compatible devices
1558 16 2018-8-7
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South Africa

i have seen that the mavic pro is compatible with the iphone 5S but when i attempt to download the app from istore it states that my device is not compatible. what do i do?
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DJI Paladin
Flight distance : 318 ft


Hi there, sorry for the inconvenience. iPhone 5 s is fully compatible with Mavic pro. May I know what is the IOS version of you iPhone? Can you provide a screenshot on the error message? Thank you for your support.
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South Africa

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South Africa

the previously attached photo is the result of the install process. IStore allows "getting" but fails with the "not compatible" when i attempt to install. The camera is iPhone 5S iOS level 10.3.3
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InvisibleName 7
Second Officer
Flight distance : 795653 ft
United States

FlukeFlySwatter Posted at 2018-8-8 00:36
the previously attached photo is the result of the install process. IStore allows "getting" but fails with the "not compatible" when i attempt to install. The camera is iPhone 5S iOS level 10.3.3

Is there a reason why you're not using iOS 11?
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South Africa

No I generally update when requested to do so by the device. I have just checked on the device and the response to an update check is that I am on the latest level.
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Picanoc Jack
First Officer
Flight distance : 11844777 ft

had that problem so went and got myself an Apple mini 4 Ipad, never had a problem since then.
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South Africa

I am pleased for you and I am sure I could spend many thousands more and get another device. I don’t have more. I bought the 5s because it was compatible and I could afford it. Now it isn’t compatible and I have to chuck the drone. Because I can’t afford another device.
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South Africa

sorry that sounded a tad rude. apologies but i bought the drone and the "supported" iphone 5S to fly and i now cant hence my upset.  

What really upsets me is the fact that DJI could correct this in a second by adding the device reference in the supported devices. No additional coding, testing etc. nothing. But they chose to ignore it.  My only response has been an apology. I would have hoped for some feedback as to when they would just add the device.  
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Flight distance : 1883940 ft
United States

Picanoc Jack Posted at 2018-8-8 04:32
had that problem so went and got myself an Apple mini 4 Ipad, never had a problem since then.

There are quite a few reports over the last updates where even the Mini4 is having issues with Go4 app. I know mine does. I thought it was more isolated, but Googling and FB groups are proving to find more Mini4 units not working as well as they did. Go4 app needs some real attention. Updating an app and forcing users into iOS or from one device to an upgraded one is wrong. That's the kind of crap the fruit company pulls on their customers.
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Picanoc Jack
First Officer
Flight distance : 11844777 ft

I feel bad that things are not working out for you, I am just hoping that things don’T change for the simple reason like yourself I cannot afford  more expensive setups. Bought a refurbished iPad, and the minister of finance (the wife) told me that would be the last thing she would allow me to get.
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South Africa

i got a reply from DJI . no answer to problem just asked me to repeat the source and target devices. I am hoping they just add the flag that supports 5s in the next iteration. Meanwhile i  have a device that I have had for 6 months  and not had one flight. Cant tell my minister of finance, she would take my toys away.
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Alex Batalov
Second Officer
Flight distance : 25361788 ft


Unfortunatelly every new version of the app will requiere more and more powerful device as more features and stuff is added. On my Samsung galaxy s6 I can only run 4.1.15 and 4.2.12 properly, 4.2.20 and on , unusable. Just got a second hand iPad air2 and its working perfectly so far. On Android you need a device with at least 4 or better 6 gb of ram, it’s different for iOS. Also you can’t downgrade the app version on iOS like you can on Android. The problem is that DJI do not tell it to the customers and only show us compatible devices with versions 4.2.8 and 4.2.12, which were ages ago and some of those devices are not compatible with the latest app version!!!
Safe Flying
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South Africa

What you say makes sense but wouldn't it be a good idea to remove the device support statement. This is false advertising I feel that I have been conned.  I can't buy an iPad which now leaves me with now having to sell the Drone and all the extras I got with it. No flights, just headaches and a la serious financial spank. I am now dam angry.

I appreciate your feedback, thanks
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Flight distance : 1883940 ft
United States

FlukeFlySwatter Posted at 2018-8-14 04:45
What you say makes sense but wouldn't it be a good idea to remove the device support statement. This is false advertising I feel that I have been conned.  I can't buy an iPad which now leaves me with now having to sell the Drone and all the extras I got with it. No flights, just headaches and a la serious financial spank. I am now dam angry.

I appreciate your feedback, thanks

Yeah historically that is what happens. Recent android update to Go4 app has crippled many many devices that worked perfectly up to a couple months ago.

People just put up with it. Same as when Apple throttles back devices and force their users to buy a newer device to handle latest updates or specific apps. Just gets more people to stand in line for the next device iteration.

DJI for some reason is working a similar theme. Lets make the older devices unusable with our app. My Mini4 as well as many others I know also run into problems. That device handles Go4, but its right on the brink of not being able to.

On the Android side there are hundreds if not thousands really upset that their devices that worked just a few months ago, now have this pixelated unusable video transmission.  Worst thing about it is it only ONE app Go4 that creates the problems many are having.  All other apps are fine.
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South Africa

Still all they need do is drop the devices no longer supported from the compatible list.
All i can say is that this level of service and software incompetence is what opens the door to competitors.  There are others that are cheaper and, it seems, don't offer the same levels of frustration. Granted they may not have the same features but all most of fun flyers want is reliablity and convenience (prepare and fly).   

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Alex Batalov
Second Officer
Flight distance : 25361788 ft


Hi. A suggestion. What I would do in your situation in your place is I would buy for myself a cheap second hand android device and install on it an old version of the DJI go app like 4.1.15
I remember someone mentioning here on the forum that they were using their Samsung galaxy s3!!! With an old version of the app successfully.
Safe Flying
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