How to submit bugs to DJI ? Without user comments allowed.
823 4 2018-8-3
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Flight distance : 74213 ft

Im so tired of using the forum for asking DJI to fix bugs.

I want to file a report and provide information needed for repro.

Thats it ! I dont want to have a dialog , have you tried this , bla bla bla

If you ever worked with software development , filing a bug is whats needed. Then its up to DJI to prioritize this.

So frustrating to try to explain whats not working and on top of that have other users commenting to this.

For example , it works fine to me , but using Andriod instead of iOS etc

I dont care what you are using and so on. I just want to file a bug with minimal effort.

If there is a way please let me know.

Whats the point of this forum ? To create user poll to get attention to have stuff changed or a problem is a problem ?

This is so ineffective.

Keep to forum to what its good at, tips and trix and knowledge sharing and show of vacation photos/films.

But please keep the bug reporting separate.
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Flight distance : 74213 ft

And I dont need a comment from DJI that they will inform the R&D departement.  Keep it simple.
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Flight distance : 74213 ft

So to start this of , I want to file a bug that we need a interface for submitting bugs. Where we add the information needed.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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Hallmark001 Posted at 2018-8-3 05:30
So to start this of , I want to file a bug that we need a interface for submitting bugs. Where we add the information needed.

If you were familiar with the DJI Go 4 App' you will see there is a 'support' section under 'Me' in the App'. You can also submit bug reports and suggestions there. As opposed to the user based forum.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 23625 ft
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United States

I've received help twice by starting an online Chat Session via the Support link at the website.  I had prepared photo's, screen shots, receipts and was able to supply answers and verifications through Chat.  Each time I was issued an issue # and was able to follow through online that way.  When one seemed to be taking too long, I posted it here and DJI Susan helped and got a reply in about 48 hours.  She's been enormously helpful with each problem I've posed.  So for me, starting with a chat session -when I think DJI is the resource- is the way to go.  If I'm looking for opinions or some general ideas, I come here or to  Lots of helpful experienced pilots there, too.
FWIW, I think a "bug" reporting process would be helpful.  
I'd also like to see something added to member's profiles that list what hardware, operating system, and software/firmware they are using when posting.  It saves "begging" for the information when trying to help them identify a problem.

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