Flight distance : 5723596 ft
DJIJAKOB Posted at 2018-7-30 06:33
Seems to be an error with the battery sensing system on some Phantom 4 Pro V2.0. It is very unfortunate, but sometimes this happens. I know from experience the tape trick works. But if not I suggest you open a ticket with DJI Support.
It's always irritating that such a small error (which is probably an easy fix from DJI side), can cause that much trouble.
Totally agree Jakob,
tape works, I have tried this morning with success, the only things occurred was that in the middle of the flight, also the rear leds turns red, I immediately landed to check the possible error and the app, once the drone was landed and with motors disarmed, sign again the problem, solved again with an energic push of the battery.
It's so frustrating, however, that I have to fix a €1600 with tape!!
Hope that guys from DJI here can forward this message to technitian to solve the problem in future models. |