cancel RTH and take control back when your Phantom nears the home point. That'll allow you to manually land the Phantom. If you allow the Phantom to control the landing, it sometimes lands in locations that are not ideal and/or the landing is a bit rough since it does not know exactly where the ground is located. It'll just keep descending at the programmed descent speed until it stops descending.
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