DJI Go 4 Ver. 4.30 Crashing on iPhone
1489 11 2018-8-24
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United States

Hello, hope someone can help.
I know this is the same type of topic as other versions have had for some people but I'm going away in a week and the older version worked fine for me. This latest update crashes randomly, sometimes on the start up screen, sometimes shortly after I connect to the Spark.

Does anybody have or can you pull off your iTunes the last version of DJI Go 4?
If I had the older ipa I could install it.

I'm using an older iphone 6 with an old iOS version but as I said, the version before 4.30 worked fine.
If I update my phone it still won't guarantee this newer version will work so if anyone can get me the last version .ipa I'd greatly appreciate it.

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DJI Natalia

Hi, sorry for the inconvenience caused. I suggest you update your iOS version to the latest operating system. We cannot guaranteed the stability of the application if this will work all the time while using the older version of iOS.
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Joller79 DK
Flight distance : 26447 ft

I am also on iphone 6, so thanks for the heads up... I am on ios 9.0.3. And jailbroken, there is a cydia app called. App admin, which lets you install previous versions of apps...
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DJI Paladin
Flight distance : 318 ft


Joller79 DK Posted at 2018-8-24 23:19
I am also on iphone 6, so thanks for the heads up... I am on ios 9.0.3. And jailbroken, there is a cydia app called. App admin, which lets you install previous versions of apps...

Since the phone is jailbroken, do you have a different phone that you can use so that we can isolate the issue? You can also try to back up your files and sync you flight records and then reinstall the APP. You can put your phone to airplane mode and make sure only DJI Go 4  is the only APP running to your phone. Please check it again and let me know if the issue is still the same.
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Joller79 DK
Flight distance : 26447 ft

DJI Paladin Posted at 2018-8-25 02:57
Since the phone is jailbroken, do you have a different phone that you can use so that we can isolate the issue? You can also try to back up your files and sync you flight records and then reinstall the APP. You can put your phone to airplane mode and make sure only DJI Go 4  is the only APP running to your phone. Please check it again and let me know if the issue is still the same.

I have no issue
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Joller79 DK Posted at 2018-8-24 23:19
I am also on iphone 6, so thanks for the heads up... I am on ios 9.0.3. And jailbroken, there is a cydia app called. App admin, which lets you install previous versions of apps...

That's funny b/c I'm also jailbroken but I'm on iOS 9.0.2
The last version worked perfectly for me but I didn't mention the jailbreak b/c people would start thinking it was that regardless of having no issues with the older version of DJI Go 4.

I happened to remember about the app admin tweak this morning and used it and luckily it worked!!
I'm going to extract the ipa off my phone later for safe keeping.
Thanks for the reply with the info, had I not remembered you would have saved me.
Hopefully this will help someone else in a similar situation.

Just for reference, I tried the newest version of DJI Go 4 on my dads iPhone 6S with the latest iOS and it seemed to work fine.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 23625 ft
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United States

skweekymagee Posted at 2018-8-25 10:49
That's funny b/c I'm also jailbroken but I'm on iOS 9.0.2
The last version worked perfectly for me but I didn't mention the jailbreak b/c people would start thinking it was that regardless of having no issues with the older version of DJI Go 4.

Just wondering... why would you think that a current version of flight software that has extremely high resource requirements would run on an operating system that is nearly a dozen updates behind?  I think you need to decide whether your phone is .... a phone ... or a flight controller.  If the latter, update to the current operating system that matches the flight OS.  Without doing so, we could predict that you'll be spending another $400-$500 on a replacement aircraft ;-)
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Joller79 DK
Flight distance : 26447 ft

skweekymagee Posted at 2018-8-25 10:49
That's funny b/c I'm also jailbroken but I'm on iOS 9.0.2
The last version worked perfectly for me but I didn't mention the jailbreak b/c people would start thinking it was that regardless of having no issues with the older version of DJI Go 4.

Non jailbreakers dont understand us jailbreakers...all the goodies ...androis is open source, we get it, but vornurable like hexx, and all those platforms, make them crash all the time...
Ios on jb, is the way...
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United States

WebParrot Posted at 2018-8-25 12:12
Just wondering... why would you think that a current version of flight software that has extremely high resource requirements would run on an operating system that is nearly a dozen updates behind?  I think you need to decide whether your phone is .... a phone ... or a flight controller.  If the latter, update to the current operating system that matches the flight OS.  Without doing so, we could predict that you'll be spending another $400-$500 on a replacement aircraft ;-)

Being a flight controller is definitely secondary being it's rarely used for that on a day to day basis.
Funny how it worked perfectly only one software version prior but I understand being on an older OS eventually won't be supported.

The issue is when companies decide you MUST be on their latest version or else cripple you with no option to rollback regardless if an older version worked fine for you.
Sometimes updates are truly necessary for fixes and/or safety issues but when that's not the case the option to use an older version should be available.
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United States

Joller79 DK Posted at 2018-8-25 13:51
Non jailbreakers dont understand us jailbreakers...all the goodies ...androis is open source, we get it, but vornurable like hexx, and all those platforms, make them crash all the time...
Ios on jb, is the way...

I agree. I've been jailbroken since iPhone 4. So many features Apple "introduced" over the years were taken directly from the JB community.
Lately the reason to JB is becoming less and less and I'm really getting tired of the cat and mouse game. As of now I'm still enjoying not being limited to some of Apples ridiculous functionality and in other areas lack there of. Stock iOS is painful in some of it's operation.
Idk if my next phone will be Apple or Android Pixel line but for now I'm happy where I'm at, keeping my phone working how I want and being able to fly my Spark.
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Thank you, all!
I had the same issue with 4.3.0 on 6+ iOS 9.0.2 JB, previous version of dji go 4 app worked perfectly, but not this one. I used "App admin" and installed 4.2.24, which again worked normal.
Thank you, again guys!
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First Officer
Flight distance : 23625 ft
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United States

skweekymagee Posted at 2018-8-26 10:28
Being a flight controller is definitely secondary being it's rarely used for that on a day to day basis.
Funny how it worked perfectly only one software version prior but I understand being on an older OS eventually won't be supported.

Yes, without doubt the frequency of 'updates' to the Apps and Firmware has introduced countless issues with the only option being rollbacks or downgrades.  Seemingly endless threads have covered these as well as this.... I attribute many of the issues to the bloated Go4.  DJI has attempted to include flight software for all of the aircraft into one App.  Horribly inefficient, and fraught with the probability of error and issue.  The introduction of the Pro 2 has already sprouted TWO updates and there have been zero deliveries.  My 'plea" to DJI is to unbundle the software and support aircraft specific SDK using a fresh version of THEIR operating software.
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